Another preschool question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Right now, my girls are in a small home daycare 2 full days per week. In the fall, we are hoping to put them in preschool. I'm a SAHM, but I have 2 chronic illnesses and many dr, PT, Chiro, etc appts. Which means I need time for my medical appts and also down time to rest and recover and gather strength for the days I have them.

    We were originally thinking 3 full days per week. But now I"m considering 5 mornings per week. Maybe this would be better for their routine? Assuming they continue to nap.... I would be able to bring them home and put them down for naps and still have some down time. One of my concerns about full day, is that they often don't nap much or at all at daycare and I assume they'd nap even less in the preschool environment (more kids, not as dark, etc). No napping = cranky kids and more sicknesses.

    I don't know...... I need to speak again with the director. I know they offer many options, but some they don't recommend for various reasons...... Any advice?
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    They might nap better at school because they are going to be really stimulated and more running around etc. probably. I wouldn't assume they won't nap there!!
  3. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    At age 3 my boys went to preschool 2 mornings a week. They came home at noon having eaten lunch and fell asleep for a long nap! They didn't have nap time at their preschool, but it definitely zonked my boys out. They were close to giving up their naps at that age, but preschool definitely prolonged it an extra year or more. I loved that! Not only did I have 2 free mornings, but most of the afternoons too :):)
  4. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    At our school we rarely had a child awake. With a busy morning when it came to naptime we would have lights out, soothing music, and would rub backs. Many parents said that their kids don't nap at home and they napped every single day at school. They also see the other kids laying down and they get bored and crash.
    As to 3 full days and 5 half days, it just depends. I would love to put my guy in 5 half days. He would know what to expect everyday and for some kids having a day off between is like starting all over again in getting comforatble at the school. My oldest goes Tues./Thurs. And he is just getting "into" school for the week when he is off for 5 days. Does that make sense?
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Because of your medical needs, I would lean towards the 3 full days. I think it would be harder on you if you had to stress about being back for the midday pick up. The kids will adjust to whatever routine you pick--so pick what works for you as well!
  6. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I would go for 3 full days unless the school is next to your house or so. Otherwise you have to get them in and out of the car / house 5 times a week, and only for a relatively short morning. With 3 full days you'll get more time for yourself, and less driving in total.

    My oldest started with 2 full days at age 2 and then 3 full days at age 3. She's now doing 4 mornings, but only because it works differently here in the Netherlands. In September she'll start school and then she'll go 5 days.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I think Sharon has a really valid point Safari!! Definitely something to consider!!
  8. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    I vote for the full days as well. I wish we had that option. Mine go two mornings a week now, but next year it will be five mornings. Even though you would think they are so tired after class, they don't typically nap so well afterwards...perhaps they are getting ready to give the nap up. I think it will be more convenient for you to know you have a full day to schedule appts and won't be stressed about things running late.
  9. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    thx gang. we are going back to the 3 full day idea. dh & i talked about it last night and he thought i was crazy for even considering the 5 day thing (cuz of my health issues). so we'll stick w/ that plan. thx.
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