Another Preschool question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marcy874, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    My girls will be 3 on the 30th. I just started doing some research on Preschools in our area. I work 3 days a week, so we'd be paying around $200/mo for them both, on top of our current daycare costs, for them to go to preschool. I'm just wondering whether they really need 2 years of preschool or if 1 is enough to get them ready for Kindergarten. They already know their ABCs (can sing them and know the letters by sight), can count to 10-15 and are pretty good at counting objects, know their colors and most of their shapes, I just got them scissors and they're already showing progress with them.

    We are in a moms club, so they do socialize at playgroups, library storytime and at the sitters.

    The preschools here are 2 days/week for 2.5 hours for the 3 year olds, 3 days/week for the 4 year olds. It just seems like a lot of money to spend for such a short amount of time for 2 years. I realize the social skills they'll learn would be valuable, learning to sit quietly, line up, take direction, etc., but would one year of this not be enough to get them ready for Kindergarten.

    Not trying to be a total cheapskate, just trying to weigh our options and figure out whats best for us. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I totally understand your concerns. Based on the information in your post regarding the preschool, I think it would probably be more worth your while to send them the year before Kindergarten. It seems that they are pretty smart and are where they should be already for their age, so it might be more beneficial to send them the year before they start school, b/c there might be a better chance of them learning something they dont know, and the routine and structure of the school might stick with them better if its just for the summer and then they go to elementary school. My son is almost 5 and this is his last year in preschool (late birthday) and I think this has been the year that he is really making the most progress and really shining through. Im so excited for all he has learned this year.

    I dont know if that really came across the way I thought of it in my head, but basically, if money is a concern (as it is with everyone right now) and you are able to continue working with them at home, I think 1 yr of preschool is definitely enough. (My opinion was just that it should be when they are 4 instead of 3)

    Good luck with your decision!
  3. mel&3

    mel&3 Well-Known Member

    We're pretty much planning on doing the same thing for the same reasons. They have a local preschool that does a kindergarten readiness program at 4, and I think that's going to be the way to go. Here, it's $180/mo for 3 day a week preschool, which isn't bad, but it's still a little more than we can pay for a 2 year span without me working. Glad to hear it's not jsut me considering this.
  4. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Our ped said the one of the biggest things about starting preschool at the age of 3 is them learning to take direction from someone else. If they are already doing this at daycare or the library, etc...I do not think it would be a big deal to wait a year.
  5. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input! I'm just torn. I know they'd probably be perfectly fine with just 1 year, but the mommy guilt of wanting to make sure they've got every advantage they need kicks in. Although, I know I can teach them all the basics too. I guess I have another few months to think about it.
  6. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I sent my oldest to 2 years of preschool and my second to one year. My second child did not miss out on anything education AT ALL by only going that last year before school! Don't think you are making them miss out, you most certainly are not. They will be just fine with only one year. Heck, there are plenty of children that don't go to any preschool (and that's ok too).
  7. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(HRE @ Nov 17 2008, 11:50 AM) [snapback]1073853[/snapback]
    I sent my oldest to 2 years of preschool and my second to one year. My second child did not miss out on anything education AT ALL by only going that last year before school! Don't think you are making them miss out, you most certainly are not. They will be just fine with only one year. Heck, there are plenty of children that don't go to any preschool (and that's ok too).

    Thanks! It helps to have input from someone who's done it both ways! My friends nephews neither one went to preschool and they're teachers always talk about how smart they are and how well they're doing in school.
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