Another question from the newbie....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tamaras, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Is this pretty standard for everyone to feed every 3 hours in the beginning and if so did you wake the babies up if they were sleeping at the 3 hour mark to feed?

    Ughhhhh, I have so many questions, I suppose I should do searches in the forums since this has probaby been discussed a bazillion times!

  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I did wake my babies to feed every three hours. Overnight, we would wait four hours. If one woke, I would wake the other to feed.
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member


    Welcome... and congrats on your babies! Yes, it's totally normal for newborn babies to eat every three hours. My twins usually woke up to eat every three hours, but if they didn't, I woke them because they were pretty small and needed the calories.

    Good luck!
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I did not wake mine up every three hours (usually they woke on their own) but if not I would let them go to 4 hrs and then wake them if they didn't on their own. The girls were pretty much on a three hr schedule with a few times going to 4hrs. Mine were good sizes at birth and I wasn't worried about them with weight either since they were good eaters. But I did wake the other one if one got up so they both stayed on the same schedule. At night I just let them wake me up and didn't get them up even after 4 hrs I just let them sleep.
  5. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    Mine have been eating every two hours since they came home from the hospital. I do try to let them go longer than that but they always end up screaming at the two hour mark.

    And as far as asking questions.........ask away. I know whenever I wonder about something I always ask on here and get a very good answer. Congratulations on the birth of your little ones.
  6. Lynner405

    Lynner405 Well-Known Member

    Mine eat about every three hours. I won't let them go past four hours...although they rarely go that long in between feedings anyways. When one wakes up at night I get the other one up at the same time to eat (DH helps with the night feedings) so that . During the day I try to stagger their feeding about a 1/2 hour apart so that I can hold each one while I feed them.

    I stressed out alot about what to do with the babies when I first brought them home. Now things are a little easier since I know their personalities better. Don't worry to much...I am sure you are doing great!
  7. navywife2bmom

    navywife2bmom Well-Known Member

    Im being told the same... to feed every 2-3 hours.. and i have to give the breast to one and then formula.. since she has lost over 10% and the other gets just straight breast milk.
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We were told to feed our twins every three hours overnight by the pediatrician at the hospital until we see our pediatrician for the first time, which is on the tenth, and I am hoping that we will be able to let ours go longer overnight. My brain is foggy and I miss sleep longer then a short nap!
  9. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(navywife2bmom @ Jan 5 2008, 05:10 PM) [snapback]559007[/snapback]
    Im being told the same... to feed every 2-3 hours.. and i have to give the breast to one and then formula.. since she has lost over 10% and the other gets just straight breast milk.

    Can't you pump and add formula to the EBM? That is what we did for our preemies and they gained like champs. I guess I'm just thinking of the antibodies and such that are in BM that are not in formula. It feels like the best of both worlds to us.

    We've also fed every three and if they want to eat after two hours that's fine and if they go four hours that's fine too. At first we wouldn't let them go more than four. Now we probably would, but they'd never allow it. :icon_biggrin:
  10. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Girl you have TWO newborns at home. You don't have TIME to do a search. Ask away!!!

    We did every three hours, and woke them to eat even at night. At our two month appt (kids were almost 6 weeks early), we were given the go ahead to let them keep sleeping at night if need be. But sure enough, they woke up like clockwork every three hours for the next couple weeks.
  11. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    3 hours is a pretty standard amount of time between feedings. Since they were a little small, we woke up our girls for the first month. We didn't wake up Dax.
  12. Cynthia3200

    Cynthia3200 Well-Known Member

    Yes, we feed every 3 hours. Our dr. told us that at this age, they need to eat every 3 hours because of immature systems, their blood sugar will drop if they don't eat that often. Luckily one of them always wakes at the 3 hour mark and we will wake the other one to eat if she hasn't waken by the time the other one has finished eating.

    It's VERY tiring!! Our next dr. appointment isn't until the girls are 2 months old (mid-February) so I'll get her opinion again then.

    How are things going? I've been thinking about!
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