Another Speech question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Ericka B, May 15, 2008.

  1. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I had the boys in for their 1year check up yesterday and I LOVE their pediatrician. However she asked if they were saying ma-ma and da-da yet and seemed to really emphasize this like it was a major developmental milestone. I never really noticed that they don't because they do so much other babbling. If I'm honest with myself they do not ever say mama and everything is dada. They do mimick, like if I yell for Dh (Greg) they will yell GAG!! Or same thing if Dh yells for me they will try to say my name but they don't call anything by any kind of word. Is this normal?

    As for other milestones, they walk, Jack climbs everything, and they are starting to like to put things into other things. Like they have this little car with a trunk on it and they always put the keys in there. James has a stuffed penguin that he hides all over the playroom and then goes and gets it later. They do wave but not as a reaction to the word hi or by only if they are mimmicking me doing it. I wasn't concerned about these things but after talking to her I feel like maybe they are a little behind. :(

    On a side note she did suggest that we hold off on their MMR due to the fact that they both have egg allergies. I was soooo pleased with this, I posted my concerns about the MMR yesterday but everything worked out really well and she was so understanding and supportive of me.
  2. ckkillman

    ckkillman Well-Known Member

    My boys are pretty much the way yours are. My pedi was also concerned at their 1 year appt. that they were not saying mama or dada with meaning. My boys do sign for several things. I'm not that worried yet since they say boys usually develop language later than girls, and they 'talk' all the time, I just don't understand them. I'm interested to see what others say.
  3. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    I have been worried about this too.

    I just asked my pedi about this last week because mine say dad-dee when they see him, but ma is not as consistent (usually it's being wailed when they are hungry or tired!). She said it was not unusual for twins to be late talkers because they communicate in their own language with each other. She didn't seem concerned at all.
  4. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I do not think Mama or Da da is the magic first word. As long as they have a few words...then do not worry about what word it is. One of mine first said ball or ba ba, not Mama.

    Just talk and read to your child, they will learn the words and "when they are ready" they will come flying right back at you like magic. So don't stress it.

  5. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    My girls seem to be right where your boys are at too. Both of my girls sign 'milk'. One of them says the name of our cat, and they both sign 'fan'. Sometimes they'll say 'dada' for my DH but never 'mama' for me. (sigh). We read to them all the time and are a pretty verbal family, so I'm sort of surprised that they don't talk, but so far nothing that we can understand. That said, they both babble constantly and sound like they've invented their own alien language.

    Neither of them walks alone, but they both love to walk while holding on to our hands. They take things out of bins, put things into buckets, and try to dissassemble anything they can get their hands on. We had their one year checkup today and the pediatrician didn't seem worried about their lack of talking. I know they understand me and can follow simple commands. When I say 'Vivi, brush your hair', she will raise the brush and move it around on her head. Similarly, when I ask Ellie if she wants to use the stuffed animal as a hat, she will put it on her head and grin like a madwoman.

    I think all kids develop at their own rate, so don't worry if yours don't have any words yet. I remember reading here that no words by 18 months might be cause for an EI appointment, but before that, just enjoy the fact that your boys can't yet yell NO NO NO at you!
  6. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    My girls aren't really talking either - lots of babbling. One of them says "Ma" all the time, the other has said "up". I swear she said "what's that" today - the hairdresser said she heard it too. They wave sometimes and one nods yes or no when I ask her something. I've really noticed them understanding what I say in the last couple of days. They know shoes go on feet, brushes are for hair, ect.
  7. symercat

    symercat Well-Known Member

    Mine say da da with meaning, but no mama yet. They do try to say the dogs name and some other things they see a lot. I guess these are the things that they hear from me the most.
  8. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Mine said nothing at 1 yrs old .. now they never stop !
    I'd just keep talking to them and reading .. they'll catch on. :)
  9. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    nothing here. They say "dada" but everything is da or duh, or duh duh, etc... When they cry, there's a MuhMuh sound every now and then, that I like to THINK is Mama directed towards me, but if I'm being honest- I doubt it. I also THINK they try to say the dogs name- Dolly- but there's that Duh sound that's everything else! :unknw: The ped suggested we call EI- but I keep holding out, that maybe it'll come....
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