alternative to antibiotics?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by de_acevedo, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. de_acevedo

    de_acevedo Active Member

    I am new to this forum, my babies just turned 1 March 27TH!!! my boys were sick with earinfections, vomiting, diahrrea... it was not fun. Now they are apparently not over the ear infection b/c they gave me cefzil (sp?) to give them which was mildest on their stomach given they had diahrrea but it did not kill the infection completely. so of course, they prescribed yet another round of antibiotics. They now have hives that occasionally pop up, they say it's b/c they are fighting the infection, also conjunctivitis. Is my only option antibiotics? I was trying the collidal silver which has worked beautifully for me in the past. any input?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You can try giving them pro-biotics in addition to the anti-biotics, at least that should help with the GI issues.

    No opinions on the colloidal silver. I've never heard it being used for ear issues.
  3. maurahursh

    maurahursh Well-Known Member

    It sounds like the ear infection is not the only thing going on. I would talk to your ped if thee is anything else you could give them besides antibiotics. I agree w/ Bex about the probiotics. I will help w/ the tummy issues. GL!
  4. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Hope your boys are feeling better real soon!!!!

  5. twinsontheway09

    twinsontheway09 Active Member

    a natural way to help ear infections is breast milk, believe it or not! my friend goes to a natural doctor and her baby had pink eye last week, low and behold he told her to put a few drops of breast milk in her eye and what do you know the next day it was completely gone in both eyes.
  6. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    Ear infections will also heal on there own. If my kids are comfortable with ibuprofen I'll let infection run its course. If they are still miserable with the ibuprofen then I'll treat it.
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I hope they are better soon - that does sound like a lot of antibiotics! My mom gave me the same advice as the previous poster - ear infections will go away in babies if left untreated. So if they aren't too miserable and you don't want them on antibiotics you could just not give them.
  8. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Lavender essential oil can also be used on a mild ear infection.
    Put one drop on cotton ball and place the cotton ball in the outer ear (large enough not to go in!) before bed.
    I have heard of making ear drops with Lavender oil, but you should consult with a professional aromatherapist before using any essential oil internally.
  9. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i am not a fan of anti b's, either. however, i've had to give them twice to one of my ds' so i just did what i used to do w/my pet--give him protbiotics at the same time. this will help him w/the tummy issues. you can buy it at a health food store (it's kind of like liquid yogurt or kefir). some docs actually recommend it, although it's a bit modern for some.

    gl and i hope it all clears up soon! the ear infections are horrible:(.
  10. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(blssdw/twins @ Apr 13 2009, 08:13 AM) [snapback]1270503[/snapback]
    I am new to this forum, my babies just turned 1 March 27TH!!! my boys were sick with earinfections, vomiting, diahrrea... it was not fun. Now they are apparently not over the ear infection b/c they gave me cefzil (sp?) to give them which was mildest on their stomach given they had diahrrea but it did not kill the infection completely. so of course, they prescribed yet another round of antibiotics. They now have hives that occasionally pop up, they say it's b/c they are fighting the infection, also conjunctivitis. Is my only option antibiotics? I was trying the collidal silver which has worked beautifully for me in the past. any input?

    I use colloidal silver, a product called Sovereign Silver. I always have it on hand. The only time it didn't work as well as I had hoped was when most of us had strep throat. I didn't mess around and got us on antibiotics just a day or two after I started the silver. For ear infections, I add the drops to the ears as well as have them take it orally.
  11. ldwa

    ldwa Well-Known Member

    if it's viral there is no antibiotic in the world that will fix it, if it's bacterial, then you kind of need something to act against the bacteria or you could end up with damaged ear drums. I'm hesitant to do the antibiotics, too, but I'm just as hesitant to start putting things in my babies' ears when they haven't been tested or if don't know what other side effects might happen (with all due respect to the suggestions above-- I haven't tried them, so I don't know anything about them). if your dr will listen, ask them if there's a way to know whether it's bacterial or not- and if it is bacterial what the least harmful means of treatment is... if it's just viral and an ache, then go for the pain killers and treat the fevers if they get too high.

    and hey, if you want an interesting idea :) someone told my friend (her son is on anti-b#5 for his ear ache) to put urine in his ear. my husband, a dr who is very resistant to anti-b use, just rolled his eyes at that one.

    good luck, hope it resolves soon!
  12. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't know too much about alternatives to antibiotics but I just wanted to wish your babies well soon! And also Happy Birthday to them!
  13. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Consult a medical professional before you do any of this, but here are some natural remedies I have heard of. My son is just getting over a very long ear infection requiring 2 rounds of abx, and I didn't try any of these but I might next time. My son's eardrum burst last year (while he was on abx, mind you) and it was AWFUL.

    Heel brand makes a good ear infection treatment, homeopathic drops for the ear. Whole Foods carries them. I've used these myself and was impressed.

    Hydrogen peroxide - a couple of drops in the ear canal.

    Garlic & olive oil - Hold on outside of ear in a cloth.

    Onion - Warm and hold against the ear for a period of time.

    Many of these may not really be feasible with a little one, but I figured I'd throw them out there.

    If you google "onion & ear infection" or other key words, you will get a ton of info. :)
  14. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinboys07 @ Apr 13 2009, 04:42 PM) [snapback]1271286[/snapback]
    Garlic & olive oil - Hold on outside of ear in a cloth.

    I have heard that garlic oil works really well! GL.
  15. ldwa

    ldwa Well-Known Member

    I took my girls in for their 1yr appt today and discovered my little one has an ear infection (white, bulbous?) [no outward signs- other than being fussy- and what 1yr old isn't fussy?] and apparently the dr felt this kind in particular can be helped by abx, but there are a lot- she said- that really don't need it. Also, she said that if she has a pt who reaches their 3rd abx w/o success- she sends them to an ENT and she said about 5% make it out of it w/o tubes in their ears.

    I'm all for the homeopathic things that you know aren't going to hurt anything-- because what's the harm-- like holding an onion on your ear. good luck with accomplishing the task, but go for it :)

    so. I'm off to the store now to pick up our prescription. fun, fun, fun.
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