Anxiously Awaiting Results of Amniocentesis

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by JoyX2, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. JoyX2

    JoyX2 Well-Known Member

    I never had to have an amnio done with my twins, but with my third I decided to go through with it. The blood screen they did around the 20th week tested high for possible down syndrome. But The ultrasounds have showed no physical abnormalities....until the last one. That's what clinched my decision to do it so we can know for sure. The 2 physical red flags that popped up during this last ultrasound were a 2-vessel cord instead of the normal 3, and the kidneys have suddenly become dialated. The specialist said after seeing those 2 factors, we're basically back to square one as far as the possibility of Downs.

    Anyone been through a similar situation and everything turned out fine? I've been scouring the net to try and figure out realistically what our odds are, but I'm finding really mixed information on everything, so the best thing I can do is wait out the 10 days for the results and pray that whatever is meant to be, is meant to be.
  2. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    :hug99: We had the blood test come back as high for Down's, but no physical markers. I hope you have our amnio result - no Down's here. :hug99:
  3. jamey2193

    jamey2193 Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Praying for you while you wait on your results.
  4. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    My dearest friend had the blood work done and they were concerned about down, they had their 3-D u/s and no physical attributes and Alyssa is now here and she is a healthy baby without downs. I do pray that this baby is healthy!
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I hope the baby is healthy! :hug99: The wait is horrible!
  6. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine had a few markers doe Downs, I cant remember if her blodd test was high or not. She did the Amnio ans everything turned out fine. They had a very healthy little boy!..

    I pray the same happen for you!
  7. momoftheforest

    momoftheforest Well-Known Member

    We had markers and the blood work come back possible for downs with our DS who is 2 now. We did the amnio - it was agony waiting, we had it one a thursday afternoon and didnt get the results until Monday. We realized that it was too far along in our pregnancy to terminate, and wouldnt do that anyways, so rather than look for info about odds on the web, we looked for info locally for support groups and help, and located pediatricians and specialist so we would be prepared when he was born, and so that we would deliver him in the same hospital so he wasnt transported without me. After all that, we got the results that he was a boy and he was perfect. and he is more than perfect today at 2. We opted not to even have the blood test this time around or the amnio, we figured we have lost two so far, and we were not going to chance losing another and no matter what problems he was being born with, we would love him just the same. I know alot of those tests give false positives, and u/s's can be just as tricky. Try not to overwhelm yourself until you have the results, then you can prepare if you need to.
  8. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I never did the blood test with any of my pregnancies because of the rate of false positives. I have two friends that went through it and it was so stressful for them. One chose to have the amnio and found out her baby girl was completely healthy. The other, she didn't have the amnio and found out at birth that her son was perfectly fine. Try not to worry too much (I know it's next to impossible) waiting for the results. Odds are definitely in your favor that everything is fine.
  9. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    Something similar happened to a coworker of my dh... she had a very healthy baby boy who is now 3!
  10. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm sorry you are in this wait. My two had markers for downs but I never did an amnio. I'm praying that everything comes out good in the end. :hug99:
  11. **Diane**

    **Diane** Well-Known Member

    We were told our risk with this pregnancy was high after our NT scan came back with a high measurement (3.2mm). Basically a "hard" marker for Down Syndrome. Our b/w results were "normal" and my OB sent us for a level II u/s at 14w. At this u/s we discovered the baby also had a "soft" marker. The baby had an ecogenic focus on the heart. Plus the nuchal fold had increased to 4.1mm.

    So with both the hard and soft marker we decided to do an amnio to be prepared. We did the amnio at 15w5d and got our FISH results back the next day that our little boy had all 46 typical chromosomes. We got final results back 2 weeks later and they were all normal.

    We did a Level II u/s at 19w and baby was growing and looking good.

    Keeping you and your little one in my thoughts that everything comes back ok!
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. :hug99: What a difficult wait. We haven't had all those risk factors but Sierra did have a 2-vessel cord and I believe up to 10% of all babies have them so it's not too much of a risk by itself.
  13. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Bless your heart!! you are in my thoughts and prayers!
  14. momofmandb

    momofmandb Well-Known Member

    We had happen with my twin pregnancy. I didn't have blood work show up abnormal, but my u/s at first showed nucal thickening or possible cystic hygroma (sp?). This was all at about ten weeks. Either of those makers could indicate Down Syndrome or Turner's Syndrome. Later they determined it wasn't what they intially thought but an encephlacele (sp?) (part of the brain is protruding through an opening in a skull). That was a marker for trisomy 13 or 18. It turned out my daughter had a menigeocele (much less severe) and her amnio came back fine. She is now now a healthy seven year old. Waiting is the absolute worst part. Honestly, if my ob wasn't insistent, I wouldn't even have an u/s when pg. I just don't want to know all the possibilities. It can make you crazy with all the what if's!!!

    Best of luck! It is certainly is a real possibility that what they are seeing really isn't indicative of anything. When we were pg with our twins it was never really presented to us that everything could possibly be OK. Everyone really thought it was going to be the worst case scenario, but everything was just fine!

    Good luck!!!
  15. SuzanneTX

    SuzanneTX Well-Known Member

    I don't know a whole lot about it, but I know that kidney dilatation can be a sign of VUR (vesicoureteral reflux) and completely unrelated to Down's. Both my girls have it, and while we have to watch them, in all likelihood they'll be just fine, and it's not associated with other disabilities. So, there may be other explanations for the U/S changes, even if they turn out to be true findings and not just an ultrasound finding. You'll be in my thoughts.

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