Another sleepless night ...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by agolden, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I've been up and down all night long and I gave up on sleep around 4 this morning. Every little baby moan, every cat meow, every bird chirp or raccoon grunt and I'm up. My sleep has changed so much since having the babies. I'm so much more alert now so when I wake up, I'm up! I don't know if I should think about taking medication or something. I need to sleep better but I also need to be alert if needed in the night (they sleep through but for emergencies or something). It peeves me so that they are sleeping and I'm awake. I don't know how I'm going to make it through this day at work let alone organizing everything tonight after they go to sleep for our first long weekend out of town.

    gripe gripe gripe
  2. twins225

    twins225 Well-Known Member

    you mentioned you are leaving for your first out of town trip...could it be stress or anxiety about it? i know i always have trouble sleeping before travelling...anywhere!
    there is so much to think about with travelling with kids...what to bring...what not to forget, etc. it's a big ordeal. it could be bothering you without you actually realizing it???

    sorry i don't have much to offer...

    good luck
  3. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I was like that for a couple of months after the babies started STTN. I just could not sleep which was weird for me as I was always a great sleeper. In my case, DH snores; but even when he is not snoring I have trouble sleeping. So, here is what I d0:

    1. I wear ear plugs. They block out most things but I can still hear the babies on the monitor if they are really upset. Also, DH will hear them and let me know.

    2. I take a form of melatonin called Rozerom (sp?). It is not narcotic and is just used to re-regulate your sleep cycle. It was a problem for me when my babies finally started sleeping through the night because I then could not sleep through KWIM? Then, when I started the Rozerem things got much better. It does not knock you out or anything, it is just meant to regulate your sleep so you can get up and tend to the children if necessary. Ask your doctor, it is really mild but helpful.

    3. If I cannot fall asleep I drink a cup of warm milk - it is funny, but it really helps.

    4. My DH and I sleep in the master bedroom but that is on the first floor and the babies rooms are on the second floor. If I have trouble sleeping I go up to one of the guest rooms on the second floor where I am closer to the babies and jump in bed there and usually fall right asleep. Sometimes just changing rooms keeps me from lying their frustrated tossing and turning all night. Of course, I do not use the earplugs when I go upstairs.

    5. Oh yea, when I sleep downstairs with my snoring dh I also have a sound machine on by my side of the bed.

    Hope some of this helps. Otherwise, just know that it will not be like that forever, likely just a mommy phase. My shrink always says that once you are a mommy you are just tons more alert at night and it makes sleeping really really difficult. It always makes me feel better when she says that because then I do not think it is just me going through this!
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP, you need to do something relaxing before bed. No tv, computer, etc. before going to bed. Take a bath, drink tea, etc. Something to help you rest! I hope you get some sleep tonight :)
  5. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I also use ear plugs when I can't sleep. I haven't needed them in a while but right after the twins started sleeping through the night I went through a few rough sleeping months. EVERY LITTLE NOISE would bother me. Ear plugs were a God sent.

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