My little Elly is going to have her tongue clipped April 18 (she is toungue tied)..... They said she will have to have full Anesthsia because of her age and difficulty (the DR. doesn't want bit ) Anyway have any of you had your child under anesthsia at this age (13months) and were there anyproblems or anything.... I am just super nervous about her having full anesthsia.....
Hi there, My little Ben has been under general anesthesia 4 times, beginning at age 4 months for routine MRIs. He has tolerated it perfectly every time. I think it's harder on the parents than on them! They do wake up a little groggy, and it's kind of hard to see them going under, but honestly we've never had a problem. Ben has always been given the sedative Propofol, which from what I hear is the best for kids, with fewer reactions and side-effects. Maybe ask your anesthesiologist if they use it? Good luck with everything! You guys are in my thoughts. -Tracy
My little guy has been under several times since 6 days old and he comes out of it great every time it is harder on us then them really.
:hug99: It's always hard when it's your child going through this. Fortunately, that's why people specialize in this area. They know all there is to know about anesthesia! My kids had it for tonsils and tubes, and they did just fine. Like pp said, it's harder on us than them. However, anesthesia makes my kids throw-up (it does me, too). So if that's the case for you (like if you had an epi), then be prepared that your baby may react that way. It will be ok, and you will cry (because what mom doesn't), but then it will be over! :hug99:
Jon was older when he went under, but he did OK. The nurses did tell me that sending his blankie in with him was a lifesaver. So if she has a special lovey, I would make sure that goes with her, that way she will have something comforting as she wakes up.
Thanks all, great idea with the special toy..... never thought of that..... You all are probably right about it being harder on us than them, but I haven't been able to deal with watching anything happen to my girls since Emma went to the hospital for seizures.......
Our DS needed it for a circumcision correction at around 10 months. It was awful but worse for us if you know what I mean? That Stupid 1st doctor that did it wrong in the first place!! He did fine, it was not fun watching him go to sleep and needing to be the one holding him while they gave him the anethesia. I was a wreck after the fact too but it's my nature to worry about stuff anyway, I was afraid he'd be brain dead or something totally stupid but they kept reassuring me that this is what they do on a daily basis and he would be fine, he was and I am now. He'll thank me some day or maybe his wife will or his husband if he goes the other way? lol
My little guys went fully under at 10 days old. I was TERRIFIED! I insisted on talking to the anesthesiologist. I asked him every question, looked him in the eye and told him that I was trusting him with my son's life...maybe overkill, but I was so afraid. Everything was fine. The reason I am telling you this is because it is ok to be nervous. It is your baby! I do not regret being upfront and persistent. Do what you think is the best for your child. Let us know how it goes! She will be fine. spelling