Am I strange?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by belinda07, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    My twins are 17mths old and I still give them bottles to drink out of......
    They also have blankets that they sleep with and like to carry around a lot.......
    DD loves to suck a dummy, but i only give it to her in bed.....DS gave it up on his own....

    Is this stuff bad?
    I have an ex-SIL that had to get her 3-y-o to hand over his dummys to Santa. The next time he saw Santa he went up bashing into him tellling him to give them back LOL. Would like to avoid that if I can.

    Just wondering. They seem to spill cups all the time and dont drink as much.
  2. lorig6

    lorig6 Well-Known Member

    My DD still gets a bottle at night at 17 months. My DS still uses a paci for naps and bed. I know she should be off bottles but she likes it and I still love holding her and feeding it to her. She holds it but I love cuddling with her.
  3. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Mine are 15 months - still drink milk from bottles - water from sippies though.
    Max has a dummy and we are no way getting rid of that any time soon!
    They both have luvies which they love and sleep with.
    Lara is nearly 3 and loves her blankies - I think it's cute.

    Wouldn't worry too much!
  4. maurahursh

    maurahursh Well-Known Member

    Mine use paci's for naps and nightime and they sleep w/ blankies. I don't see anything wrong w/ it.
  5. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Molly has never used a pacifier so I don't have that to "worry" about. She does still take a bottle to go to bed at night and nap and one first thing in the morning. I really have no worries about it either.
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've had my girls off bottles since 12 months old. I just gave them cups and never looked back. We went cold turkey and it worked out fine. I give mine pacifires. I was just about to only give them their pacis in the crib but then they both got sick so I'm waiting until they are over their illness to try again.
  7. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I see no point in taking something from them that makes them feel secure-i.e. a paci or a blanky. They will give it up when they are ready-imo. My pedi is the one who told me that when I was worried about my 1st dd's love for her paci. As far as the bottles go, I am in no rush at all-my 1st dd had her morning bottle until she was 2-and there have been no lingering problems because of it. At that age I was able to reason with/bribe her to give it up.
    The twins still have a morning and night time bottle with milk and they drink it all gone and I feel good knowing they got those calories when the rest of the day is up in the air with what they eat. They sttn and I am NOT messing with that! lol
    They drink from sippies the rest of the day just fine but will not drink a good amount like they do with a bottle.
    So, to answer your question-no you are not strange...
    I think when it is your first baby/babies you worry more about what they should and shouldnt be doing but you learn that things like that are just not a big deal. There is no right or wrong-
  8. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    Mine have pacifiers but don't seem to care about their blankies, and THAT worries me! LOL. Maybe because I had mine in my bed until I went to college...Weird, but it's amazing how much security you can get from a piece of fabric.
  9. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    My 3 y/o's still love t heir blankets but I don't let them have them out of the house.

    took the binkie away at 2 y/o.

    They never took a bottle, went right from niple to sippie cups.
  10. ldwa

    ldwa Well-Known Member

    sounds perfectly normal to me-- but then, consider the source, ha, ha! :rotflmbo:
  11. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(aimeethomp @ Apr 13 2009, 09:37 AM) [snapback]1270868[/snapback]
    I've had my girls off bottles since 12 months old. I just gave them cups and never looked back. We went cold turkey and it worked out fine. I give mine pacifires. I was just about to only give them their pacis in the crib but then they both got sick so I'm waiting until they are over their illness to try again.

    Change "girls" to "boys" and I could have written this, exactly.

    I think it's really a personal preference thing. For us, the transitions we have done so far have been really quite smooth, and they just worked at the time we did them.
  12. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't think you are strange at all! My mom always has the saying that she has never seen a child start school still on the bottle, so don't stress about when they go off the bottle. Mine never took binkies and I thought that was strange (still think they are strange for that one) and they love their blankets. You are doing great Momma!
  13. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I'm Canadian. My boys were pretty much done with bottles at 13 months, definitely by 15 months. My family doctor suggested 15 months as the oldest acceptable age to have a bottle, but honestly I think it's very individual. In our case, they weren't very tied to their bottles for comfort or sleep so it wasn't a big deal. I can see how one might extend the timeline if bottles are a big part of your sleep routine or if your kids just love them. My boys are 25 months now and both love their soothers at bedtime. I'd like to take them away but I keep chickening out! Maybe this of my sons is going to have a really hard time though, I know it. As for blankets - one of my sons has twin stuffed dogs that he LOVES and he could never sleep without them. He takes them almost everywhere he goes. My other son has twin bears and two mini fuzzy blankets that he ALWAYS sleeps with. That's four comfort items - you can hardly see him in the crib he's so covered is soft things! Many kids love comfort items like that - I think it's nice.
  14. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    I'm jealous that you're an's my favorite place on earth!

    We let our girls have binkies/paci's in the crib only, but that is only for the past few weeks. We do want to have them done sooner than later because it's really annoying to me (for some reason I haven't figured out yet). As far as blankies go, mine can keep them as long as they want...I don't care if they're 20. I wish I still had mine. I can still remember it. We give 3 warm sippies of milk each day. We are supposed to stop warming it and only give it for meals according to our pedi, but I'm not too worried yet.
  15. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I'm living in Australia (Queensland) and my 17 month olds are still bottle -- sippy cup for water during the day. I see that sippy cups are still bottles just in a different shape really. Unless they are drinking from a cup (meaning no lid) then heck I'm not that impressed. Plus I like to see how much they drink.

    They never wanted a paci (I tried) but they will play with one every once in awhile and I think it is funny to see them with one.

    They sleep with a fuzzy blanket and I have an extra blanket in the livingroom that the one daughter often likes to snuggle with at various times. Neither carry anything around with them all the time though.

    I think whatever works for you and them. I dont' think the community nurses or doctors should really have a say. Heck if you were bf they would be dependent on a boob...

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