Am I the only one?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sruth, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I use the munchkin straw sippys for my girls and offer milk with every meal plus I have two water sippys available all day around the house. Recently one of my DD's isn't finishing her breakfast milk so I save it for lunch. What I'm realizing is that I could do the same all day with both girls by just adding a few more ounces to the previous sippy with each meal, therefore only really using two or four sippys a day.
    Anyway am I the only one!? I guess I got in the habit from the bottle stage... :rolleyes:
  2. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    I just started doing this, too. For some reason I didn't think it was safe to put it back in the refrigerator. I babysat for a friend and she told me to fill the cups with milk and then just keep saving it all day. I was shocked! And then when I saw how much easier that was, I jumped on board!!

    Of course they did get their first virus right after I started doing that...but I don't think it was related. I went back to a gazillion sippies while they were sick, need to let the germs hang around.
  3. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I just use one sippy a day for each and rinse/wash it out when I switch from milk to water. That's one of the reasons I was so happy to stop with the bottles!
  4. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    We use 2 per child per day, so four total. 2 for milk and 2 for water. It is SO much easier that way.
  5. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We use a few... mostly because the milk sippies get gross when they put their dirty hands on them during meals and I'm too lazy to clean them, and we have to run the dishwasher once a day anyway because it's so small. So they get 3 sippies of milk, and one sippy of water that I just refill during the day. We use the cheap take'n toss sippies so buying more wasn't a big deal though.
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    This may sound strange but when you add more milk to the sippies, smell the older milk. I've tried different brands and all of them go sour between meals when it is stored in the sippy.

    I now give them less milk each meal and whatever they don't finish I dump and wash it out. If they finish what I gave them (which is rare lately) I can always give them a little more.

    In total we go through 2 sippies each per day.
  8. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I've never had milk go sour in a sippy in the fridge. We always use one a day for milk. I just refill as necessary. I do have to wash the outside of the sippy before putting it back in the fridge because of their grimy hands at mealtimes.

    ETA: I should also add that I never threw out the contents of a bottle if they didn't finish it either. Breast milk was far to precious to waste.
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :good: This is what we've been doing ever since they switched to sippies. Much easier to keep track of them too! :crazy:
  10. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Mine have cups (with nozzles) for their breakfast milk, 2 re-useable bottles (with nozzles) with fruit juice for lunch and water bottles (I buy these) for the rest of the time. I too put it all in the dishwasher at the end of the day.
  11. Melissatwins84

    Melissatwins84 Well-Known Member

    I use one sippy a day for each child. For breakfast they get milk in their insulated cups. They carry it around the house until nap time (2 hours later) If they drink all of their milk before nap time, I will fill it up again. Otherwise durning nap time I will rinse out the cup, and straw, and valve. After nap time they have lunch. I give them ice water. However this past grocery trip I got the v8 fusion juice... However DS does not like it, but DD does. So I think I'll start giving them a half of a cup of juice every day during lunch. If they don't drink it all by time lunch is over I'll rinse the cup out and give them ice water. This is what they drink until dinner, then I rinse the cup out and give them milk. Then the cups get washed.
  12. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    This is exactly what we do as well. We only have a total of 6 sippie cups in all.
  13. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I've been doing this for a while, and since the Munchkin sippies are a PITA to wash I sure don't want to be washing them so often.

    Anybody have any tips on how to clean those things because right now I dread it.
  14. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We've done the same thing :good:
    The Munchkin sippies are a pain to clean. I'm trying to find a tiny bottle nipple brush so I can clean the straws.
  15. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I have been using the brush that they use to clean the Dr. Brown bottles. They make a tiny brush, so you can clean the air vent on those bottles. It does work well, but you still have to dissemble everything to get the cup clean.

    I was hoping somebody would say--hey I clean them in the dish washer and it works. LOL!
  16. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    I put them in the dishwasher and just hope they get clean enough. I don't put anything other than water in them, though, because I wouldn't want to see milk stuck in there. I give milk in a regular sippy cup while they're in their high chairs, and then keep the Munchkin straw sippies out all day with water. The biggest pain is putting them back together! I hate trying to get the top piece through. Makes me crazy!!
  17. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    It's times like this when I wish my kids would take another sippy cup. We even went back and bought a few more traditional sippies to see if they would take them, no dice.

    The milk can get really nasty in those cups, especially if you leave them out over night. :gah:
  18. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks Rachel, I'll look up the Dr. Brown brushes. I wish I could say about the dishwasher, I have one but it doesn't work.
  19. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Here's what I'm talking about My link
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  20. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    When my kids are done with their milk in the morning, I quickly rinse out the straw cups and put them in the fridge (empty). Then I re-use them for their post-nap milk. (They actually drink milk/yogurt smoothies, which is why I don't save whatever is left in the cups -- they usually drink it all, in any case.)

    The water/juice straw cup is separate, but we just use the same one all day. I do the same -- dump it after every meal, rinse quickly, and put it in the fridge, and then re-fill it for the next meal.

    So, only two straw cups per kid, per day. All four go in the dishwasher at the end of the day, no sweat. We use only Playtex straw cups -- have been since Nadia was tiny -- and have never had a problem with cleaning them.
  21. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I use three cups for milk for each boy plus two more (one each) for water. It does seem like a lot of sippies, but they finish all their milks each time and I just have the energy to clean all the parts. It's just the munchkin straw sippies so it's not like there's a lot of parts to clean, but I just prefer the dishwasher do it when I'm ready to fill it up. So, you can imagine. I have a lot of sippies.
  22. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I use four sippies throughout the day, two for milk and two for water. They'll drink out of their milk sippies until their first nap and then whatever is left over I'll discard. I'll wash and refill them and offer them their next round of milk after lunch. They usually have a little and I'll put what's leftover in the fridge to offer up later in the day. Before bed I'll offer their last sippy of milk. If they drink most I'll discard but sometimes they are full from dinner. If they just take a few sips, I'll put them in the fridge for the morning. I have a water sippy at hand all day too. I don't mind quickly washing out the sippies. SOO much easier than bottles! We use and love the Munchkin SoftSpout sippies, I personally can't stand the straws and they don't care for them either.

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