And the Bad Mommy of the Day Award goes to...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by littletwinmom, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    So Owen slept late on Friday morning, and obviously wasn't tired for his 9:00 nap, so I took him into the bedroom with me, so I could get ready. I didn't want to leave him alone in the living room because he is a rolling fool, and I thought he'd hurt himself rolling into something. So....sat him way in the center of the bed (you can see where this is going...) and went to my closet, where I can still see him on the bed. Looking for something to wear, and THUD! followed by screaming. Owen fell off the bed, but luckily didn't break his head :( To top it off we have solid wood floors, so NO padding. Woke Lilly up and rushed him to the pedi. He was totally fine, not even a knot, but I still can't beleive I let that happen! I know you hear about it happening all the time, but I never thought "I" would let that happen to my precious baby!

    So....I have ordered a big "baby jail", should be here by the end of the week!

    Anyone else wanna confess?
  2. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    :hug99: It's scary, but kids are resilient.

    DS rolled off the bed onto a hardwood floor when he was about 5 months old. DH was right there!! DS was just to quick.

    Geneva crawled over DH one morning as we were all playing in bed and dove off head first. She got a black eye. :vava: It was horrible, but DH caught her shirt before she hit her head on the floor. The black eye was from the bed.

    We both felt horrible because we were right there and it still happened.

    You're not a bad mommy. It happens. Kids are too fast. :hug99:
  3. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    When my 3-year-old was about 6 months, she rolled off the changing table -- I swear, I leaned over for ONE second to get a diaper out of the cabinet, and I thought I had a hand on her the whole time -- and she still managed to roll off. She screamed for 30 seconds, then was totally fine -- but OMG, she also made a huge thud, and my DH came running up from downstairs and gave me a *look* when he realized what had happened...

    I think it happens to everyone at least once! Don't beat yourself up!
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    don't beat yourself up! you are not the bad mommy of the day!! that kind of thing happens - you are a great mommy!
    :hug99: , Heather
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We've all been there! He is fine and you will be, too!! :hug99:
  6. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    luckily it was DH who was in charge of DS when he rolled off the king sized bed at our hotel recently. I did guilt trip him a little, he wasn't paying close enough attention too busy playing on his Qphone.

    It could have very easily been me too though, I am guilty of turning my back to grab a diaper, outfit, toy when they are on the bed.
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I've started changing my fellows on the floor even though it's hardwood. James fell off the bed a few days ago and has a bruise on half his forehead from face planting on the radiator! Sean still has a bruise from when he fell off the day before James. :wacko: They both fell when I changed their diaper and instead of putting it aside and quickly finishing I had to make a "diaper ball" (you know, when you roll the diaper up and use the tabs to keep it closed. :)) and they scrambled away and THUNK. No more thunks in this house, you can't fall off the floor.

    PS - You don't get the worst mommy of the year award. It's still sitting on it's shelf in my office getting dusty. ;)
  8. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    DOH! You stole my worst mommy of the day plaque! Darn it, just when I found a good spot for it on my wall... ;)

    Not long ago, I left DD on the couch while burping DS. Turned my back for one minute. Thud - then WAAAAAAAAA! She had rolled off (despite the ottoman in the way) and smacked her head on the hardwood floor. She screamed like a banshee for 10 minutes, then forgot all about it. Didn't even get a bruise.

    When I told the pedi, she said, "Well, at least it was wood, not concrete...wood has some give to it..." And promptly told me about the time her 9-wk-old son rolled off the changing table.

    It seems to be a rite of passage, doesn't it? :blush:
  9. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Same thing happened to one of mine about the same age (can't even remember which one now :rolleyes: ). Off the bed to the hardwood floor. I think I felt worse than they did! Glad he's ok. :hug99:
  10. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Ah....thanks girls, makes me feel a little better... :)
  11. klselsky

    klselsky Well-Known Member

    I totally have you beat!!! (Although, I am not proud). I took my 3 girls to the arboretum today, MIL had the 4 yo, I had the twins in their carriers and a stroller. Morgan needed a cuddle, so I picked her up for a while, carried her around until she was sleepy, and laid her back in her carrier, but didn't strap her yet, so that I didn't "ruin the sleepy moment".

    We walked around for about an hour, packed everyone up in the car, drove the 20 minute drive home, and when I walked in the door, my mom was there visiting, and of course went to pick up Morgan and realized I NEVER STRAPPED HER IN THE CARRIER!!!!!! I felt like the worst. Not only did I feel bad for doing it, but I was "busted" by my mom-the most protective grandma/mom in the world! God was watching over us and allowed us to drive home with no incedent. Lesson learned, I guess.

  12. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    - baby fell from ottoman
    - baby fell from couch
    - baby fell off my bed

    :( It's not fun feeling this way. You are NOT alone!! :hug99:
  13. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Seamus did not fall off a bed. Instead I threw him out of his car seat! :eek:

    They used to sleep in their car seats in their bedrooms. Seamus woke early one morning and I ran in there to get him before Nicholas woke up. I usually picked them up and left the carseat behind but this time I took the whole carseat into the family room. The handle on the carseat was not centered. It was a click back which I obviously did not realize. So when I went to set the carseat down, he literally fell right out and his head landed on the hardwood floor. I freaked and we brought him to the er. He had stopped crying even before we got him in the car. THe er dr said it was a fall that was so low to the ground but they took an xray just in case and everything was fine. I felt so bad for the longest time!
  14. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    Oh hon, my boys have had their share of the worst mommy times too. Rather I have. LOL - they've fallen off the bed, the couch and down the stairs. Most recently, Landon got run over by their Cozy Coup type SUV and it completely flattened him in the driveway (cement driveway taht is). The same day, Brenden was running in the driveway from DH and he fell and skinned his nose, forehead and chin on the driveway. You are most deffinately not the only one this happens to. It is scary when it happens though...i dont blame you for feeling this way.

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