Another Question about Lia

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mollyjm, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Ive posted about some of the problems and worries with Lia in the past.

    Sorry I haven't had time to be on here much, but I have another question.

    Just even typing this is enough to break me down in tears. She is still having so many problems. I'm still working with her Dr to figure it out. The hardest one is the odd screaming. If she's not physically touching me, she is having a down right panic attack. Sometimes I just feel like the joy is sucked right of me.

    my question: Should I just give in, get a baby back-pack and just carry her around with me all day?

    I have bad back problems and a neurological disorder that could make this difficult, but I don't know what else to do.


    Edit to add- Im worried about just feeding into the problem and making it worse.
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm so sorry you're still having problems :hug: It's great that you're talking to a doctor about it!
    Do you have a schedule? Maybe add in 10 minutes twice a day that you leave her in a babyproof area with some new or favorite toys. I would give her toys that she only plays with in there and make it the same time of day, every single time. That way she will come to know that this is her alone time and that you WILL come back. Hopefully you can push it out to more time and this can help her be more independant.
    Good luck! I hope you can get some other suggestions.
  3. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    I have really solid good schedule, but Ill try to add something like this in

    Right now I don't hold her all day (for fear of making things worse and I just can't) but that means she screams all day.
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. :hug: I've complained about Jack's attachment issues in the past, but it's not nearly as bad as what you describe. :( Has the doctor given you any ideas of what's causing this and how to treat it? Can you get referred to a specialist, or a therapist?

    If it were me, I'd probably go ahead and sling her. That may not be possible with your back problems, but I couldn't take the screaming for any more than a few minutes. When Jack is very bad, we just dedicate a lot of time to holding him to try and give him the reassurance he needs. I think it's paying off, because he's getting less clingy, but again, his issues are not nearly so severe.

    I really really really hope you can get some answers and find a way to bring your daughter some relief. :hug:
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