Do you let yor children watch any dvd or tv? I really feel bad some times but we let our twins watch some einsteins ans some brainy babies because at some instances it is the only thing that might calm them down or stop them from fighting! If you do too, which are their favourite?
DH and I don't watch a lot of TV ourselves, so we don't often turn it on for them. I do confess to putting in a DVD a few times a week when we're trying to cook dinner; my dudes melt down at 5pm on the dot and won't let you get anything done! :gah: We also recently went on a long car trip so we bought a dual DVD system for the car, and had them watch DVDs when they got bored. It was the best money I'd spent in a long time!! :good: Their favorite DVDs by far are Baby Signing Time. They'll ask (and sign) for it by name! We also have an Elmo DVD that they like, and a few Baby Einsteins we borrowed from a friend that they enjoy.
my girls usually watch some tv in the mornings while i'm making breakfast/getting dressed (15 - 30 minutes) & again for a little bit in the evening while i'm cooking dinner (another 15 - 30 minutes). otherwise i'm trying to do everything with two cling-ons wrapped around my legs, which, in the kitchen at least, is not terribly safe. we have a channel up here called Treehouse that has all toddler tv, all the time - i put that on & they're usually glued to it until i turn it off.
I have two Treehouse fans here too, Rachel. I try to limit the amount of time they spend watching it, but it's good if you really need to get dinner in the oven or something!
Yes, if the wee sprogs are getting tetchy we put the TV on Cbeebies (Childrens' BBC in the UK). They love a couple of programmes called "Waybalou" and "In the Night Garden". I don't know if these have made the journey to stateside channels as yet. It does calm them down and keep them occupied if I need to jump in the shower or just distract them/chill them out for a wee while. I feel bad though, as lately when it comes to mealtime they totally refuse to eat anything, and then if I put the TV on, they are happy enough to let me put spoonfuls of previously rejected food in their mouths. I really don't want them to associate eating with TV but at the moment it's a judgement call between that and getting food into them.
I usually have sesame street on in the morning-while they eat breakfast...they kinda watch off and on. I do put in a dvd or turn on the tv when I make dinner, and they also often watch a dvd on bath night (every other night) right after they get out-while we lotion then and put pj's on-they are squirmers and dont just lay there for us to do this . My kids are Yo Gabba Gabba fans and they also like baby signing time
Yes, my two watch TV & DVD's...sometimes that helps me to get some things done because some shows keep them occupied. Right now, they are totally in love in Super Why on PBS. My DD even has her own song for it. They also like to watch Sesame Street and Nick Jr. shows.
My kids always have. We dont have "tv" but they watch dvd's. Not crazy excessive, but more than some people like. We have also gone weeks without it... I think its nice to be able to not watch if you dont want to.
My tv stays on noggin or nick jr pretty much all day until 4pm when I change it to some of my shows. My babies will watch it off and on, really only paying attention when music comes on. They do love mickey mouse clubhouse, the fresh beat band, and wow wow wubbzy...they dance to the music!
We are alot like Danielle, mine have a tv on in the playroom almost all day long. It doesn't get cable so we have a dvd player set up and they watch what ever we put it. They love anything with music and dancing involved, otherwise they don't pay any attention.
Mine watch maybe 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon. They LOVE Yo Gabba Gabba and they are starting to like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sesame Street. They are especially interested in music. They love musical guests on talk shows.
I started watching my shows when they were 16 months... they watch 5 minutes then go back to play. I've put kids programs on a handful of times but I can't stand them and I have to use the computer for that so I often don't bother.
I don't know whats wrong with my boys but they have absolutely no interest in TV, its not like I have it on all day but rather for 15-30min while trying to make dinner but no go here. They would rather be wrapped around each leg or destructo-boys to my tupperware cupboard .