Anti-whining program for almost-3-year-olds, day 1

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Our vacation is over, the grandparents went home yesterday, and I've decided to try to cure Amy of the whining (or at least improve it a little). She was totally spoiled during vacation (besides being out of her usual routine), so I know it might take awhile. But here's how this morning went:

    Wake up whining.
    Happy while watching Daddy make breakfast.
    Sit at table, eat for a few minutes, then have a fit.
    Mommy says, "If you need to whine, you can do it in your room." Carries her to room.
    Whine/cry for 10 minutes, eventually emerge whining only slightly, cuddle with Mommy for awhile.
    Start to whine again. Get carried back to room to "calm down." Cry for 15 minutes.
    Mommy comes in, gives hugs. Amy: "Calming down is not working very well." Mommy tries not to laugh.
    Calm down (mostly), come back out to living room.

    Repeat a few more times over next 45 minutes. Snap out of it during ride to school, go to school quite happily.

    Is it too early to tell whether this is working? I'm encouraged by the fact that she did calm down (sort of) a few times, but she sure spent a lot of time in her room.... Being ignored seems to make her really mad, and I don't know whether that's an inevitable hump to get over, or a sign that this isn't the right approach for her. :huh:
  2. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I've been starting to send my 2 to their room also whenthey start whining. I just can't handle it some days, it's gets excessive! I hope she gets the hang of it soon...I think your approach is good.
  3. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    i don't send them to their room, but i refuse to respond/ answer to whining (well, most of the time) - so i'll tell them "try it again asking nicely" or "i can't help you when you ask/talk like that - why odn't you try again" or some variation thereof - sometimes i feel like a broken record, and sometimes we all end up mad (e.g., cam pissed at me that i won't do whatever he wants and me pissed that i have to repeat a bazillion times that i can't help him when he whines) but i try to be consistent (minor whining or not asking nicely they get away with sometimes, but major whining i have little patience for).

    LOL, btw, on the "calming down isn't working very well" comment :)
  4. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    We have done both things mentioned -- send them to their rooms for whining and ignore the whining/tell them we do not respond to whining. Grace got over it quickly, but we are struggling with Elizabeth. For Elizabeth, if she pitches a big fit or the whining goes on too long, we send her to her room so she can collect herself and get a better attitude. That usually works. I have started telling her that I do not respond to that voice and she needs to talk nicely, ask nicely, etc. It seems to finally be getting across to her. She will start with whining/yelling "I want milk" then think about and ask nicely "Milk, please" with a big emphasis on the please. It is a struggle but I think you are on the right track.

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