Another bottle question...sorry!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by seamusnicholas, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Currently, they have three bottles
    7:30- bottle
    8:00- breakfast
    12:30- lunch
    3:30- bottle _THE ONE I THINK I SHOULD DROP
    5:30- dinner
    8:00- bottle
    Lots of fresh fruit throughout the day

    For two days in a row, I have forgotten to give them their 3:30 bottle. Both days, I have not realized it until about an hour later which was then too close to dinner. WIth all 3 bottles, they drink an average of 22 ounces and at eat meal, they eat A LOT! (they are chunkers!)!!! and they are always ready for fruit or yogurt as a snack.

    So, since they have not seemed to mind not having that 3:30 bottle, should I drop it.

    Also, they drink water with all meals. I dont think I want to give milk with meals at this time.

    So then, my second question is, is 16 oz an appropriate amount for 1 year olds.
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    If they are able to go from lunch to dinner without it, then yes, let it go! We were told that 16 to 20 oz is what they need so they're probably fine. If you are concerned about it, you could give them a milk sippy with lunch.
  3. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    I would drop the 3:30 bottle since it doesn't sound like they would even miss it. Our pedi recommended we drop all bottles and transition 100% to milk and sippies by 1 year old. We successfully dropped all bottles about two weeks ago, almost exactly at a year old. It is a tough transition, and one that you need to make at your own pace so don't feel rushed. The pedi recommended that they get no more than 20oz of milk per day so 16oz of milk sounds about right!

    Here is our schedule - my babies are about the same age as yours. We are doing the opposite - we are giving water throughout the day and milk at meals. But I think either way works!

    about 6-7am Breakfast #1 - table food and milk sippy
    about 9-10am Breakfast #2 - table food and milk sippy
    about 12:00-1:00 Lunch - table food and milk sippy
    about 4:30-5:30 Dinner - table food and milk sippy
    7:00pm - "snack" - usually something light like fruit and cheese and milk

    In between meals, they carry around an ice water sippy all day. Good luck!
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I would drop it, give them a snack instead if they seem hungry. Are they still on formula or milk? We also stopped giving a bottle of milk before breakfast and switched to a sippy of milk with breakfast around 12 months.
  5. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    They have been on reg. milk now for a little more than a month. THey hate milk in their sippies. When they take a sippy with milk, they let it pour out of their mouth! They expect it to be water and are shocked when it is milk. I try every couple of days.
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