Amazing How Fast They Learn!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rrodman, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We had our 18 month appointment August 10 and were talking to the pedi about the twins' speech. They weren't doing any two word combos other than "uh-oh", they didn't seem able to identify each other, themselves, or us by name, and they had the requisite 20 words but not much more. She wasn't concerned at all. Well, in the last 3 weeks, their language has gone nuts! They learn multiple new words a day, say "all gone" and "more cheese" and "more milk" and other two word phrases, say each other's names, call DH "Daddy" and even say some sentences - assuming, "Anna, no no. Bad." and "Jaaa, no!" are sentences. :) They can suddenly identify all these new animals - elephant? giraffe? fish? Crazy! And they will repeat anything.

    I kept telling DH it would just be like floodgates opening, but I had NO IDEA how right I was. This is such a fun stage. I LOVE that they are finally starting to be able to communicate!
  2. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    I am so looking forward to this. I started writing down the words they say and amazingly came to 16 words each so far. I get so excited when they learn a new word. I can't imagine how exciting it is when they start using phrases.
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I am so waiting for that day. My boys will be 20 months on September 5th and have been in speech therapy for the last 2 months. They don't say any real words but I've noticed in the past 2 weeks they've really been babbling a lot. So they have a lot to say, I just can't understand it!
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :Clap: Glad to hear they started talking so much! It's so much fun and it only keeps getting better. :wub:
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :yahoo: Congrats Momma :yahoo: It amazes me the new stuff mine pick up daily!
  6. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    That's awesome! My dd had around 10 words up until 18 months and then BAM, she had over 100, then at 20 months she was saying 2to 3 word sentences. I'm really hoping the same thing will happen with my boys because right now they have maybe 5 words.
  7. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the opening of the flood gates!! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Isn't it amazing? The more mine learn to communicate, the funner they get! They seem to get excited when I understand what they're trying to tell me! I love this age too! [​IMG] They'll crawl in my lap on their own and cuddle [​IMG] I don't want them to grow up!! [​IMG]
  8. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    It's so fun, isn't it? It happened that way for both of my girls -- virtually no words at 18 months, and then boom, their language exploded like crazy. (We're still working on Kev!)

    Sounds like your two are right on track, and doing great!
  9. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    How exciting! They really are little sponges soaking in EVERYTHING around them. It's fascinating! We are all so lucky!
  10. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    that's awesome! its very inspirational...I'm waiting for it!! good for you guys!!
  11. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    Oh, that's so exciting!! I feel like mine are learning so much now. But I can't wait for those floodgates to open!
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