am i? arent i?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by motheringtwins, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. motheringtwins

    motheringtwins Well-Known Member

    So, i may or may not be pregnant. can you do the take home test BEFORE the next period is due? or do i have to wait the full cycle???

    and IF i am pregnant, whats the earliest i can find out if its 2 beautiful heart beats again? or 1 gorgeous one?

    last pregnancy, i waited until the 12 week check because i had no reason to think otherwise. Do i have to wait 12 weeks?

    i know i know, first i need to work out if im pregnant. Just a little excited... anxious.....
  2. Babygus0

    Babygus0 Well-Known Member

    With the girls I got a BFP two days before AF was due. If you are pg, does your Dr. do an u/s at the first appointment? Mine does, they like to verify that it is a viable pregnancy and get and estimate on the due date. We had our first at 5.5 weeks and our second u/s at 6.5 weeks. At 6.5 we saw both. I guess it just depends on what your Dr. does.

    Good luck!
  3. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I think most home pg tests say you can test about 3 days before your period is due. However, if you do test early and get a - it just might be too early. I was always a pee-on-a-stick-aholic & tested as early as I could. :) I'd get a 2 pack, so you can test early if you want & then retest again if you need to.

    I had an u/s done at 8 weeks & saw 2 babies. I think that's kind of early, but with my history my dr wanted an early u/s done. Otherwise, I think she usually waits till about 16 weeks.
  4. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    i woul think once you have had a set of twins your dr would want to ultrasound you sooner than later just to check.
    good luck to you :)
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    For this pregnancy I took a test a week AFTER my period was due. lol Of course I got a positive. tests claim they can tell ahead of time, but they are sure expensive! I'd wait until you miss your period. The 2WW is hard, but worth saving the money in my opinion.
    With this pregnancy, they wanted me in for an 8-week checkup (first OB appt) and then I got an ultrasound (showed twins) two days later. Two weeks later had a re-check to see if smaller twin was viable and it had been re-absorbed. :cray: It probably all depends on your doctor. We were really questioning due dates because of how off my cycle can be (it's a miracle that I got pregnant period). I tend to ovulate late and have a short luteal phase. So, according to my calculations, I should be due the 20th of April, but I measured for the 22nd at my FIRST ultrasound.
    Good luck! i hope it works out for you and you get the positive result you want. I'd wait to test after a missed period. Don't give up home!
  6. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    You can take the test before AF is due, but like pp said you could still be pregnant and get a negative if it is too soon based on when you actually got pregnant. With the girls, I just knew I was pregnant but tested negative the day AF was due as well as the next couple days. It was due Tuesday and I didn't test positive until Saturday-this being pregnant with twins when, as my OB said, I should have tested positive sooner rather than later. His theory was that I got pregnant later in my cycle and was a week off with my dates.
  7. hopewait

    hopewait Well-Known Member

    I took a test at 9 dpo. and got a positive, I don't know how soon it would of been to AF. And we got an ultasound at 6weeks and saw the 2 of them. Very exciting though - let us know what happens!
  8. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I never got a positive result except on the day AF was due or later. Never early.

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