Am I just being lazy?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ksk_krich, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. ksk_krich

    ksk_krich Well-Known Member

    My mom and my MIL both think the boys are ready to be potty trained. Drew will sit on the toilet and try to go. Sometimes we get something, sometimes not. Today he told me he was dirty (he's been doing that for awhile now) and while I went to get diapers he took his pants off, unhooked his diaper and got a wipe out and started wiping himself. [​IMG] Thankfully he didn't make a mess. Tyler is not showing as much interest, although he does hate a dirty diaper. He is much more the follower though, so I think he will do whatever Drew does.

    I just really find myself dragging my feet on potty training. It seems like so much work with two and things are already so busy. My older son was easy and really got the hang of it in two or three days, so that wasn't a bad experience. I think the thought of dealing with all of the bathroom trips, clothes changes, etc. times two just overwhelms me. Do I just bite the bullet and dive in? Any advice or tips to make it easier. I don't think I'll be able to do just one at a time because Tyler has to do whatever Drew does, so I won't be able to take Drew to the bathroom w/o Tyler right behind us.
  2. ksk_krich

    ksk_krich Well-Known Member

    My mom and my MIL both think the boys are ready to be potty trained. Drew will sit on the toilet and try to go. Sometimes we get something, sometimes not. Today he told me he was dirty (he's been doing that for awhile now) and while I went to get diapers he took his pants off, unhooked his diaper and got a wipe out and started wiping himself. [​IMG] Thankfully he didn't make a mess. Tyler is not showing as much interest, although he does hate a dirty diaper. He is much more the follower though, so I think he will do whatever Drew does.

    I just really find myself dragging my feet on potty training. It seems like so much work with two and things are already so busy. My older son was easy and really got the hang of it in two or three days, so that wasn't a bad experience. I think the thought of dealing with all of the bathroom trips, clothes changes, etc. times two just overwhelms me. Do I just bite the bullet and dive in? Any advice or tips to make it easier. I don't think I'll be able to do just one at a time because Tyler has to do whatever Drew does, so I won't be able to take Drew to the bathroom w/o Tyler right behind us.
  3. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    I think I'm lazy too:

    Diapers are just so convenient! I don't have to stop the car or stop in the middle of the grocery store to run as fast as I can to a potty. . .
    I'm in no rush personally! LMBO!
  4. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    If you're lazy...where am I?? Our boys are 33 mons. They go on the potty 2-3times/day....but not to the point of wearing underpants. And #2 on the potty has happened only a couple times. I'm not stressed about it. I know it will happen. In the long run...what's the big deal if they train at 2 or 3? No awards handed out and certainly not going to affect anything else that I can think of. [​IMG]

    My next door neighbor is a ped. He said that stats show the average age(in US) of day potty training for a boy to be 35mons (think it was 26mons for a girl). For full day AND night training with was over 3.5yrs. So obviously...we're not alone!!

    Within my boy's circle of friends we hang with(5 other boys 31mons- 38mons), only one is day trained of 2 weeks ago. Boys...(and men) have a mind of their own. [​IMG]

    P.S. Our friend that just trained is a twin. They are one month older than my boys. Their mother tried doing a weekend potty training "boot camp". It worked very well with the one twin (he was ready) but the just didn't click. He remains in diapers. She was really surprised because they always HAVE to do what the other one does. She is glad it worked out the way it did. She said that she found it very tough doing both at the same time.
  5. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'll admit I'm being lazy. I could probably train Sarah if I took Timothy to mil's house for the day and worked exclusively w/her. Up until literally yesterday, Timothy had refused all attempts to even sit on the potty. Sarah loves to sit on the potty. She tries so hard to go and will tell me she went, but she hasn't had success yet. Yesterday they both wanted to sit on their potties and I gave them cups of water to splash in and play with and had water running and still neither one had success. So they got their stickers for sitting on the toilet and ran off happily in their diapers. I figure it'll happen when it happens. I'm just keeping an open dialogue on it. With them, everything has been extremely easy when it was the right time.

  6. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    Never know till you try. The sooner the diapers are gone the less money it costs. That was a HUGE thing for us.
  7. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    I was in no hurry but, knowing the boys were ready for quite some time although they were just not inspired to use the potty on a regular basis, I bit the bullet and we made a party of it back in April.

    Finding and getting to the bathrooms while out on errands and at the park on time with twice as many visits, using public restrooms(yuck)...and now with having 2 boys, I have to clean the toilet and surrounding area numerous times a day due to aiming difficulties.
  8. ksk_krich

    ksk_krich Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for your thoughts and comments. I don't so much feel pressured as I feel that Drew is probably ready, but I'm not ready to tackle it with both of them. I liked the idea of having one spend the day with grandparents and working just with the one that's ready. I know age-wise that they are on the young side, especially for boys.

