another uncircumcised penis question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by axpan, May 14, 2008.

  1. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Continuing my last question: it seems that the pedi pulls the foreskin back as part of her check up. does anyone else's pedi do this? judging from your answers I would guess they don't but I wanted to make sure. i can stop her from doing it next time but want to be sure before I do.
    thanks so much.
  2. sarastenzel

    sarastenzel Member

    Starting at 3 years old, my son's MD just gently pulled the foreskin to see how tight/loose it was. He never forcibly retracted it because it wasn't that loose and wasn't ready to retract. My son says it isn't uncomfortable and didn't seem bothered by it, so I presume the MD just gently tugged at it. I think as the boys get older the doctors need to check to see if the foreskin is loosening at all. If it remains too tight and doesn't retract by a certain age (I was told 8 or so) they need to do further evaluation. I haven't ever heard of peds doing that at such an early age, but I guess I haven't really asked around.
  3. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    I read that I need to keep a close watch on my DS's at Dr. appts, because many 'outdated' docs and nurses try to pull back the foreskin. There is no reason to do this to infants - and it can cause pain and even infection!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, my doctor has gently attempted to pull it back at every check-up to see if it is loosening at all. She has never tried to force it, just gently pulls it back to see how far it will go.
  5. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I dont have a son but have heard from my friends who have boys, that they do not allow their doctor to retract the foreskin for any reason at any age. It can be painful and cause infection they say.
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't know about it being painful, I'm sure that would be true if the doctor tried to force it. All I know is that Luke is 19 months old & he has never once cried when the doctor was checking it, he just lays there & looks at her, so it doesn't really seem like it is painful for him. I definitely don't think anyone should try to force it, though, doctor or not.
  7. Holland

    Holland Well-Known Member

    Here in Holland it's not usual to retract the forskin.
  8. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    No doctor has EVER tried to retract my son's foreskin. During checkups, they just take a look and palpate his testicles. That's it.

    Don't let the doctor pull back his foreskin. It is unnecessary and unsafe (painful, can cause infection, etc).
  9. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for your responses. I will be vigilant next dr visit!!!
    I joke with dh that by the time the chiildren are grown we will be ready to be drs ourselves after all this learning.
  10. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    My SIL's Dr was doing that to my nephew - and even told her to pull it back and clean it. She ended up switching Dr's because her's wouldn't stop - and was "right" about it
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