And the Stupidest comment of the day goes to.....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by first_time_mommy_2_be_twins, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    Okay so I'm walking through the grocery store minding my own business pushing the double stroller and pulling the grocery cart as usual. I know its a sight to see and I get all of the regular "well you've sure got your hands full" and "Double trouble" comments as they walk right in front of my stroller and I almost crash into them. Then here comes a lady.

    Lady: Oh twins?
    Me: Yes twins
    Lady: How old?
    Me: 5 1/2 Months
    Lady: Oh two little boys how wonderful
    Me: No a boy and a girl
    Lady: Really? (looks into the stroller again Then looks back up at me with a straight face) Are you sure? :icon_eek:
    Me: Yes I'm sure
    Lady: Well she sure does look like a boy doesnt she. :icon_eek:
    Me: Umm NO!!! :mad:

    BTW DD was wearing a denim dress with pink flowers and teddy bears on it, a pink onesie, pink socks, and a pink baseball cap. Very girlie IMO. She also has very feminine feature and she was wearing ALL PINK!!! While DS was wearing camoflauge overalls with a truck on them and a camoflauge baseball cap. Now why in the world would I dress one boy in all pink and the other in camo if they were both boys????

    I do realize that this is just the beginning of the stupid comments both me and my babies will recieve as they get older but this one just topped the cake as the stupidest and rudest comment I have ever recieved since she questioned me as to whether I was sure of the anatomy of my babies and then told me that my beautiful baby girl looked like a boy :angry:
  2. RHastings

    RHastings Well-Known Member

    :laughing: She actually asked you if you were sure??? Too bad they don't make shock collars for people like her so that whenever they say something stupid, they'll get shocked so that eventually they'll learn to think before they talk! :rotflmbo:
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Are you sure?? :laughing:
  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well, they are your first kids..... :rofl:
  5. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I love that comment, are you sure? I usually reply, well he is a boy, we just dress him in drag.. <_<
  6. twomore

    twomore Well-Known Member

    You've got to be kidding!! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: For some reason people always think mine are boys too, even thought they almost always wear pink, or a dress.
  7. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    "are you sure?" That's crazy funny! Some people! :rofl:
  8. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    Gosh, some people! One lady asked me if mine were twins once and of course I said yes...her next question, "Are you sure?" Um.......
  9. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I guess us twin moms should have paid better attention in health class because I am having a hard time
    with the genders of my kids too!! people always think my girls are boys!! and these are my girls after 3 boys so they are always dressed very girly!! the other day a man asked both boys?? I said I feel sorry for the poor boys dressed in little pink dresses!! I wonder if we dressed our girls in boy clothes and our boys in girl clothes if people would get it right??
  10. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    Unbelievable!!!!! I can't believe people. UHHHH!!!!!
  11. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(moski @ Apr 26 2007, 06:27 AM) [snapback]234347[/snapback]
    Well, they are your first kids..... :rofl:

  12. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(moski @ Apr 26 2007, 07:27 AM) [snapback]234347[/snapback]
    Well, they are your first kids..... :rofl:

    That cracked me up! Stupid people! People always think I have a boy & a girl because one of my girls doesn't have as much hair as the other. Doesn't matter what they're wearing!! I've definately gotten the look like I'm lying to them when I tell them they're both girls.
  13. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    I haven't gotten anything quite like that yet. Too funny!
  14. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    that is too funny!!

    I have two girls and I could have them dressed identical in pink dresses and would still get "oh how lovely a boy and a girl" I don't get people.

  15. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    OMG people say the stupided things.....
  16. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I often have people say "A girl and a boy?" Nope 2 boys, Apparently Sean is very pretty. I should put bows in his hair and stick him in a frilly pink dress, maybe then people would get it right. :crazy:
  17. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    I had someone I use to work with say "Two boys??" They were in very girly pink outfits. And I just said "Nope girls" Then he said it was probably because their car seats have blue in them that he thought that (and they have NO hair). But he felt really bad for getting it wrong and he apologized like a million times.

    I don't even stop for people or acknowledge them anymore unless I know them because I am so sick of all the stupid comments.
  18. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I have people ask me all the time if my DD (while also dressed in the aforementioned pink AND has her ears pierced) "2 boys"....yes one's a boy and the other one we're training to be a transvestite!
  19. OctoberBabies

    OctoberBabies Well-Known Member

    I have 2 ID girls, and ALWAYS get asked which is the boy. :huh: Considering they are usually in pink and purple and have their ears pierced (partialy because of this question), I can't believe people are that dense! A couple of times I've said "guess". Do people really think I would dress a boy in pink/purple, very girlie outfits and cover him in a pink and beige leopard blanket?! There are really some winners out there! :lol:
  20. katnpat

    katnpat Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Erykah @ Apr 26 2007, 04:33 AM) [snapback]234353[/snapback]
    I love that comment, are you sure? I usually reply, well he is a boy, we just dress him in drag.. <_<

    :laughing: That's such a great response!!
    I have ID girls and I've had a lot of people say "oh one boy and one girl?"
    I so don't get it!!!
  21. pink and blue mom

    pink and blue mom Well-Known Member

    I got asked " oh are those babies?"...I didn't even know what to say. I kind of just looked at her like she was crazy. It's great!
  22. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(pink and blue mom @ Apr 27 2007, 06:17 PM) [snapback]235957[/snapback]
    I got asked " oh are those babies?"...I didn't even know what to say. I kind of just looked at her like she was crazy. It's great!

    :rotflmbo: Thats so funny I actually had something similar happen when they were newborns. I had a lady walk up to me and say "Oh they are babies I thought they were dolls". :fool: Oh but of course doesnt every grown woman walk around pushing 2 dolls in a double stroller?
  23. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    That just shows another example of ignorance! I think people think they have an open invitation to comment on multiples. I never went up to people and commented on their children. Why do they find it necessary to do it to us?
  24. alaskamom

    alaskamom Well-Known Member

    I have two boys and my one boy (with curly ringlets) is ALWAYS mistaken for a girl--e-ven when they are always dressed in blue. An older grandma said to me, "HOw cute--a girl and a boy!" And I said "No, two boys." She proceded to say, "Are you sure?" Which I said, "Yes, pretty sure, I have been changing his diaper since birth." She couldn't end it there, she says, "Well, he sure looks like a girl."
  25. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    OMG! :rotflmbo:

    Thank you for this thread. DH and I just had a good laugh. He is actually still laughing "are you sure she isn't a boy"? Some people! ;)
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