Another ? about Potty Training!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by silver_stardust, May 29, 2010.

  1. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    I'm sure it's been asked so please forgive me for asking again.

    I'm really dreading even thinking about PT. My boys are no where near ready but I'd like to get ahead start on what I need and books to read up on and so on.

    Can you please give me advice and tips on the subject and any really good books that you've read? TIA!
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I just potty trained my 30 month old. Didt read any books, was just consistant and lots of praise. We still have some poop issues, but I am sure it will work itself out. My only sugestion would be to do it before they turn 2, I've heard it way easier, they dont talk back as much.....:p
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i just finished reading Elizabeth Pantley's "No Cry Potty Training Solution" and really loved it. there's nothing terribly earth shattering in there (ie no magic tricks, formulas or fixes) but i think that's what i loved about it - she really emphasized flexibility & doing what works for your family. she also talks a lot about pre-training - things you can do before you start official training to help prepare your kids. i really liked that idea because i feel like even though we're not ready to start potty training, i'm still gradually working towards it.
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I didn't read any books, but I read a lot on here. There is a sticky at the top of the 2-4 forum with all kinds of Potty Training success stories.

    I think the best piece of PT advice I have is to wait until they are ready and follow their lead. Don't force the issue. Don't stress it. When it finally happens praise them like crazy. And never punish or get upset when they have an accident. When they are ready it will happen really quickly with little frustration.

    I dreaded PTing like it was nobody's business. When my girls decided they were ready they were trained almost overnight. However a month later they suffered a little regression, and again I just followed their lead. We went back to diapers for a few weeks and then gave it another shot. They are now fully day trained, and it is amazing how natural the whole process was.
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I agree. My boys are almost 29 months and show no signs of "wanting" to PT. I did purchase them potty's and they will sit on them before they go in the tub, but they have yet to actually pee in them. My one son will let me know when he's pooped so we are getting closer to PT.

    Another thing is all kids are different. So one might be ready and the other may not.

    My neice is frustrated because her soon to be 3 year old is not yet PT. Her oldest son was 100% PT at 2. She does not understand how one was able to "get it" at 2 and this one is having problems.

    Unless they show signs, I most likely won't attempt to PT until they are closer to 3.
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I haven't PT'ed yet, but I really like Kyrstyn's advice to wait until they are ready and show signs. Right now, Nate can tell me when he's gone poop, sits on the potty chair (fully clothed) while I'm going to the bathroom, and can talk about going potty. Jack does the same thing (minus telling me when he's pooped; he's the stealth-pooper :spy: ). But a couple of weeks ago we tried to take their pants down and let them sit on the potty and they both started crying hysterically. :(

    So based on this, I'd say they're not really ready and I will try the potty again in a few more weeks.

    Good luck! :)
  7. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    My boys are 23 months. About a month ago (I think) Kiefer was all gung ho about using the toilet. I he would let me know when he wanted to go and he didn't always go, but it's what he wanted. I had a couple of misjudgments, but I tried. Cameron would sit on the toilet too and he'd go once or twice. Now, Kiefer doesn't want to use the toilet. He decided he wanted to use his diapers again. OK, no big deal. Now just recently, they both have been wanting to use their potties. Then I learned they were just not working well since they sit on them and usually get their bums on the foam part and they dont' sit comfortably on them. So I got new ones. Now they love sitting on it and they get it right just about all the time! it's just a matter of time they'll actually use the potties! I think it's good to let them play with the potties before they use them so they get comfortable with them and used to them.

    As far as when to start, in those parenting magazines, it suggests 27 months as the best time. Do it earlier than they are ready, they will take longer to get it right and regress more often. Do it too late, and they may have bedwetting and other accidents more often cause their bodies were unable to adjust properly to the signs. Of course, all this is excluding the kids that do have issues like small or undeveloped bladders, in which case, that is a different situation and leaks will occur until the problem gets corrected (medically or just a slow development by the body). Between the ages of 2 and 3, kids are more likely to understand accomplishment better as well as follow direction and understand rewards better (cause and effect I suppose). So the average kid learns the fastest during their 2nd toddler years. They'll have fewer accidents and less likely to regress. Of course, if there's a younger sibling, sometimes potty training the older child can be a task cause they see their younger sibling still using their diapers, but it does work. Most kids don't like poopy in their pants and wet pants and they'll adjust eventually.
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Having gone through this with two kids, this is the best advice I can give anyone. Don't push it, don't stress about it.

    My oldest son I tried three times to pt him. Finally I gave up, and just before he turned 3 he decided he was ready to go on the potty, and he went straight into regular undies that day with very few accidents.

    With my oldest dd we tried before the twins were born (at age 2) and she was nowhere near ready. Then we tried again just before she turned 3, and again shortly after 3...still not ready. I gave up, and within a couple of weeks she was going on the potty and was trained within days, again with only a couple accidents.

    It may seem like it's forever, but pushing won't help, if you let them lead the way it's much less stress on you, and them! :)
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