Another PT thread... almost 3 and a half

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsBQ02, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    First off, we're doing well with J. I've got a deal worked out with him- he wears his underpants and he stays dry, and he does really well with telling me he needs to go. Haven't had a pee accident in over a week. He still won't poop in the potty, but our agreement is he tells me he needs to poop, and he can wear a diaper IN the bathroom and go. Sometime, somehow I'll figure out how to transition that, but I know I probably need to tackle his constipation issues first.

    But here's my big question for you-- B still doesn't seem to stay dry ever. I don't know that I have ever found him with a dry diaper on, there's always some amount of pee in there. I keep asking him if he wants to go, he says no, he wants to pee and poop in his diaper. I've told him that he'll have to go to the class with the little kids while J gets to go with the big kids at school, and he told me he'll go with the little kids. He is, in general, a very stubborn kid, so is it just pure stubborness or is he actually still physically incapable of holding his pee? Every now and then, when J goes and gets M&Ms, he'll want to go, and he'll sit and trickle out the tiniest bit of pee and then want candy for it. :nea: I'm debating trying to do the naked method with him, but I haven't figured out the logistics to that. If we go in the back yard, he'll want to swing/go down the slide and that can't be good on a bare bum. And the house is carpeted, the kitchen is hard to block off as well to prevent him going into the carpeted areas. But I'm wondering if I just need to wait it out, and hope that one day he'll wake up and decide he's ready? Do I need to take him to the ped? Do I need to boot camp/force it?? I'm clueless.... :help:
  2. heybabalou

    heybabalou Well-Known Member

    Ditch the diapers, and ditch the pull-ups for all but naps and overnight. That is what got our kids going. If you are worried about going out, use the Gerber training pants with an extra plastic cover to make clean up easy.
  3. mish_lewis

    mish_lewis Well-Known Member

    I have been working on PT for months with my little one.....he too wants the diaper.
    I honestly think I have trained him to go in his diaper!

    So I stated the naked thing from the waist down. I put a potty down stairs for easy access and one upstairs. I encouraged him to go every hour, until he just started going on his own. (We would wear pull-ups when we went out in public and I would take him to the bathroom every hour, even if he said he did not have to go.) After a month or so of him going on his own I started putting "big boy underwear" on him and working on pulling them up and down. I now have ditched the pull-ups and we wear under wear all day. I now have started dropping the diaper at nap time. I put a pad underneath him, but he has not had any accidents. He potty's on his own. I am going to give this another month then try and ditch the bedtime diaper. Each phase has taken about I month. We started this at the beginning of the summer.

    My son will be three in Sept. and I have 10month old twins.....this has not been an easy process at all! It has been the most challenging thing so far...with all three of them.

    He has started Pre-K3 last week (3 days a week, 1/2 days) and everyone in his class is potty trained. It is a rule at his school that in order to be in the 3year old class they must be potty trained. (crazy right!)

    I guess I am saying that it took time.....but it work for us. It was not one of those "he just decided" things or a weekend of boot camp. (which I tried and failed with BTW)

    He still asks for diapers and still tells me he does not need to go, when I put him on the potty in public.....but we are a work in progress.

    Good Luck!
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I just bought and am following the eBook from this website for the 3day potty training.

    I love everything about it. I highly recommend it. She really puts a different twist on it and it is working for us.

    We've been training for almost 4 months (though took 2wks off for vacation)... I didn't go full force and did diapers at nap & nights... this is so totally opposite, ditch ALL diapers.

    My dd woke up dry for the 1st day nap and night and 2nd day nap. My ds really wet for the 1st nap, then a little wet on the over night and DRY for the 2nd nap. They are currently asleep for the night of Day 2.

    She has some hints on pooping in the potty... I have yet to see them work... but hopefully in another couple of days...

    anyway for $24 I highly recommend. and she gives feedback via a message board included in the price.

    good luck with PTing! I am pleased with our results so far!!
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    Good luck, when I was PT mine I took them every 20-30 min. that really helped. I would sit them both on a toilet and turn on the water (that always helped) and sit for a minute or so. every 20-30 min means they hopefully don't ahve time to have an accident in between. Slowly it was less often. We still wear diapers at night and are often dry so I need to tackle that next.

    What else motivates him? sticker chart wtih new toy at end? call and tell daddy, grandma, aunt on the phone? go somewhere fun? have him choose a reward that he gets.
  6. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    I have bought that ebook, but I don't think it's quite for us, or at least right now. Being a "single for now" mom, I just can't focus 100% of my attention on one kid 100% of the time to make her process work.

    I like the plastic pants/training pants idea. I found some 2 in 1 types online that I think I'll order. That might help at least get some realization going. Otherwise, I'm REALLY tempted just to let him be happy in his diapers for the next couple of months and wait until DH gets home and let HIM deal with it! I don't think it's quite fair that I'm having to potty train two boys all by myself! :wacko:

    I just don't get how he still seems to ALWAYS be wet!!!! :unknw:
  7. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    If he is being stubborn, I would just let it go for a month or so. You will find that if you don't ask him at all, he will suddenly start coming to you to ask to go. Once you remove the pressure of him having to go, and allow him to make a choice, he will want to train. BTW, the timer never worked here, they would both fight me, and when Marc about cracked his head open on the toilet, I decided to let it go for a while.
  8. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I took Ian's pull ups away last summer - the first day he NEVER made it to the potty but it accomplished 2 things...

    1. I got his rhythm - it seemed like he was having an accident every 45-50 minutes and
    2. Every time he peed on the floor he got a paper towel to mop it up (I followed behind with the rug stick to scrub it but he had to mop up the puddle)

    the second day I took him to the potty every 40 minutes for a pee...I would try to stretch it to 45 minutes and if I waited until 46 minutes he'd have an accident - which was OK he just mopped it up...

    by the 3rd day he was telling me he had to go on his own

    by the 5th day he was going on his own without telling me!

    Poop was another story but I won't go into those details!

    He still wears a pull up at night but 98% of the time they're dry and we use them for a 2nd seems like when we take the pull up away at night he has an accident...and I'm tired of changing beds at 4 am!
  9. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I have read this over and over and it does work. We were at our wits end with Tyler and the Ped said put him in diapers for 2 months and dont ask and then try again. And he was ready. This was about 5 months ago. We did great until we moved earlier this month and now he has totally regressed. So much so, that I put him back in diapers today. I am so sick of cleaning up poopy underwear. :gah:
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