Any 4yo still having several accidents a day?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We've been in underwear during the day for 3.5 weeks now and it's still a disaster with DS... he poops everywhere but in the potty and still has 2-3 pee accidents a day. We tried commando, he just peed on the floor and ignored it, and pooped in a corner in the living room.

    He's 4! This is driving me nuts. Any tip except just to stick it out? They get to pick a strip of several stickers in a bin when they go, and they love it. I'm seriously at a loss.
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Liam isn't quite that old, he turned 3 in feb, but the first try at pt'ing started out good, only a couple accidents a day. When he got to having 10+ accidents, I put him back into pullups for a few weeks. We really talked up the " big boy undies" and how Rylee got to wear her big girl undies out, but he had to wear pullups. How diapers are for babies and he didn't want to be a baby anymore, he wanted to be big.

    I tried again this week with undies, he still has 1-2 accidents a day, but it's harder for boys to get that feeling of "i gotta go" before the pee actually starts coming out.

    If it was me, I'd stick it out some more, keep encouraging him, try to catch him while he's pooping and rush him to the potty. Boys just take a bit longer than girls to get it.
  3. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Hang in there! He'll get it!! :hug:
  4. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Do you make him clean up the messes he makes? That would be one thing I'd definitely do. It may be that after cleaning up poopy underwear a few times he'll think it's better to do it in the toilet.

    Do you make him clean up the messes he makes? That would be one thing I'd definitely do. It may be that after cleaning up poopy underwear a few times he'll think it's better to do it in the toilet.
  5. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    mine are fine for peeing, but still will not poop in the potty (well, one will about once/week). one asks for a dipe to poop in, but only if we are home. if we are out, he'll just basically hold it in all day long! the other will poop in his pants so we usually just end up putting a pullup on him all day long..... so, yes, we still have accidents here, too! i think we just have to hang in there.

    i never gave any rewards for pt'g, btw. i read lots of books about the ineffectiveness of rewards and punishments. however, if that works, i'd say to keep it up. and then just hope he outgrows it.

    one more thing. when either of them poop in their pants they help me clean it up. they do'nt like doing that at all! (and sometimes we truthfully just throw the undies away. but again, they have to help). i'd hope that would tempt them to learn to poop in the potty, tho, so far it hasn't. not fun!

    best of luck, jl
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