Another appointment

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by melpissa, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. melpissa

    melpissa Well-Known Member

    I had another BPP and doctor's appointment today. Both babies passed the BPPs perfectly. Baby B is now measuring at 6 lbs. Baby A still hasn't shown any growth (It has been a week and a half now), but since she is passing her BPP so well, there isn't too much to be concerned about. She is now measuring in the 11th percentile and Baby B is measuring in the 27th, that may start to be a concern too. My blood pressure is also up quite a bit, so that's another thing to watch. I have another BPP and appointment on Thursday and I'll be back to my regular doctor (he's out of town right now). At my last appointment with him he was talking about looking into a c-section on Thursday or Friday rather then waiting until Monday.

    I'm currently to the point where I'm absolutely exhausted because of the amount of pain I'm in. I can't roll over in the middle of the night without waking up, it hurts too much, so that means I'm up at least once an hour to adjust my position. If I'm in bed for 9.5 hours, I sleep for about 5 of those. Makes for one crabby mama.

    I'll keep you updated after my next appointment, unless I'm sent off to get my c-section. I hope everyone is doing well and keeping cool in the summer heat.
  2. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    You are at a great time for those little girls to come out! hope they don't make you wait until monday!! Congrats on making it so far!
  3. BDFDGirl (Heather)

    BDFDGirl (Heather) Well-Known Member

    Pat yourself on the back.... You did a great job keeping those babies in there this long!
  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about all the pain but glad the babies are doing well on their BPP's. We will be thinking of you!
  5. Mama Mia

    Mama Mia Well-Known Member

    Wow, you're doing so great! Hang in there!
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