alright tooth fairies..speak up!

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by MichelleL, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I meant to have the stickers ready. And I meant to Google ideas about what to do when the tooth does fall out. But, really, why rush it when it's loose but not THAT loose yet. Who knew it could get THAT LOOSE just like THAT *snapping fingers*? :faint: My DH said at lunch today when she was talking it was moving. Ew, ew, ew! So I meant to stop for stickers on the way home (I decided to do stickers and a $5). And I forgot. So I drag overtired toothless and her sister not-feeling-so-well to the grocery store for bananas (and stickers...sshhh don't tell).

    Oh, and I should mention the tooth is in the hallway, not under her pillow. She didn't want the fairy waking her up. :rolleyes: :laughing:

    So now what? Take the note and tooth and leave the prezzies? Leave a note from her from the fairy? Sprinkle dust :)laughing: ETA: I mean FAIRY dust...ya know, glitter)? Whaddaya do? :search:
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Haha! I need to get some glitter dust soon! I was in the same boat. I knew I had two kids who had loose teeth, but they were barely wobbly. Then one evening, last Spring I felt it again on my son and it was literally hanging in there by a thread. It came out as soon as he got to school the next day. I had dh pick up 5 gold dollars. He refused to put it under his pillow so the tooth fairy left him a note of congratulations. The tooth fairy never even came for his 3rd tooth.. he had forgotten all about it. (Bad tooth fairy) I should do something VERY special for my girl. I would love to see her eyes light up with the glitter. (note to self: Buy glitter!) Wait.. I got glitter.. just got to get some more gold coins. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

    So, that is what I have done. SOOOO very exciting!

    Oh.. p.s. Audrey came home yesterday showing me that her tooth (first one) was VERY loose, so it's going to be SOON!
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  3. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We've lost one tooth here. He put it under his pillow and I just took the tooth and put three crispy one dollar bills under his pillow (which he got very excited about becausTF brough one for each of his siblings, too). Meghan did try to fake out the TF once with a folded white piece of paper. She was not happy to get a note from TF that said "You can't fool me!!"

    I might leave the stickers/money with a note where she left the tooth. Meghan's note was signed with a tooth.
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  4. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Mine each have a toothfairy pillow that they put their tooth in. DD2 and DS leave their pillows hanging on the doorknob so the toothfairy doesn't come in their bed. lol DD1 makes the the toothfairy climb up her bunk bed for her tooth. :rolleyes: DD1 started a trend of writing a note to the toothfairy asking if she could keep her tooth, so the tooth stays in the pillow with a $5 for the first tooth and $2 for any tooth after that. Abby actually lost her first tooth a month ago on her 6th birthdy and Gabe lost his yesterday (a month apart from Abby :)). Of course, Gabe comes out this morning and proclaims that the toothfairy left him $10. I told the girls that I peaked before I went to bed and saw a $5 and he's trying to trick them. Boys!
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  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I found a cute idea to make a tooth pouch on the Pinkalicious site. It was on my list of things to do last Monday. Oops. :blush:

    I will just leave her a note with lots of hearts on it. I have no glitter...but she does love hearts!! :wub:
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    We just do $1.50 for the first tooth, $1.00 for each tooth thereafter. No glitter, no presents etc. We have a little plastic treasure chest they got out of the dentist's box of prizes and they adopted that as a place to put their tooth. Abigail, passed it to Ryan and Ryan to AMelia. Kyle hasn't lost any teeth yet.
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  7. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Mine have a tooth pillow that gets hung on the door for anyone that needs it. They get $2 (gold coin) for the first tooth and $1 for those after. My kids are lucky to have a tooth fairy that remembers, much less anything fancy like glitter or notes. There have been several occasions when the tooth fairy must have been "super busy" because the tooth was still there in the morning.
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  8. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Our toothfairy is a book fairy. I've sewn little pillows with pockets on them for each child when their first tooth is about to fall out. Then the toothfairy brings a book. I love it because they'll read and get excited about books they'd probably never pick up on their own. My 11 year old lost a tooth last night and the lame toothfairy forgot to come. So she popped in in the middle of the day and brought 3 books... One of which we already had. Lame! Oh well. Here's a funny thing... My oldest figures out about Santa at 6. But still believed in the tooth fairy until she lost her last tooth at almost 12. She told me that recently and we both laughed. I just kept up with the books because it was fun and for the benefit of the younger siblings. It never occurred to me that she really believed.
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  9. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I blew all the magical people away for DD this year. She caught the tooth fairy red handed and I just took it as a sign it was time for the rest of them to go.
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  10. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    :rofl: Oh my gosh, I'm loving your stories!

    I wrote a note, left stickers, and $5. This is just for the first tooth, all the others will get $1. :good:

    She was SO excited when she saw everything. :wub: She showed me the money and said "now I can pay for Disney"! Absolutely adorable!! (Side note...they have no idea I've booked Disney. I told them we can go when we have the money to do it. ;) )
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  11. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    So when are you going ?? I thought you were going for Christmas !
  12. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    We were but...well...let's just say unexpected financial expenses got the best of us. <_<

    We're going 5/3-7. :D Fingers crossed!! :D
  13. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, life happens Michelle. :(

    We'll be there right around the same time ! May is an awesome time to go .. you have a much better chance of warmer weather and less crowded. I had friends who were there last December and FROZE the whole week. Not my kind of vacation .. even if it IS Disney !
  14. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Yes, life does happen. I'm okay with it now I guess. I was VERY bummed at first.

    I've heard May is beautiful. I'm so excited! We're totally not going to tell them and do the whole wake up and record them thing. I have an idea in my head of what I want to do. :yahoo:
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  15. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Thats great !! Although I wouldn't be able to do that with my guys ... it would be one of those Disney epic fail reveal videos. They aren't spontaneous people at all ! (and they love Disney). Be sure you record it !
  16. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Not so sure how mine will react :pardon: but I'm hoping it's good!
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