Amber Teething Necklace/Bracelet

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mommaoffour_ohmy, Feb 11, 2011.

  1. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    Im seriously considering getting some of these for the twins, only heard rave reviews - any of you ladies have luck? They are SO pricey, plus we have TWINS ((duh)) ie: two of everything, so twice the price... ack!
  2. Angelfish

    Angelfish Active Member

    I'm from Austria where amber teething necklaces are HUGELY popular. All my friends used them with their babies and loved them. I also have them for my twins but they are not teething yet. In any case, I prefer to try a natural approach to health problems/pain etc. first before I give medication. And if the necklaces don't work at least they look cute :)
  3. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    I personally don't use them, but one of the little girls at my dayhome does and her mom swears by it. They are really cute.
  4. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Is it not a choking hazard? That'd be my concern.
  5. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    A regular teething ring that you freeze works fine and costs much less--and is not a choking hazard. Amber is just fossilized tree sap, it doesn't have any magical qualities. The pressure of chewing relieves teething pain, and it isn't necessary to pay a premium for jewelry when cheaper solutions abound. Humans generally work backward to prove to themselves the choice they made is the best possible one, so if I'd spent $25+ on a teething necklace, I'd want to believe nothing else could have worked as well. (You see this when people are fanatically devoted to the brand of car they drive/camera they use/shoes they wear--this choice is the best possible choice because I have made it and paid for it and can no longer make a different choice.)

    A few decades back people swore by putting whiskey on the gums--and I bet that did work--but it's not what we'd recommend now, no matter how many people raved about it then.
    2 people like this.
  6. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    My second set of twins have been wearing them now since they were 5 months old. That is when they started teething!! they now have eight teeth each and not one day of teething trooubles.

    I had to take the necklaces of for a tv commercial they shooting,and i forgot to put it back on. My babies are currently teething their back teeth and they were all feverish and niggly today. I immidiatley put them back on again and although not 100% they are much better, without medication!!

    i woul drally higly recommend these necklaces. They have worked for me and every other friend who has been using them.

    And they look so funky!!!

  7. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    We have had them on our twins since they were about 7 months and it has been a life saver! They were terrible from 5 months on and so I thought I would give the necklaces a shot (got them on when they were on sale) and I'm SOOOOOOOOO thankful that I got them! Even if I had to pay regular price, I would have done it! We love, love, love them!

    Gavin actually broke Olivia's and she has been giving me a hard time with these next set of teeth. I ordered her a new one!

    Plus....they are too friggin' cute!
  8. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    Are there online stores where I could order these from?
    Or a necklace worn by mum that babies can then chew and/or play with?
    I have a biter and scratcher particularly while their feeding!!
  9. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    This is more likely remembering the hits/forgetting the misses, which is common to human perception when one is looking to reinforce one's beliefs. All four of mine teethed relatively easily and barely needed teething rings and never needed drugs. Since the kids are mostly too young to be exhibiting the placebo effect (which is real and which does actually work), it is more likely that parents are only remembering when these necklaces "work." I wear amber jewelry myself--because I like jewelry (and I know my stuff & this is good amber)--but I still need analgesia if I'm in pain. If you google these things you will get tons of hits from sellers touting their benefits and how they work and nothing from any legitimate medical source. That speaks volumes. If you have the discretionary income and think they're cute, and aren't at all nervous about a necklace as a strangulation hazard or beads as a choking hazard, it's your money. If this would be a financial sacrifice for you, don't waste your money.
    1 person likes this.
  10. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    If you are like me and don't have the discretionary income to buy yourself jewlery let alone you kids, you can try the Mexican grandmother remedy which is to give your baby a geen onion to chew on. I know exactly what you are thinking right now--that's what I thought when I had my twins. Who, incidently had no real issues with teething. But now that I have a baby who HAS had issues with teething, I thought--what the heck- and gave him one. And it truely seems to work. I don't know if onion juice has any special analgesic properties or it's just the right amount of give to bite into or what. But the baby loves it-looks cute chewing on a green onion--and was back to his normal jolly self in minutes--all for less than a dollar 100% natural and no worries about BPA in the plasic!
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