I am curious if I am the only one with this. I have a 3 1/2 year old and 15 month old twins. They have been sick for awhile now. 1st it was the 3 1/2 year old for a week, then my boy twin for a week and now it is my girl twin's turn. I am seriously tired of it all. I have been complaining to my husband and friend way too much about it. I am very frustrated all the time lately. I am hard on myself, expecting to be super mom keeping up with the house and kids. My expectations are up too high. Not like I have ever been in this situation before. This is the first time they all are sick or been sick at the same time. I am sure some of you have been there!?? However, this morning I just couldn't handle the crying/whining anymore and just started to cry, didn't know what else to do. I felt better afterwards but my husband thinks I should see the doctor about anxiety. WHAT??? I don't think I am that bad or am I? Then my friend this morning suggested maybe I should go back to work, find a job where I can afford daycare for them all. WHAT? WOW, am I off base to get offended by that comment? Am I being too sensitive? I do love being home with my kids. I was a teacher before I became a SAHM, I always wanted to work with kids. It isn't easy and it is very lonely at times. But I don't want it any other way. I do have very little patience but I am working on that. Just curious if I am crazy or just overwhelmed. Would like to know your take on things? THANKS!! Trying to adjust my attitude :laughing:
We all have bad days. I don't think you have anxiety or need to get back to work based on what you wrote here. I just sounds like you've been having a hard few weeks and it's okay to vent and cry! Get it out! If you felt better afterwards then I think you're okay. We've all been there and there have been days when I just can't take it anymore and have a quick cry then I suddenly feel better.
I agree with orangeyaglad completely! Everyone has bad days or weeks, that doesn't mean they have anxiety or depression...if your kids were all happy and healthy and in great moods, and you were still frustrated and upset, then I could see it We just had a stomach virus run through our house. Night #1, starting at 5:30pm, Rylee was sick until about 1am. Night #2, starting at 11pm, Liam was sick. Rylee started again at 12am. Got to bed about 3am. Night #3, starting at 1am, Kaelyn was sick....got to bed at 8am for 3 hrs. Night #4, 10pm Sean starts getting sick. I had been up for 3 nights already with very little sleep, I was beyond exhausted, I could hardly hold my own gag reflex I was so tired, I started crying.....thankfully my hubby took over clean up duty for the night and I went to bed. He came to bed about 4am. No anxiety or depression....just a very insane few days. It happens to us all :hug:
No, you are definitely not the only one. I'm going through that same thing. One of mine has had health issues, tonsilitis 6 times since June, reflux, allergies oh and he's decided not to eat. Oh yea, and they found a heart murmur which turned out to be just like freckles, unusual but not harmful. Anyway, that ended up being another trip to a specialist. He's been to so many, I feel like a hypochondriac. We still have the tonsilitis and not eating issues to deal with, but everyone acts like I'm imagining it. My mother in law actually told me today that she doesn't think anything is wrong with him, that the diarrhea and reflux with end soon. I guess he can live without eating. I just keep telling myself that I know my child and it's my job to make sure he's as healthy as he can be. Having a sick child is tiring and some nights even when he's sleeping, I find myself not able to sleep just because I want to make sure he's alright. Just hang in there and know that no matter how alone you feel, there's always someone else somewhere who's awake right along with you.
Thanks guys for the replies. This week is looking better! Looks like everyone is done with the sickness for now! I hope it stays away for awhile :woohoo:
I work and I am overwhelmed. My twins have been sick since May. 4 bouts of strep each, then 5 ear infections each. We finally did ear tube surgery on Friday for both of them. It is very overwhelming because when they are sick at this age, they are more clingy (if that is possible) and there are two of them. I think your friend was off base in her suggestion and I think you getting a break is important because of how much work you are doing. You aren't alone.
It is so hard when you have 3-4 kids or more because it does seem like someone is always sick...it just gets passed on and then something new starts. Sometimes I get really overwhelmed too and when I truly feel like I'm going to lose my mind, I ask my husband if I could please go for a quick walk by myself. And all my neighbors see me and they ask me if I got out on parolle! Usually if I just go to the end of the street and back I feel better. I am teacher (part-time) and stay at home part-time. I have worked full time before and also been at home full time. I found that is a big transition from teaching to being at home. When I'm at school I feel like get a lot accomplished...there's a lot of tasks to do, I get them done and so I feel like I"m accomplishing something. Plus, there's routines and rules and it's easier to enforce all that stuff because it's my job and the teacher/student relationship is different from the parent/child. At home, I feel like I'm in a hamster wheel, I never fully accomplish anything! Decisions are always harder because they involve my own children...the people I love most in the world...(besides my husband of course). And so I find I get a bit more frustrated with life sometimes when I'm home. Although I do LOVE being home don't get me wrong. I just wanted to let you know how I feel sometimes as a teacher/mother. Anyways, hang in there! And when it gets really bad...try to laugh! It's the next best thing to crying! I do both, A LOT! Shannon