    Trace (mom i am) I had to laugh at your aiming post. Dh and I talked about doing the boys bathroom in our house in all tile with a floor drain so we could just hose it down. I'm pretty sure we're going to wish that we had done that. [​IMG]
  9. bensona

    bensona Well-Known Member

    i think it's just as important for the parents to be ready for it as well.

    we did the long weekend booty camp approach. we went cold turkey on the diapers on a thursday afternoon and never looked back.

    i hear a lot of people say that the kids aren't initiating trips to the potty on their own (when they are still in diapers) but i think that's asking a lot of little ones. the diapers are convenient for them so they use them.

    we cleaned up some mighty messes. the first time johnny had to go poop with no diaper he (and he realized it) he ran around holding his bottom saying 'i need a diaper, i need a diaper!' i grabbed him and we ran for the potty - he made it and we jumped up and down and danced and we had candy and just really whooped it up. at that point it clicked for him.

    good luck. it's a challenge but it is nice to be potty trained!
  10. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    If you ask my family, I am lazy too. I think William might be ready, but I don't think Nathan is. Nathan still freaks if I ask him if he wants to sit on the potty (good sign he isn't ready).
  11. ~*Twinmom22*~

    ~*Twinmom22*~ Well-Known Member

    If you are, then I am, too. I just don't like dealing with whole thing. And I can't figure out how I can get them to let me know when they need to use the potty. I'm thinking of getting the Baby Einstein movie on potty training. Has anyone tried it before? Let me know if it helps before I spend my money on it.
  12. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    Dh and I talked about doing the boys bathroom in our house in all tile with a floor drain so we could just hose it down.

    he ran around holding his bottom saying 'i need a diaper, i need a diaper!'

    I know we are FARRR off from potty training, but you gals had me laughing out loud with these stories!!
  13. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by bensona:
    i think it's just as important for the parents to be ready for it as well.

    good luck. it's a challenge but it is nice to be potty trained!

    I agree. I also think that it sounds like your babies have grown up and are ready for big boy underwear. Good luck!
  14. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I was lazy too and in actuality I don't think I ever trained. We basically went from diapers to underwear with no accidents in one day. I dreaded potty training, totally blocked it out of my mind but when they wanted to do it I figured I better. It was completely painless. For reference sake, Kayla was 3 and Kyle was 3 and 4 months.
  15. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I was lazy too and in actuality I don't think I ever trained. We basically went from diapers to underwear with no accidents in one day. I dreaded potty training, totally blocked it out of my mind but when they wanted to do it I figured I better. It was completely painless. For reference sake, Kayla was 3 and Kyle was 3 and 4 months.

    That is how I want it to go for me as well. To just do it in one day, and when they are old enough, and can actually 'understand' the concept of peeing/pooping in the potty and when to.
  16. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    I just read my orginal reply from Oct. About a month later...Ben trained himself! [​IMG] He is day and even night trained with still amazes me!! He has not had one pee accident since then. He does ,however, some troubles with #2. We have good days and bad days on that. In my usually style...I'm not pushing...just encouraging... knowing it will come.

    Luke is still "status quo". He pees a couple times/day on the potty...but irregular. I just talked to the ped during their 3yr check and she said...just to keep encouraging and he'll come around. I happen to agree with that.
  17. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I agree that you have to be ready for it, too. I do think that there's a possibility that if you don't take advantage of his readiness now, it may go away. That happened w/ my 4 year old. He was about the same age as your boys and I started potty training, because he had all those same signs. He was doing great. He'd almost always go when I put him on the potty, and was dry at night. He'd always tell me if he was messy, too. Occasionally, but not always, he'd tell me he needed to go. We were doing great, and I kept on top of it (granted just one child) so he had few to no accidents. But I was pregnant and morning sickness set in... was sick as a dog. I just wasn't up to it, and let it slide. A few months later, when I was really ready, he no longer wanted anything to do with it. He finally did it, but it was so much more stressful that go round! Good luck, whatever you decide!
  18. Aurelyn

    Aurelyn Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Dianne:
    I was lazy too and in actuality I don't think I ever trained. We basically went from diapers to underwear with no accidents in one day. I dreaded potty training, totally blocked it out of my mind but when they wanted to do it I figured I better. It was completely painless. For reference sake, Kayla was 3 and Kyle was 3 and 4 months.

    When my brother was about 3 he started bringing diapers to my mom every time he had just gone and said "Mom, I need a clean diaper", then would lay down and wait. About that time Mom decided he was ready and threw away all the diapers. Waiting does have it's advantages [​IMG]

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