Am I (uniquely) crazy?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Zabeta, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    We have a chance to head up to see family for Thanksgiving, but it means I need to drive 7 hours with the boys on my own. We've done the drive before with two adults, and know where to stop, which toys to bring, etc. It seems like I was twisting around in the seat to help with something about every 20 minutes on those trips, though, and I don't want to put any of us through the agony of several hours of crying.

    Has anyone else attempted anything like this? I really want to see my Mom!
  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    There's a great saying I read once: "If a thing is impossible, it can be done." :D

    You couldn't pay me to drive alone with the kids that distance. But if it's something you want to do, I'm sure you can make it work. One of those "How do you do it? You just do it" things.

    My only real concern would be whether doing that drive with two toddlers would be so exhausting for you that you wouldn't be driving as safely as usual, especially toward the end. But if you're up to it - why not?
  3. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    Exactly! This worked for getting through the first year with them, so why not a one-day drive? HOw hard can it be, really?

    I think I'm going to plan the trip with a built-in pressure valve stop-and-spend-the-night option. This is my main concern, too; the corollary to not wanting them to cry for hours is knowing what hearing them cry will do to me.

    And, hey, Holly, if it works then the way is clear to haul them out to your neck of the woods!
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :good: I think it can be done! When my kids were little (my oldest two), I put a laundry basket of toys in the middle of them so they could both reach some. And every hour and a half or so I'd stop to pick it all up and put it back.

    The only thing is that you probably will have to stop more, so leave plenty of time for extra stops. But, with water bottles and snacks can do it (sung in my best Bob the Builder impersonation) yes you can!!
  5. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I have always traveled regularly 5 1/2 & 13 hr (1 way) trips with my 5 kids. Starting when the twins were infants. It is absolutely doable - go for it!
  6. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I do a 3-hour drive with my 3, by myself, A LOT. Yeah, it is only 3 hours. But it is totally uneventful (usually, sometimes my 5 year old has to pee, so we all have to unload and hit a bathroom). So, if you plan well and know where good stops are (like a McD's with an indoor playplace or something) - I think a 7 hour drive, while it might not exactly be fun - it is doable. Especially if you are able to stay for more than a night or two... Crazy? Just a little, but totally worth it!

    Good luck!! :)
  7. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, you can totally do it. If your boys are good sleepers and you don't mind night driving, you could leave around 3 or 4am so that they'd sleep part of the way. DH and I do this whenever we visit his family (a 12 hour drive). We pick the girls up out of their beds, bring them to the already-packed car, and within a few minutes, they're back to sleep for several hours. Then the trip with two wide awake toddlers is shorter than it would have been with all-day driving.
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Totally do-able! You can explain to them that you won't be able to pick their stuff up till you stop. I would "power through" and NOT stop the night! We did a stop once in a 17 hr. drive and it was a NIGHTMARE. We got so little sleep, we might as well have not stopped. We drove through on the way home.

    Since you know where to stop'll be fine they'll probably nap once or twice and if you have a DVD player, you can certainly buy some time with that!

    :good: GO FOR IT!
  9. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: :woo: Come on up! :Clap:
  10. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :youcandoit: It will probably have its really tough moments, but I am sure you can do it.... and with both your Mom and the lovely fuchsiagroan as motivation, how can you refuse?! ;)

    Good luck if you do it- I hope it goes as smoothly as possible! :)
  11. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Little bit, yeah. :crazy:

    Just kidding! We've done several 8+ and 12+ hours road trips with all three kids, but it was both DH and I. And honestly, they weren't that fun. It really depends on how your kids travel. Mine do NOT nap in the car for more than 30 minutes, whereas at home they nap for three hours -- so it affected their behavior a wee bit. I think I'd rather chew my arm off at the elbow than attempt it myself. ;)

    But then, if you really want to see your family, I'd encourage you to do it, and chalk up the experience as good story fodder!

    Also try to plan out how/when you'll stop for bathroom breaks for you, get food (perhaps bring some with you), etc. We would stop somewhere, and I took Nadia in to use the bathroom while DH stayed with K&K in the van and let them run around. He changed one diaper. Then we switched, and I changed one diaper. I also sat in the back while he drove and helped them eat, so I didn't end up with food all over the back of the van (they were much younger when we did some of the trips).

    Anyhow, plan out some of this stuff in advance, and hopefully it will go more smoothly than you think! Invest in a DVD player if you don't have one. That may save your life. Also, are your guys potty trained or training? I highly recommend the Fisher Price Potty on the Go!
  12. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    Thank you all SO MUCH for the encouragement and tips. I'm hearing you, dfaut, about the danger of stopping for "sleep". I've invested in a new holder for the DVD player and soft "desks" to hold their toys and snacks, and the idea of a basket between them that they can reach into is brilliant. Luckily we are still fooling around with PT (it's just a way to get M&Ms at the moment).

    OK. Crazy we may be, but we're gonna do it...
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