Another sore belly complaint..

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by AmyH, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. AmyH

    AmyH Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone..
    I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow, and for the last 3 weeks I've been having a sore belly but only at the bottom of my belly. I had the same thing at the end of my last preg, so I know it's just growing pains and my muscles. But the last 2 days the top of my uterus hurts. My belly button (that is already sticking out) hurts so bad, it constantly feels like it's bruised or something, but now the top and down the side a little of my uterus hurts to touch it too..

    I know I'm growing lots so I'm sure that is what it is. But I was just wondering today if I should call my OB just to see what they say, or just wait until my apt next Friday?

    Also random thought.. How common are "contractions" this early? Throughout the day, usually if I'm laying down I notice it more, but my uterus gets rock hard for a few minutes.. Not painful or anything, I just don't remember this happening this early with DS pregnancy..

    Thanks in advance!
  2. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member


    I am having similar feelings, especially the soreness in my lower abdomen below my uterus I guess. An acquaintance who is also pg with twins said that for her she figured out that she felt that way when she had to have a BM...and I think it may be the same thing for me. I am definitely going to ask my peri and OB at my next appts though. The whole "bruised" feeling gets old really fast though!

    I personally haven't being paying attention to my uterus getting harder at times, but I think it may be happening to me as well as I occasionally notice a harder I'll start paying closer attention, but I think that even that is fairly normal and as long as you aren't dialating or anything it should be ok. Hope that your OB will be able to let you know what's really going on next week :)
  3. AmyH

    AmyH Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reply! I def. know it's not me needing to have a BM the sore lower belly is like sore muscles. It hurts to walk, to move my legs, to roll over, really to do anything the moves my belly or uses any muscles in my lower belly. It feels as if I've done a million crunches, when in reality I haven't done anything.. :)

    I'm surprised at how soon aches and pains have started. With my singleton preg. I didn't feel like this until the end. I'm trying not to complain too much though, otherwise it will be a long 5 months until they are here! :)
  4. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    haha I hear ya...I am trying not to complain too loudly as I know there will be lots more to complain about later!

    Luckily for me (I think) since it's my first pregnancy I have nothing to compare with so everything is new to me and therefore will be "normal". I can't imagine having a nice easy single pregnancy and then go on to have twins...that would be so rough!

    Good luck in figuring out your pain. I'd bet that it's just your ligaments stretching out and your guts getting all squashed around in there!
  5. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    Hi there, this my first post as I have been lurking. But I have that feeling too, it comes and goes but it is definately very sore sometimes. Mine is worse on the bottom. I am not too concerned about it, so much is moving and growing right now. Also I started having BH at around 15 weeks, I am 21 weeks now, my O/B says it is very normal.

    IVF TWINS Well-Known Member

    I've had it too. I think it might be from the uterus growing faster then normal. I've also noticed mine getting hard once in a while but usually if I drink some water and lay down it stops. I've been taking it as a sign to slow down but since so many of you are feeling it might be normal. I'll have to ask my OB on Wed. :)
  7. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    I'm not getting sore but I've been surprised at how much the shape/protrusion of my belly changes during the day (at 12 weeks). The little guy is still pretty little! But tonight I put on casual pants (with the button undone because they're getting pretty tight!) and 2 hours later I could hardly wait to get home so I could unzip them and give him some more space.

    And can I rant about how all my maternity pants are still too big? I'll be walking around naked soon! (not that DH would mind). :lol:
  8. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    It sounds like your muscles are giving away to make more room for your growing babies. I saw my OB on Thursday and that was actually one of the things he warned me about. He said that I have strong and tight stomach muscles and they are going to give as my belly stretches further and further out into the torpedo shape. I'm guessing that probably hurts and it sounds like what you're experiencing.

    Hope you feel better Mama.
  9. AmyH

    AmyH Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone.. I'm feeling better today, still sore, but not as painful. So I'm going to take it easy today and have the hubby do the housework.. :) That should help!!
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