Another runny nose w/ congestion...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Faith00, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    For those of you with kids who have allergies...are they are daily meds?? what age did they start? were they allergy tested?
    Grayson seems to have had a few runny nose type colds in the last month. I'm starting to think it's allergies. I've just been giving him Dimetapp or Benadryl. Wondered at what point is a good time to get them checked or tested for allergies....

  2. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    I would suggest calling your ped and talking to them about it, and possibly taking the boys in. Jonah has asthma, and he's on Singular. I'm probably going to be putting Morgan on it soon (at their 12 month well-baby visit). He also has this nasty cough and runny nose every once in awhile. He broke out really bad to canteloupe the other week which may indicate a ragweed allergy. I'm going to ask the doctor to send us for allergy testing. Even tonight we tried hummus and they both got a red rash on their face.

    My guys are both younger than yours, so they can definitely be on it now. HTH. Shannon
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Mine have been on allergy meds since 1 year(zyrtec). Allergy test are not real accurate on little kids
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine went on Zyrtec last fall, so right around their 2nd bday. I give it to them as needed during allergy season. I would definitely talk to your pedi about it. It helped mine alot!
  5. Tracy623

    Tracy623 Well-Known Member

    Alex has been on Zyrtec since a year and Emma shortly after that. I have BAD allergies and they seem to have inherited them. They always had runny noses, would sneeze and cough. I would get the "hairy eyeball" from other moms thinking they were sick. It has worked great although we have needed to up their dosage as they have gotten bigger.

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