Alternative Vaccination Schedule?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by prettybaby25, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    I do not want an argument here. I am simply looking for an alternative vaccination schedule or input on creating one.

    We do not feel comfortable with all the shots new babies get and I am thinking about delaying the shots and splitting them up over several months. Since it will be late fall/winter when the new baby is 2 months old - we will get the Dpt, polio and Hep B combo shot at that time. But, we will pass on the other shots until a later time b/c we feel that shot is enough for a 2 mo old system to handle.

    So, what are YOU doing?? Do you delay all of them for a certain time period or break them up or what???

    My Pedi is against this and it is really hard to find one supporting this in suburbia.

    Input is greatly appreciated..

    Edited: We got the twins vaccinated according to schedule except for MMR and Chicken Pox which they still don't have. We are waiting until they are over 3 yrs old to get those and maybe will wait longer...

  2. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    Our ped was very helpful about assisting us in figuring out an alternative schedule. We, like you, just wanted to spread them out more.

    I'm looking at our immunization record:

    at 2 months: DTaP and HiB

    at 4 months: Polio, DTaP and HiB

    At 6 months: DTaP and HiB

    18month checkup: Polio, DTaP and HiB

    At 2 1/2 year checkup: MMR

    At 3 (to get in to preschool): HepB and chickenpox

    At 5 1/2 (to start elementary school): final Polio, final DTaP and final MMR

    One thing our ped made clear to us was that if there was an outbreak in our area, or our unvaccinated kids were exposed to Mumps, Rubella or Measles I'd have to keep them quarantined so as not to expose anyone else to them. If kids get those diseases, it's usually not too bad, but it can be devastating for an adult.

    Hope this helps.
  3. Lindyloo

    Lindyloo Well-Known Member

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