am I the only one?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ~ilyse~, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    When I am with them, they want me on the floor with them at all times. Which is fine most of the time, but say I go to go to the bathroom, throw a load of laundry in or fix them a meal, they FREAK out. I'm not sure if this happens with dh too, I'll have to ask him. But anyway, the interact well together when they are not stealing the toys out of one another's hands, so it's not like it is one child being left alone. They have each other. Am I the only one this is happening with? How do you fix it? I mean I still do what I have to do but how can I do it without them screaming and/or crying every time?
  2. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Perfectly normal. You are certainly not the only one, I remember it well. What to do? Reassure them, say "I will be riiiiiiiiight back" over and over and over and over. "See, Mommy always comes back" even talk loudly the whole time you are doing whatever you have to do so they know you are there. But go on with what you have to do.
  3. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(marieber @ Jan 22 2008, 03:39 PM) [snapback]584382[/snapback]
    Perfectly normal. You are certainly not the only one, I remember it well. What to do? Reassure them, say "I will be riiiiiiiiight back" over and over and over and over. "See, Mommy always comes back" even talk loudly the whole time you are doing whatever you have to do so they know you are there. But go on with what you have to do.

    Ok, thanks. I do do that already, at least I know I am trying to do the right thing.
  4. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    You are. It's a phase. A very annoying phase.
  5. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    My twins are in the same phase too. It is only with me that they freak out with. With dad, they don't care, but if I leave the room just to go to the bathroom they start to get upset. My three year old grew out of the phase by following me everywhere I go.

    I agree with the part of reassuring them. I am not sure what else to do, so it will be interesting to see other responses.
  6. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Right there with you!

    Another thing I do in addition to the "I'll be riiight back!" and ignoring the hysterics as much as I can is to play Peek-a-boo with them on my way out of the room. I'll pop my head back and forth around the corner, while I'm going up the staircase, etc a few times. They think this is hysterical and forget to be upset.
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I agree with Marie and Natalie. They grow out of the phase and start following you everywhere.
  8. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Yep, mine did it too. Don't feel guilty and quit doing the things that need to be done if all their needs are met (feeding, changing). You just have to learn to tune the crying out while you are doing other necessary things.
  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I remember that being pretty bad at that age (12-15 months or so). It did get better, but there was a stage when they would freak if I left the room. I would sometimes put them in the superyard (this was just before we took it down) because at least I knew they were safe, even though they were crying. They do get over it, but it's very trying while it lasts!
  10. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    yup, mine do it too. you would think they would 'get it' by now ;) they learn so much, so fast during their first year of life, i.e. eating, crawling, walking, etc....don't they see i come back every time? hee hee!
  11. megginmj

    megginmj Well-Known Member

    Mine are JUST getting out of this phase now, after about 5 months of never wanting me out of their sight. They weren't even happy if dh was with them and would scream if I tried to sneak away to take a shower. The only way I could ever get out of the room for a few minutes was to put on a video for them. I tried to get everything done I needed to during nap time or after they went to bed.

    Now that they let me leave the room for a few minutes at a time, I feel so free! I'd forgotten how nice it is not to be stuck in one room with them all day!

    Good luck, and I hope this phase lasts less time for you.
  12. mom_stacyX2

    mom_stacyX2 Well-Known Member

    Yes. :lol: Now, when they need to leave the room, my DD will say "Right, back!" with her finger out telling me to wait. And my DS says "Mom, wait" with the finger, too. :lol: I LOVE it!
  13. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I work, but I used to be the only one home with them all weekend almost everyweekend.
    I remember that stage well, I couldn't wait for Monday morning because work was restful compared to needing to be "on" for two toddlers every minute they were awake.
    Hang in there. I think around 20 months was when I could finally start reading again. I could sit on the couch and read while they played on the floor--at least for a while anyways.
  14. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    My ds seems to just now be growing out of that phase, but dd is worse about it. It's hard to find a balance, b/c there's just certain things that have to get done! I usually will say something like "Mommy's going potty now, you can come along if you want." And like it or not, they usually do follow me into the bathroom. I try not to close doors; that seems to make it worse. When I do laundry, I've started letting ds "help" & he just loves it!! I'll hand him the little things like socks & washcloths and he puts them in the dryer for me. It's made it a little easier.
  15. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(marieber @ Jan 22 2008, 12:39 PM) [snapback]584382[/snapback]
    Perfectly normal. You are certainly not the only one, I remember it well. What to do? Reassure them, say "I will be riiiiiiiiight back" over and over and over and over. "See, Mommy always comes back" even talk loudly the whole time you are doing whatever you have to do so they know you are there. But go on with what you have to do.

    We are just now coming out of this stage (kind of), which set in at about 13m. They still let out a high-pitched squeal when they see me hop over the gate to switch out a load of laundry, get something from the garage, etc. But I just keep talking to them, tell them to come to the gate so they can hear me and keep repeating, "mommy needs you to have good waiting. I'll be right back, I'm just...."

    I also tell them to go to the window and 'watch mommy and i'll wave to you' if i have to run to the mailbox, grab the paper, put the garbage cans out/in, etc. They love going to the window and waving.

    Hang in does get better, but it's a slow process.
  16. twins1231

    twins1231 Well-Known Member

    I am going through that right now.

    Now Samantha will pull my hand or pant leg and say go. She wants me to chase her, play with her constantly. Emily isn't that bad. I am really beginning to hate this cold weather. I can't wait until we can go outside and play.

    Samantha throws a fit when I go to the bathroom or even run upstairs. I just tell them I will be right back and I ignore the screaming.

    Mom to
    Samantha and Emily born 12/31/2005

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