another early wake up call question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gimena, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    DS wakes up at 5 a.m. he cries a little..maybe until he finds his blinkie (about 1 or 2 min) but usually goes back to sleep until
    6:30 or so...
    Their room is right next door to us but we still have a room monitor (sounds only)..and of course it wakes me up
    and most of the time I don't go back to sleep. Would you turn off the monitor? If they do cry loudly I would
    still hear without the monitor...but I feel guilty...
    when did you stop using your monitor?
  2. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    we still use the monitor. i will probably use it till they go to college ;) (it'll come in handy during the teen years lol)
    my girls wake up way too early, but they are my "alarm clock", so i feel like i need the monitor. i leave them in there for a while before letting them out, tho. for instance, they woke up at 6am this morning, and it's now 7:30, and i haven't gone in there yet... as long as they're happily playing, i'll take my time with my morning coffee :ibiggrin:
  3. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    I still use mine as well. And I get a lot of crap about it from everyone, husband and mother included.....I plan to use it as long as needed. Makes me feel better knowing I can hear them if they need me, mainly I worry if they are sick in the night and need help (one of my twins still has reflux) or the other has night terrors and it's good to get to her as soon as possible.....not sure when I'll stop.....we also still use white noise so I feel the monitors are necessary since I can't hear them over the noise.....their rooms are down the hall from ours....not to mention we are in a townhouse so we need them when the kids are asleep and we are on the bottom level which is where we watch tv when they go to bed....
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yep. My kids will be three next month and we still use ours as well. I honestly think we'll be using them for a few more years. They sleep upstairs, and we are downstairs, so that's one of the main reasons. But I too would worry about them being sick or whatever in the middle of the night. Ok. So maybe they'll have them hidden in their closets until they are 18. :laughing:
  5. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    We haven't used the monitors since they were about 3 months old. . . when they really need you, you'll hear them, especially if you're in the next room and aren't prone to sleeping through natural disasters. . . i.e. my husband

    I say ditch the monitor for a few days. . . see how it goes. . . then if it doesn't work. . . you can still go back to it. . . the important thing is that you get enough sleep ;o)
  6. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We quit using it when they moved from cribs to beds (age 3) because I gave them permission to come and get me if they needed something or they could open the door and call for me and I would hear them. Our room is on the opposite end of the house and while the house is not a mansion, it is pretty hard to hear them with the doors closed.
  7. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I can't remember when we stopped using them but I think it was long before they were 1. I wake up to anything and if they are upset about something they will go to the gate on their door and call for us or cry. I did not like waking up to every little noise they made in their sleep.
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I only use the monitor to know when they wake up when I am downstairs now. We used one at night before we moved over a year ago, then stopped bothering as we could hear them well enough. Usually I keep the monitor on when they nap, but at night we turn it off when we put them in bed (same, if they are screaming we will hear it anyway).
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Mine are 4 and we still use it. :good: They don't get out of bed in the middle of the night if they need something, and sometimes I can fall into a deep enough sleep that I don't hear them (DH tells me occasionally he's heard them crying and I never even heard them) so it helps magnify the sound for me.
  10. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My 8 and 4 yr old still have one in their room, and I have a second one in the twins room.

    My reasoning you ask?! Because when my kids get a stomach virus it is ALWAYS in the dead of the night. Usually around 2-3am. We have a fairly small house (1300 squ ft), but our bedroom is on one end and their rooms are on the other. The living room is between us. But we also run fans in all the bedrooms, and our a/c unit is in our closet, which is loud when it runs. Between all that, I would never hear my kids getting sick or calling out for me. And I would much rather they stay in bed and puke than puke as they run across my house :bad:

    My older kids monitor is turned way down so I only hear crying, and they both know to come into my room if there is a problem. But my 4 yr old has been known to have nightmares where she just cries out, and the only way I'd hear her is through the monitor :)
  11. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    With my girls we got rid of them before they were one(I think before they were 6mths old) and my son we never used one. Our bedroom is right next door to both of the bedrooms so I can hear them even if they cry only a little bit. We have a small house too so if I am in the living room or kitchen I could still hear them if they were crying.

    I agree what a pp suggested put it away for a few days maybe a week and see how it goes. For me when I used it every little noise they made would keep me up, even now that they are 4 and almost 8 I still hear all the little noises they make and if they want us they just yell out for us and have always done that.
  12. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    I have a monitor (had an audio, but just bought the video kind because my DD is in a toddler bed), but I don't leave it on. Our twins are right next to our room, and I'm a light sleeper. I leave it off when I sleep. I usually turn it on while they are going to bed, and around 7 am when they usually wake up. If I hear them "fussing" then I turn it on to see what's going, otherwise I don't want to hear every little noise. It works fine for us!
  13. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I still use mine. Their rooms are across the hall from us. We can't hear them very well and we can't leave the door open cause our dogs sleep in our room and may make noise enough to wake them with their walking around and setting off some of the boys' toys. I've thought about just trusting that they'd be alright, but we just don't feel comfortable doing that. I think until I know they will not go climbing in to areas they are not supposed to, I have to keep an ear out for them and their doors locked. They have separate rooms, but I too don't always go in there immediately after they wake up in the morning. Cameron, just woke up and it's 7:30. I'm going to wait until he tells me he wants out or for Kiefer to wake up.
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