And I thought climbing was scary...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Their new game is jumping off of things. It started innocently enough -- I read a paper on development that the doctor gave at their 18-month appointment. It said that toddlers may start to jump with both feet off of the floor by 24 months. That sounded like fun so I showed them how to jump. They worked and worked until they were finally able to jump with both feet without falling on their keesters. In a matter of days, they started jumping off of things but only while holding onto my hands and bouncing in their cribs and on beds any chance they got. Now they want to jump off of EVERYTHING and they don't want any help. They've gone from cautiously jumping off of the bottom stair to jumping off of the couch with wild abandon just today. What have I done?! :eek:
  2. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Its nothing that you did. They would have discovered their love of jumping anyway. The only thing that I can recommend is putting cushions on the floor if you do allow them to jump off the step or the couch. Or, give them a designated area that it's ok to jump (like the 1 step) and let them know that its ok there only.
  3. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    (((HUGS))) Nothing you did at

    They are boys!!!!!!!
  4. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Bell has started jumping off the couch this week. She's seen Gabe do it and thinks it hilarious! She still can't jump with both feet off the floor, but she's getting good at jumping off the couch!
  5. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    that's hilarious - mine are obsessed with jumping too. cameron can actually jump really well with both feet off the ground and likes to start in a frog position (crouched down) and then jump up high (so cute!). alisha likes to "jump" too, but can't figure out the both feet off the floor thing. mine are still pretty cautious though about jumping off things - they call it "jumping" off the bottom step, but it's really just taking a big step instead of their normal cautious walking down the stairs.

    have fun with it - it is a great developmental achievement!
  6. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member


    Sounds just like my two monkeys!
  7. Annen

    Annen Well-Known Member

    Hadas started this recently too.

    She especially likes to say "two", "four" (in Hebrew) and then from a standing position on the couch she likes to throw her feet up and plot down on the couch on her tush.

    She loves to get up on a chair or on a step and hold my hands and jump down.

    She has also started to do it without holding my hands... but she ends up falling instead of landing on her feet.

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