
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by samimax, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. samimax

    samimax Active Member

    We are keeping the names a secret (of course, I have them on my ticker, but no one in my family is on here) Anyways, my mom has been bugging me non stop, wanting to know what they are. The other day, I slipped when telling her about our last appointment- I said the girl's nickname (Maddie). She didn't hear it well and said "Did you say Nadia?" I said yes, that's the name. Now, I don't know if she really did hear it or not.

    I'm annoyed because now she's telling everyone she knows what they are. I know she's excited and I know I'm being a petty brat about it- BUT I'm still annoyed. Why can't she just chill out. (I think what really bugged me is that she called my best friend and said she knew their names.)

    Thanks for letting me vent over something this stupid. I kow I'm lucky that I have parents that are so excited and involved. (still annoying...)
  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Can you just tell her, "Mom, I was lying. That isn't her name! Just a few more weeks and you'll find out, though."

    Sorry she's frustrating you!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am sorry that she is frustrating you. I agree with Jori, could you just tell her that you told her a name so she'd leave you alone about it and that you want everyone to be surprised by their names when they are born? :hug:
  4. fahrenheit79

    fahrenheit79 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Jori and Nancy. You should tell her that the name she thinks she hear is not the actual name, and that you would really like for her, along with others, to have at least some element of surprise the day of the delivery, since the sexes are known!
    I understand where you are coing from though. Only my mother-in-law knows the names of the twins, but I trust her not to say anything. ;)
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Another one that agrees with Jori. :good: I'm sorry that she's annoying you about the names. :( I hope she lets up a bit until the babies arrive.
  6. serialmommy

    serialmommy Well-Known Member

    call your best friend and tell her "mom really doesn't know the names, i told her random ones that came to mind to shut her up"....and i'd tell your mom the same thing "mom, i told you random names so you'd leave me alone"....i think it's great to not tell (i didn't even try to do that) that way you don't get a lot of flack for the names you chose that others may not "like"...
  7. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Everytime she mentions something about it- smile. You've got a secret. :rofl: Plus, she's in for a huge surprise when little Maddie makes her appearance! :bow2: When she asks you about it, she heard what she wanted to hear & you didn't contradict her b/c you wanted it to be a surprise.

    I'm glad it still is!


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