Am I Discouraging her to go?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2plusbgtwins, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    So, the twins turned 2 in July, and I havent really pressed the potty training issue yet. However, my DD is very ready. Somehow a couple of months ago she decided she wanted to use the potty. A little back story _ She had problems with constipation starting when she was about 9 months old and I finally got a Gastro appt at about 13 months and they put her on Miralax to help keep her stool soft. They said she wasnt going because she must have had a hard BM and it hurt, so after that she would just hold it because she didnt want to hurt...and by holding her stool in, that causes it to get hard, so by the time it forces itself out, it hurts anyway. So, I over the past year or so I have decreased the amount I give her, although the Gastro DR says I will have to keep her on it until after she is fully potty trained b/c potty training 'teaches' them to hold it, and we dont want her to do that...
    So, now when she has to poop, she tells me, and I put her on the potty..and usually that is the harder part of the training. She also asks to get on the potty when Im going or her sister is going and I will let her, but Im not taking her all the time and Im not using pull ups or underwear. The daycare she goes to does a cold turkey method, where if you want them to help potty training you have to bring in 6 changes of clothes/underwear/socks/shoes, because they dont train children in pullups or diapers. This has been my main set back. That seems like a lot of laundry if shes having accidents all day, every day. Also, her twin brother has no interest what so ever and I dont think he will ever care if he uses the potty or not.
    So, my big question is: Do you think I am discouraging her, or negatively impacting her potty training by not taking her consisitently and getting her fully trained?
  2. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would just do the cold turkey with day care if you think she is ready. My DD that trained first, had a few accidents the first day or tow. But after that they stopped. And I don't think it was ever 6 accidents. Just the school wants to be prepared in case she needs a change of clothes.
    Will they take her to the potty if she ask and is in a pull up?
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Can you take a weekend and do cold turkey at home? That will be very telling on if she's ready. I just did that this past weekend, and I have one DD who did great and is going on the potty all the time with very few accidents. The other one just wasn't ready yet. I did 2 days of underwear and a shirt (no pants to dirty up).

    Our daycare makes us put them in pull ups for the first 2-3 weeks that they are training (I don't like it, but that's the way it is). But she's doing fine with that, still no accidents with pull ups and using the potty at school. At home she's in underwear except at nap and at night. We're doing okay with the laundry situation, since she's not really having accidents.
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    My only concern is that you don't want to lose that window of opportunity. It sounds like she really wants to go, I'd say do it. And, even if you have a few days of lots of laundry, it beats the heck out of buying diapers for another few months or so! I do like the thought of doing it at home yourself first, and then you can limit the clothes, just use underwear or even let her have a naked bottom at first. Good luck!
  5. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    Thankyou for your responses. Maybe I will try cold turkey at home first. I know I should have just done it already and brought the clothes to school, but Im procrastinating. I have 4 children and Im a working mother, so I just have to make the time and get the clothes together and do it!
    Thanks again!
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I've never gotten the pull ups thing. THey ar just more expensive diapers. What does it teach the kids??

    WE do the cold turkey underwear too adn it seems to work well. Yes, it can be a lot of laundry at first but I think the frustration of potty training goes more quickly. I would kill to have someone to that for me all day long!
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