Another Sleeping issue

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by brandycaviness, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    First, let me start out by saying that I know I am the problem here.

    L&M are going to 2 in about 3 weeks and they have NEVER, EVER slept all night long. When they were born, we rocked them to sleep. Now I lay down with them in my bed and read them a story and they fall asleep (and sometimes I do too :blush:) and then we put them in their beds. We have tried to let them CIO, but I couldn't handle it and now I really can't handle them calling "Moommmy, Mooommmmy" over and over in the most pitifulest (is that a word?) voice ever.

    I am tired! And I know it is my own fault, but still! I have read the No Cry Sleep Solution, but I know going from climbing in mommy's bed to go night night, to being put in their beds isn't going to work well. It probaby wouldn't be such a big deal except they won't nothing to do with DH between the hours of 8 pm & 7am. So it is all me.

    Any advice or special new hypnosis that you think I could try?
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Brandy- I am sorry you are going through this. :hug99: You definitely need to pick something and stick with it, that is very important. It is not going to be easy for you or your girls since they are so used to falling asleep with you and not sleeping through the night. You may have to show some tough love. I really believe that kids sleep better once they know how to fall asleep and stay asleep by themselves (and fall back asleep in the middle of the night).

    I'm not sure what to tell you to try. We did CIO with all 3 of ours. And it definitely was not easy, but it works. All 3 of mine are great sleepers and fall asleep on their own every night and stay asleep.

    Good luck with whatever you deciede to do, it is going to be tough for all of you. But you really need to stick with it and be consistent.
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Brandy, sounds like a tough situation. :hug99: Don't be too hard on yourself, first off, you did what you felt was right. I don't know any other way then to let them CIO. I had to do it with both of mine {actually I've been doing it with Tony the past few nights because homeboy won't go to sleep <_< } Have you tried reading to them while they are in their cribs? That way they fall asleep there? Or reading to them while you are in the rocking chair so that you don't fall asleep? How about drugging them? Kidding on the last one. I wish I had an answer for you.
  4. caba

    caba Banned

    QUOTE(TwinLove @ Jul 3 2008, 10:03 AM) [snapback]858309[/snapback]
    How about drugging them?

    I was going to suggest Tylenol PM. *teasing*

    I wish I had advice for you. I'm sure it is stressful and frustrating. But I agree that you should find a solution that you think might work best for you, and stick with it.

    I was a CIO mom ... and as hard as it was at times ... it worked for me. But they were younger ... I don't know if I could handle "Mommy" being yelled through the monitor either ...

    I'm sure some of the other amazing moms on here with come up with some good advice for you!
  5. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug99: :hug99: I hate to admit that I know exactly how you feel. My dh gets so annoyed at me because I go get them if they cry in the middle of the night. I wait until they are screaming just incase they actually fall back asleep, but I go non the less. I know I need to let them CIO at some point, but :pardon: it's so hard. And, to be honest, I didn't make anybody else, so I know I won't with these two. We eventually have a "special bed" that at age two they can come in and crawl into a sleeping bag on the floor by my bed if they need to. When it starts they usually need to hold my hand, but after a few days they come in and I never know. By about 3 or 4 they are tired of sleeping on the floor and stay in their beds.

    Now, let me tell you how I got Claire to learn to go to sleep alone. I started by putting a chair in her room and sitting by her bed. I gradually each night moved the chair away farther. Then just outside the door, then down the hall, then at the bottom of the stairs, etc. It took about a month to finally get it down, but it was easier on me than going cold turkey. The others I did make cry themselves to sleep at bedtime eventually. But my first child was hard to do that with, and that's where you are at. She was in a big bed and would get out and peek that I was where I was supposed to be (which if the girls are still in their cribs, once you are out the door you are probably done).
  6. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice, sorry. I was a meanie-mommy and did the CIO-thing when they were little too. Just wanted to send some :hug99: because we had a family member visiting last week with her 18mo who tortures her from bedtime till morning. She such a horrible sleeper and I just felt so badly for her Mommy who is just so tired. I hope you are able to get some good advice from some wise mommies!!
  7. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    ((HUGS)) I don't have any sage advice either. We did CIO. It was quick and painful, but over with. Good luck momma!
  8. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TwinLove @ Jul 3 2008, 10:03 AM) [snapback]858309[/snapback]
    How about drugging them? Kidding on the last one. I wish I had an answer for you.

    Kidding, really? Because that was next on my list :lol: Thanks for all the advice. DH is fed up with getting kicked out of his bed and I don't blame him. Maybe I will head to Barnes & Noble @ lunch to search for good sleepy time books!
  9. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    I had this issue with my son. We did not get him to sleep in his bedroom by himself until right before our girls were born (he was 5 then). We started the transition by putting his mattress in our room next to our bed. His dad and I would take turns sleeping with him on it. Once he got used to that, then we started having him sleep on the mattress by himself. We then moved the matress closer to the door. We then moved it to his room, then eventually onto his bed. It was not easy, but I have my bed back.
  10. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(HRE @ Jul 3 2008, 10:30 AM) [snapback]858358[/snapback]
    Now, let me tell you how I got Claire to learn to go to sleep alone. I started by putting a chair in her room and sitting by her bed. I gradually each night moved the chair away farther. Then just outside the door, then down the hall, then at the bottom of the stairs, etc. It took about a month to finally get it down, but it was easier on me than going cold turkey. The others I did make cry themselves to sleep at bedtime eventually. But my first child was hard to do that with, and that's where you are at. She was in a big bed and would get out and peek that I was where I was supposed to be (which if the girls are still in their cribs, once you are out the door you are probably done).

    I was just thinking of something similar that I saw on Supernanny (I LOVE HER!!). She had the parents sit on the floor at bedtime and over time, moved themselves closer to the door and eventually out of the room.

    Good luck!! :hug99:
  11. FlutterbyKisses

    FlutterbyKisses Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Brandy. I know it is a hard thing. I don't have any advice either. I was a CIO mommy too but like Rhea said, it was quick & painful but worked for us. Like the other ladies though, I started when they were pretty young. I bet there are some good books at the library or Barnes & Nobles though. I've heard things about Happiest Baby on the Block but have no idea if it has anything to do with sleep issues. Anyone else know? We did the CIO steps. Put them down, if they started crying we would let them cry for a bit and then go in and pat their back, shhhsh'ed them (gave them a binky) and left. Each time we would let them cry for longer periods etc., etc. until they just got tired and fell asleep. I don't think it was exactly the same as the Ferber method but similar.

    I hope that everything will go OK with the transition for you.
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