Am I starving them???

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by emlu1, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. emlu1

    emlu1 Well-Known Member

    Ok, my girls are almost 15 months old and weigh 23 lbs, so I am pretty sure I am NOT starving them. But.... they are constantly begging for food when it is around. Is this normal? I cannot crinkle a wrapper or open a cabinet without them begging for food.

    Do your 15 month olds act the same about food? How often and what do you feed them on a typical day?

    Thanks as always!!
  2. emlu1

    emlu1 Well-Known Member

    Ok, my girls are almost 15 months old and weigh 23 lbs, so I am pretty sure I am NOT starving them. But.... they are constantly begging for food when it is around. Is this normal? I cannot crinkle a wrapper or open a cabinet without them begging for food.

    Do your 15 month olds act the same about food? How often and what do you feed them on a typical day?

    Thanks as always!!
  3. AKD

    AKD Well-Known Member

    I'm sure you're not starving them. By reading your post, the first thing I thought of is that they may just want what you're having. I know I can't even have chocolate breathe without my daughter picking up on it. Do they ask for food when it's not out in plain sight?
  4. JoyX2

    JoyX2 Well-Known Member

    It's probably just out of curiosity more than it is hunger. Mine do the same thing. I give them one bite, they try it, and they're usually satisfied.

  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My 15 months olds do the same thing. If I eat something different than they are eatting they have to have a little bit. [​IMG]
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Originally posted by AKD
    By reading your post, the first thing I thought of is that they may just want what you're having.

    I was thinking the same thing. Mine do that too.
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Mine can have full bellies and food in front of them and they'll still want some of whatever I'm having. Totally normal. I think it's a positive, actually, that they are open to trying things.
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you are talking not so much about them begging for some of what you're having, as that they beg for food whenever they see or hear something that reminds them of food (even if no one is actually eating, and it's not mealtime). I think this is a testing-boundaries thing. They are curious whether they can make you give them food. So I would not give in if you can possibly avoid it.

    I can't get their lunch or dinner ready without them begging and whining, even if they were playing happily until they saw me open the fridge. (Of course it's probably worse in that situation because they actually are hungry, they just hadn't realized it until they saw the food.) I still try not to give in until I'm actually ready to feed them, although if they're making a huge stink, sometimes I will give them their sippies or a cracker to start working on.
  9. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    toddlers LOVE to eat, they're happy to snack ALL day everyday.
    It's normal.
    In fact, mine snack a lot. They are so busy I think they really need it.
  10. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We can't even walk through the kitchen without them going nuts when they see the box of crackers. They could have just eaten, and they still want them. I think it's normal.
  11. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    At 15 months I used to think mine couldn't possibly eat another thing and then as soon as I had something they would want it. I swear they ate all day long and a lot.

    However, wait a couple of months when they go almost a whole week on a couple of crackers. You will be obsessing about how they could possibly survive on no food. Right now they are growing a lot and will eat anything they can get their hands on, then the growing will come to a complete halt and they will stop eating. It is all a normal part of toddlerhood.
  12. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    LOL, I have one that runs when i start the mixer! He wants to lick the beaters, no matter what it is! I try my best to mix things with a whisk to save the all out rush for the beaters! [​IMG]
  13. jem0622

    jem0622 Well-Known Member

    I think all of my kids have hollow legs! And they don't have bellies to show for their eating either! No worries!
  14. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    the first thing I thought of is that they may just want what you're having.

    my thoughts too.

    I give them a little bite then they get satisfied and go do something else.
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