And I thought I would be pregnant forever! Finally gave birth!!!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Two Blessed + 1, Dec 15, 2006.

    Well, I finally had my wonderful B/B twins on December 11th. My doctor would not have let me get past 37 weeks which would have been on the 14th but I also convinced him to schedule me on the 11th. I graduated college on the 9th and had family in town so I wanted them to be there for the birth.

    I had a great experience. 3 1/2 hours total from the time they gave me the cytotec to being wheeled into the operating room. I had a vaginal birth and there were 11 minutes between the two boys. Tyler (A) weighed 5lb 7 oz and Brent weighed 5lb 9 oz. They checked out great and were able to stay with me in the room. We were released on the 13th and things are going well.

    This is my second pregnancy so I was very depressed over the fact that I looked 6 months pregnant when I got home and the one thing we fear the most happened. I went out today to a Christmas party for my daughter and I had someone that I had not seen in a long time say that they did not know I was pregnant. I told them that I had just had twins 4 days ago and I guess she thought I was joking because she said no really and then her sister said that she also thought I was pregnant. I had to show a picture to them to prove it. I was already upset before going to the party because I did not want to be seen in public looking pregnant. I did not look pregnant after having my daughter, just a little chubby. I read other posts to say they also have had this problem and to give it some time but it is really hard.

    Anyway- my boys are just the cutest and my daughter loves them and wants to help all the time. She just turned 4 and is becoming a handful but we are trying to encourage her and be positive with her instead of jumping on her all the time.

    I am so glad it is over so that now I can focus on my family and not being miserable pregnant!

    Here is a pic!

    Edited according to TS policy which does not allow embedded pics from other websites.
  1. Well, I finally had my wonderful B/B twins on December 11th. My doctor would not have let me get past 37 weeks which would have been on the 14th but I also convinced him to schedule me on the 11th. I graduated college on the 9th and had family in town so I wanted them to be there for the birth.

    I had a great experience. 3 1/2 hours total from the time they gave me the cytotec to being wheeled into the operating room. I had a vaginal birth and there were 11 minutes between the two boys. Tyler (A) weighed 5lb 7 oz and Brent weighed 5lb 9 oz. They checked out great and were able to stay with me in the room. We were released on the 13th and things are going well.

    This is my second pregnancy so I was very depressed over the fact that I looked 6 months pregnant when I got home and the one thing we fear the most happened. I went out today to a Christmas party for my daughter and I had someone that I had not seen in a long time say that they did not know I was pregnant. I told them that I had just had twins 4 days ago and I guess she thought I was joking because she said no really and then her sister said that she also thought I was pregnant. I had to show a picture to them to prove it. I was already upset before going to the party because I did not want to be seen in public looking pregnant. I did not look pregnant after having my daughter, just a little chubby. I read other posts to say they also have had this problem and to give it some time but it is really hard.

    Anyway- my boys are just the cutest and my daughter loves them and wants to help all the time. She just turned 4 and is becoming a handful but we are trying to encourage her and be positive with her instead of jumping on her all the time.

    I am so glad it is over so that now I can focus on my family and not being miserable pregnant!

    Here is a pic!

    Edited according to TS policy which does not allow embedded pics from other websites.
  2. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    oohh! what a sweet picture! congratulations!
  3. amily1974

    amily1974 Well-Known Member

    Congrats! they are gorgeous!

    DS Caleb 6/30/04
    DS Aidan 2/22/06
  4. stephsboys

    stephsboys Well-Known Member

    They are beautiful!! Congratulations, it sounds like everything is going so well, and you had them on my birthday!!! How exciting!
    Lindy, mom to Stephanie and nana to
    Cameron and Corey
  5. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] and Congratulations!!!
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    also congratulations on graduating from college!!!
  7. anglinstork

    anglinstork Well-Known Member

    WOW!!! What an awesome and eventful few days for your family!!! [​IMG] The boys are soooooooooooo adorable!! I am glad to hear that everything is going well. BIG HUGS! CONGRATS!
  8. luv_my_kidz

    luv_my_kidz Well-Known Member

    Ohhhhhh, they are SO cute!! Thanks for letting us see the pic!! And congratulations on your boys and the smooth delivery. I'm glad everyone is doing well and came home together!!
  9. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    Too, too cute!! What a beautiful picture!
    I know what you mean about still looking pregnant. Give yourself some hasn't been very long [​IMG]. With my dd1, I looked like a "normal" person after delivery, but with my twins it took a good month before I looked even close to normal. It took me 5 months to get back into my pre-preg size 4 clothes with both deliveries.
    Hang in there & enjoy your adorable babies!
  10. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! Glad everyone is doing well!

    Try not to stress about looking pregnant, it took 9 months for your body to cook those babies and it is going to take more than a few days to have it return to normal. Be proud girl! You just gave birth to two gorgeous babies! I went out to dinner one week after having K&K, it was my birthday. I saw someone I hadn't seen in a long time so I went over to their table. I sat down next to him (had to do it a little gingerly since I had a c-section and vag delivery) and he asked me if I was pregnant. No lie this was my response "no, I just popped out two!" I have never been so embarassed. I just got thrown off by the question. Sooo if it happens again, just don't say what I did [​IMG]!

    Enjoy your new additions and don't forget to take care of yourself!
  11. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!!! Welcome Tyler and Brent! And [​IMG] to the FY Board!
  12. AWillow

    AWillow Well-Known Member

    cute cute cute!!!! Congrats on your Boys. and Please try and keep your spirits up while the rest of the weight and swelling goes down.
  13. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Your boys are beautiful! THat picture will end up being a classic!

    I went to get a pedicure a few weeks after delivering my boys and the lady said, "Oh, you are pregnant" I was stunned and then just told her I had twins. So much for pampering myself that day! Instead of feeling ggod, I felt horrible!
  14. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! [​IMG] That's wonderful that the birth went so smoothly.

    The most important thing I learned during my twins breastfeeding class was that many moms of twins still look pregnant for a couple of weeks after the birth. Since I knew that, I wasn't surprised 5 days after the birth when a lady at Walgreens asked when my baby was due. You are definitely not alone and the tummy will go down. [​IMG] Congrats again!
  15. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Congratulations to you both! x
  16. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! ! Beautiful picture!
  17. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member

  18. bren1130

    bren1130 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations [​IMG]Tyler & Brent
  19. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    COngrats on the twins!!!!!! They are so beautiful!!! I'm so glad the delivery went well for you!!!!!!!! [​IMG]
  20. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your beautiful boys! Glad to hear you had an easy birth. I wish you the best!
  21. Merijo

    Merijo Well-Known Member

    They look just too perfect for words!!! What big little boys! How nice for you, no nicu time, family there to see them and hopefully help out a bit, you are amazing!!!!

    I'm now steeling myself for the postpartem looking pregnant thing. You have been through so much. Just shoot right back that you have two newborn boys at home and maybe they'll feel bad for opening mouth and inserting foot! Hey, it happens, the tummy will be gone shortly and then you won't have to worry about it. Heck, you may even miss it. hahaha who am I kidding!!!!

    Great job, beautiful boys!
  22. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! They are beautiful!

    I'm sorry about the rude comment; I know exactly how you feel. After dd, I flattened out so quickly. This time I look about 6 months preg still. Grr, as if the pregnancy wasn't hard enough! oh well!

    See you on FY!

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