Lately I feel like there is something wrong with me! I feel like I can't take care of my boys all day with out being on the verge of dropping dead at the end of the day. Dh has been working weekends only and going to school all summer so I do have him home for part of the day a couple days of week. I work for a non-profit organization on those days (just to get out of the house) but the days where I am home with them ALL day from morning until bedtime, I feel like I am going to colapse as soon as I put them in their cribs at night. I litterally fell asleep at 8:00 (dh got home at 9:30 and I was so groggy I couldn't even talk) last night and got up this morning and my back and body ached. I'm not sick or anything it's like this all the time now. It's not like I'm trying to do all that much but between cooking and feeding them 3 meals taking them for a walk to the park in the stroller, cleaning up after them ALL day, changing diapers, cleaning the kitchen and doing all their dishes, and trying to get a load of laundry done, giving them baths, and getting them dressed 2x in the morning and at night (ok it sounds like a lot when I'm typing it :lol: ). Does anyone else feel like this? It just seems like when Dh has them while I'm at work he's never that tired. I feel like I am always saying "I'm so tired". I just feel like I physically can not handle taking care of them all day anymore (they are each around 24lbs) lifting and bending and fighting to get diapers on . Am I just not cut out for this, I think Dh thinks I am crazy. He always says "millions of women have more than one child and they figure it out" :angry: . Please tell me this will get easier. What does everyone else do all day to alliviate some of the stress, please I need some tips.
I just wanted say that if your dh is anything like mine then he does nothing but the babies when he has them. Mine does no house work. Men just don't understand. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Oh I have noticed that we need a new mattress and I wake up achy and sore in the mornings... Just a thought...
Yes, I feel the same way. I can't even keep my eyes open during nap time. I know I should be doing chores; however, I just want to do my bible study and then nap as long as I can. I need this in order to make it through the second half of the day. I'm not as exhausted in the evening if I do get a 30-45 minute nap in. Mine are two today and I can't say it has gotten any less draining . . . not sure when it will either. Good luck!
Ericka, I have been feeling the exact same way. I told dh last week that I thought something was wrong with me because I was SO tired all of the time. He reminded me that I have 14mo twin boys, who wouldn't be tired? These guys keep me SO busy and it's not just the playgroups, story time at the library, playing at the park, splashing in the water, going grocery shopping, etc. that wears me out... it's the constant redirecting, breaking up fights, cleaning up messes, and chasing babies in two different directions that exhausts me. The things I'm doing to try and help myself are: get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, load up on caffeine right when I wake up (probably not the best thing to do - but it works for me), get some exercise first thing in the morning (I go for a jog with the boys in the stroller), drink TONS of water throughout the day, and most of all... eat healthy. I've found that if I eat lots of whole grains, lean proteins, and fruits and veggies throughout the day then I have much more energy than if I load up on junk. You also might consider taking a multi-vitamin if you don't already. I don't take one, but I've heard that can help with fatigue. If you've done all of those things and still feel exhausted you might want to mention it to your doctor. Persistent fatigue can be a sign of a thyroid problem, anemia, depression, etc. Good luck. And, to answer your question, you are definitely NOT the only one! Carrie
I'm so glad you posted this - I've been feeling like this for weeks. I've had to do a lot on my own this year so far b/c DH has been CRAZY busy at work, even working every single weekend, and it's really taken its toll on me. I was starting to think there might be something wrong with me, but now I don't think so. I'm just REALLY that exhausted!
Let's see, my caffeine intake now that I'm not BFing is: Breakfast: 2-3 cups coffee Mid-morning: tea or diet coke 2 p.m.: BIG coffee or 3-4 shots of espresso from Caribou 7 p.m.: yawning starts Basically I'm caffeinated all day long now. That is the only way that I get through. If it's a Friday night and I want to stay up later than 9 I have another small tea or coffee in the late afternoon. I have completely and totally become my mother. You are not alone!!
I do have days like this. Sometimes I think the monotony of it all is just as tiring as the physical work itself. I got a massage this weekend and it was PAINFUL because of all the knots I had all over my body. He said it would take about 2 weeks of getting massages twice a week in order to get rid of them. He asked what I did for a living (I assume he thought I was in the construction business). When I told him I was a mom of one-year old twins he said that explains it all. I don't have any advice but I just wanted you to know you weren't alone. In fact, last night I fell asleep around 9!
I think the advice to get your thyroid checked is good -- so many women have wonky thyroid levels (twin pregnancy can really do a number on your body) -- and it can totally wreak havoc on your system. But apart from that, yes, I am exhausted. We get Nadia in bed between 8 and 8:30pm, then start the babies' bath/bed the time everyone is down at 9:30pm, I am BEAT. I just want to sit on the couch with my laptop and do nothing but hang on TS. It's really sad, but my DH usually does the dishes, throws in a load of laundry, and does more than half the household chores for sure. I just cannot get off the couch, and at least half the time I fall asleep there, and remain there until morning. What kills me is that the babies take two reliable naps, and sleep well at night (except this week -- this week they were posessed) -- but the minute they go down for a nap, Nadia pipes up with, "Will you play with me now?" Poor kid, I really can't expect her to entertain herself *all* day the time during the day when I should really be cleaning/tidying/getting stuff done, or at least just resting, I am instead playing elaborate games of make-believe or dress-up, or playing Uno or Yahtzee (her new favorite, although I obviously help a lot with keeping score). I also read with her a lot, but that's not as relaxing as it sounds, because anything we read is followed by 100 questions. Ugh. Just exhausting, I tell you... The healthy food suggestion does help -- in addition to multivitamins, I also take probiotics, as well as fish oil (for the Omega 3's). If nothing else, I feel like they boost my immunity, so I don't catch every illness that comes along -- being tired can make you susceptible to everything.
I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I have these days as well; although, I will say that since I have started running again they are few and far in between. I run every morning and that gets me going for the day. I do have a nanny (as I work from home) that comes over but she is only here 3 days a week from 9:30am -1:30am. On the days that I do not have her I pay a little girl in the neighborhood $10 to sit with the babies for an hour while they are napping in the am so I can go for a run. She does not have to do anything because they are asleep. I generally get back before they wake up. I know that you are walking with the kids to the park in the stroller but can anyone come over to relieve you for an hour or so so that you can get out to exercise by yourself? Anyway, I am probably not much help but I do agree with the pp about eating AND MOST IMPORTANTLY drinking plenty of water. Being dehydrated makes you sleepy and not eating enough or the right things makes me sluggish.