Annoying each other on purpose

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Amy and Sarah have been bugging each other recently in ways that aren't exactly misbehavior (like hitting or shoving), but are clearly meant to be annoying. It's more likely to happen when they're trapped somewhere -- in the stroller, their cribs, or their chairs at the table.

    Amy will make a scary growling noise that she knows Sarah hates, and just laughs and does it louder when Sarah says "No Mimi!" Or Sarah will start saying something random like "Bye-bye Mimi" (her options are limited because she doesn't talk very well) and Amy gets mad and starts yelling, "I not going bye-bye, Sawah! Stop saying dat, I not like it!"

    It's funny, but also annoying to me because it can put both of them in a very cranky mood for no good reason. Yet it's not like I can stop either one of them from making a noise. So, do you even try to intervene or do you just figure siblings have to deal with this stuff? I put "work it out" in quotes in my subject line because they don't really work it out -- they just keep annoying each other until someone gets bored and gives up.
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    When things like that happen, I either do nothing, hoping they will stop on their own, or tell the annoyer to stop, and the annoyee to ignore it. But yeah, it only really stops when one gets bored with it. It's hard not to laugh sometimes because it's usually something silly.
  3. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Generally try to ignore it. Might intervene if it's really getting out of hand. If both are participating equally I redirect to an activity like picking up the playroom, uniting them against the common enemy of Housekeeping Mom.
  4. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(rubyturquoise @ Mar 30 2008, 02:37 PM) [snapback]695342[/snapback]
    Generally try to ignore it. Might intervene if it's really getting out of hand. If both are participating equally I redirect to an activity like picking up the playroom, uniting them against the common enemy of Housekeeping Mom.

    :rotflmbo: I'll have to remember this!!
  5. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    I've been reading a book called "Just Tell Me What To Say" by an author who has triplets. (I can't think of her name.) The book is about discipline and other things that might come up as kids grow up. It's not specifically about multiples. She says to let them work it out. They have to learn to deal with one another and if you're constantly getting in the middle...guess'll always BE in the middle.

    I just lent the book to my SIL or I'd quote it to you. Gotta run. Morgan is trying to "help" me type.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We let ours work it out as well, unless it gets out of hand. My girls love to aggrevate each other and it is especially true around naptime or bedtime. I can always hear one of them yelling at the other to "stop it" while singing or chanting of some sort is going on. They are getting better at ignoring each other when this is starting to happen, but it is quite funny sometimes. I have to agree with the other posts. They need to learn to work out their differences on their own while you look on. I only step in if they get into an actual fight or the screaming begins to get really out of hand.
  7. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I have one that just doesn't do much for talking, so he'll growl at the other. Sure enough that's enough to set the other one to screaming.

    I let it go as long as I possibly can.

    Usually, I try the Guys leave each other alone comment, but of course that doesn't work.

    After the screaming commences, the screamer annoys the growler and the growler will go fist in hand and hit the screamer because it hurts his ears.

    I HAVE to step in at this point.

    As for your non-violent situation, I'd let them try to do it alone. As the other mom mentioned, they have to deal with each other.

    I wish mine wouldn't go for the jugular!!!
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    This is THE biggest issue in our house. I typically let them work it out, but it often seems to end in someone getting hurt. I sooo wish I had the perfect solution. They just LOVE to annoy each other.
  9. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    i had to giggle when i read your post because here is what i hear in our house:
    "A-WEEsha, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO talk to me"
    "mama, aweesha no want to be so louder. NO, aweesha, dat naughty, no be so louder!"

    it's usually cameron getting upset at something alisha is doing. my favorites (not) is when he tries to get me to tell her not to talk to him - my response is always that alisha can talk if she wants to, you just don't have to listen to her :laughing:

    i'm laughing now, but really, it's highly aggravating. i try to let them work it out, but usually have to talk cameron down off the ledge as he can get REALLY upset about it.
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    What about if you are noticing it's starting trying to distract them by starting to sing a song and see if they'll sing along. Or say "Who can count to 10?" "Does anyone know what a duck says?" That type stuff. Maybe???????? Just a thought. Sorry!!

    Ali will grab whatever Martin is playing with and run. They scream and run and I tell him. She won't want it if you don't chase her and eventually she gives it back or puts it down. Fortunately, it's short lived.
  11. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I also try to let them sort it out. Like Diane, we have all out chase around here for some toy that really neither of them ends up wanting in the end. If someone gets hurt, I do intervene.
  12. stephe

    stephe Well-Known Member

    Mine annoy the **** out of each other all the time!

    I can't belive how well Amy is talking! Wow!
  13. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone -- glad to hear this is a common problem and there is no real solution! At least I know I'm not doing anything wrong. Goodness knows my younger sister and I used to annoy each other ALL the time -- it's just part of having a sibling.

    "A-WEEsha, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO talk to me"
    "mama, aweesha no want to be so louder. NO, aweesha, dat naughty, no be so louder!"

    Exactly! :laughing:

    The distraction idea is a good one though. I have done that once or twice (usually by accident) and it did work, at least somewhat.
  14. mom_stacyX2

    mom_stacyX2 Well-Known Member

    Brandon likes to pick on Taryn. He will tell her no. At bedtime, this is all I hear:

    Taryn: MOM, Brandon no'ed me.
    Me: Brandon, quit no'ing your sister.
    Brandon: MOM, Taryn no'ed me.
    Me: Taryn, quit no'ing your brother.
    *I can hear Brandon saying stuff to her and I can't make it out. Then she cries. And says, Mom, Brandon, no'ed me.
    Me: Brandon, quit no'ing your sister, Taryn, quit no'ing your brother. Enough already.
    Brandon: Taryn, mommy, enough. No, Taryn.

    It's a vicious, vicious cycle, every night. :lol:
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