Another potty training question....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by eagleswings216, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Okay, so I know I've posted potty training questions before....I still haven't started with my guys. My gut instinct says they are ready, but I have had SO many people say I better not start too early or I could really mess things up. They are only 22 months, and most of this is coming from parents whose kids are 2.5-3 and not potty trained yet, some of whom claim they tried early on and feel that really set them back.

    So, what are your all's feelings? Will it mess them up if I try and it is too soon???

    Also, for anyone who has potty trained boys this age, did you do the 3 day method or the "stress free potty training for boys" method? The stress free method sounds like it might be less pushy, and it doesn't stress ME out as much to think about it since it goes in sessions and not entire days.

    I guess maybe the one whose not ready for potty training is me! :laughing: :unknw:
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    A big part of PT-ing is not only the child being ready but the parent too. It really depends on the child (or children). I always say it's worth trying and seeing how it goes and if they just don't seem to catch on right now, there is no shame in shelving it and trying again later. I don't think you will mess them up by trying too soon or too late.

    I have b/g twins. I attempted to train them at the same time right after they turned 2. My son started out great and then just completely stopped. Meanwhile my DD, just kept progressing. The first time she peed on the potty, she did not look back, she progressed from pull ups and staying dry when she was awake, to underwear during awake time & pull ups at nap and bedtime, to underwear all day including naps and then eventually underwear at bedtime. I would say she was day and night trained by 2 years 8 months.
    My son however, completely stopped using the potty. We put him back in diapers and he got to the point of holding his pee and poo for naptime and bedtime. We figured if he was able to do that, then he could learn to use the potty and that's when we did the 3 day PT program with him. I won't say that he was PT-ed in 3 days, but within 4 days a potty resistant boy was using the potty and staying dry during awake time ...eventually progressing to dry at nap within 2 weeks and dry at night later on.
    It's really up to you and what method you think is best. You don't want to be stressed out and therefore stress out them. Like I said, you can always try and if it doesn't seem to be taking yet, it's okay to stop and wait until another time.
    Good luck with your decision!
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Nancy. Also, I think when you run into trouble with them resisting PTing because of an early attempt is when you try, see that they aren't into it but keep trying to force the issue. Then it just turns into a power struggle that you can't win. If you try and they aren't into it & you just drop it for a few weeks/months I think it's usually fine. Of course you have to take your kids personalities into account as well. We tried on & off from 18 months but the girls didn't catch on until just before their 3rd birthday. I think all the times before hand helped prep them for the finale though & don't regret the earlier attempts.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Like Nancy and Rachel I don't think you will set them back by trying. But keep those expectations realistic, and realize if it doesn't work, you need to just step back and back off for a month or even a few months.

    I started training my oldest around age 2. We jumped heave ho into it shortly after his birthday. He started off great, but within a couple of weeks he was balking at going on the potty and having a ton of accidents. The day I said "Time to go potty" and we both burst into tears was the day I realized this was not happening right now. I quit completely. A few months later we tried again, and within a week he still wasn't even close, so I quit again, this time with much less stress. Just before he turned 3, he decided he wanted to pee on the potty like daddy, and it was all downhill from there! Went straight into undies and did fantastic.

    I tried hesitantly to train my dd at age 2, the twins were due when she was 2.5, but she wasn't ready. We missed that 2.5-3 yr window because the twins were newborns. Shortly after she turned 3 we really talked it up, how she was the "big sister" and she needed to show the twins how to go potty, and when she was 3.5 she potty trained instantly.

    I'm not really big on pushing things, but I see no issues with trying :)
  5. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    I say it's a little too early. I would wait until 2 1/2 at least. Maybe even 3. Unless they are showing a lot of interest. Seems like those that try to train at age 2 are still training months later and arent fully trained until age 3 anyways...I am not one to rush things either. I trained my DD at age 3 with little problems (minus a fear of pooping in potty). My twins are 14 months and I don't plan on training until close to 3. At which time I will move them from cribs too. Seems like little resistence at age 3 for both PT'ing and moving to big beds:)
  6. southernmommy

    southernmommy Well-Known Member

    I don't think its too early at all. Personally I think its easier to train before they are 3 and turn into the 'I'm going to do the complete opposite of what mommy wants' child. I would try and see how they do. As long as you don't make it stressful for them I don't see how you can mess them up if they aren't ready.

    I start the potty training process around 18 months. Just letting the kids run around naked or sitting them on the potty and watching us use the bathroom and explaining what is happening. 4 of my kids were potty trained before they turned 2 and my other son potty trained himself at 2 1/2. My twins are 17 months and the one is already showing signs of knowing when she pees and poops in her diaper.

    Good luck!
  7. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Vietnamese people train their kids very early, close to 2. My friend did to her daughter. And when she wanted to go bathroom, she called her mom. That was 2 months before her 2 yr old BD. My friend said sometimes accidents happened. So in my opinion, it's not too early at all.

    In developing countries, kids are trained early. Here diapers are so convenient I guess. I know many kids still wear diapers after 3-4. That's just unacceptable to me. If you think you all ready, go for it. Gl!
  8. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reassurance everyone. I guess we'll just give it a whirl and see how it goes. I definitely won't force them to do anything they don't want to do, because that will just make us all miserable!!
  9. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My mom swears that ALL her kids (4) were potty trained at 18 months. I know with my brothers, that 18 months ended up in the summer and I know there were LOTS of 'puddles' right outside the door. My SIL potty trained her first daughter at age 2. She regressed when sister was born 6 months later... and STILL has accidents sometimes at age 6. When the child is 18 months old you have to look at 'who' is being trained.. the parents to remind the child or the child. Good luck! My twins were potty trained at 3 years, 1 month, BUT at 22 months my dd came up to me and said 'potty chair.' She wasn't ready at that point.
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  10. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    I suppose it just depends on the readiness of the baby and patience of the mother:) Eh...age 2 or 3, no major difference in the grand scheme of life!!I wouldn't go so far to say a 3 year old in pull-ups is "unacceptable" per say...but I would hope that PT'ing would be in the works by then!
  11. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Unacceptable? Of all the controversial parenting choices we make, I can't figured out how a 3 or 4 year old wearing diapers is unacceptable?
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  12. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    My kids were potty trained shortly after their 2nd birthday. It is definitely possible, but at that age I think potty training is more about developing a routine of putting them on the potty (very frequently to start) and training them that way. It is a lot of work and for us it wasn't a quick process, but were happy we did it this way. Every kid is different and every parent is different. There are many different approaches and you need to figure out what is best for all of you. Good luck!
  13. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Sorry if my post bothered you and some mamas here. It was just my opinion. It's not right or wrong 3-4 yr old wear diaper or not. Same thing with pacifiers, some parents are ok for their 1.5-2 yrs olds walk around with pacifiers, some don't.
    Imagine you live on the countryside, no washer dryer mahchines, your kids use clothe diapers, no diaper washing service. Yes I guess u want to potty train them early as well. That is living condition of most of Asian moms still. My opinion just came from my cultural knowledge :)
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