Alright ladies in the "home stretch"...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Danibell, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'll be honest, I get up, get a bite to eat, plop my butt on the couch and sit for most of the rest of the day!

    I have absolutely no energy.

    I don't sleep good (who does??), I ache when I get up (don't we all??), and have no motivation to do much of anything except eat, drink, pee!

    I do have 2 older kids to take care of so of course I cook for them, and change my 2.5 yr olds diapers (sure wish she'd potty train soon)....but other than that, I can't get close enough to the sink to do the dishes, I have serious rib pain that prevents me leaning over to load/unload the dishwasher, and I can't reach into the washing machine to empty it into the dryer!

    So other than basic necessities....that's about it!

    How's everyone else doing??

    Oh yeah, I'll be 34 wks on thursday! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  2. Kaelan

    Kaelan Well-Known Member

    i'm only 27 weeks along, and am already exhausted. i get tired scrambling eggs or taking a shower. 90% of my days are spent in bed cause i just dont have the energy to do anything. And i still have 9 weeks to go ( hopefully ).

    27W3D mono/di boys
  3. jaclynkoehl

    jaclynkoehl Well-Known Member

    I'll also be 34 weeks on Thursday and while I've been feeling tired for several weeks I've lost a TON of steam in the last week. I think I'm sleeping on average an extra 2 hours a day and resting on the couch much more. It's amazing how quickly the energy meter is shrinking. I didn't think I'd be feeling like this for another week or two. I stopped working at 32 weeks and have no idea how I could possibly handle the commute and a full work day at this point.

    In order to keep my self-esteem up a bit (I'm just one of those people that feel horribly guilty lounging) I have a list of goals for every day:

    1. Keep the kitchen clean (we'll be using more paper plates soon).
    2. Do 1 load of laundry each day (luckily I'm 5'9" so even with the expanded belly my arms are long enough to reach in the machines). Laundry is 2 flights of stairs away from bedrooms so I just leave the basket for DH to carry up.
    3. Complete 1 cleaning chore every day.
    4. Take care of 1 thing off of the running things that need to be done list.
    5. Walk around the block 1 time. Most of the time I don't feel like I want to do it but it seems to really help reduce the swelling (and I've had it bad).

    I've stopped cooking (can't stand on my feet enough for the prep and cooking) and have resorted to just heating food up or serving salads / sandwiches.

    Luckily, if I really don't feel up to finishing my list I have the option of taking it easy.

    I have to applaud all the moms that manage a twin pregnancy and taking care of their existing children...
  4. kbleek

    kbleek Member

    I am 35 weeks and feel the same way. I have no energy to do anything and never sleep (which makes everything worse!) I have a 2.5 year old son, so I don't have the option to sit around all day. I try to do some things with him in the morning, then take a break, but it is SO hard. I am so excited to have made it this far with no complications, but I am ready to be DONE!!!!

  5. kaylies mama

    kaylies mama Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Danibell @ Feb 3 2009, 10:45 AM) [snapback]1174450[/snapback]
    I'll be honest, I get up, get a bite to eat, plop my butt on the couch and sit for most of the rest of the day!

    I have absolutely no energy.

    I don't sleep good (who does??), I ache when I get up (don't we all??), and have no motivation to do much of anything except eat, drink, pee!

    I do have 2 older kids to take care of so of course I cook for them, and change my 2.5 yr olds diapers (sure wish she'd potty train soon)....but other than that, I can't get close enough to the sink to do the dishes, I have serious rib pain that prevents me leaning over to load/unload the dishwasher, and I can't reach into the washing machine to empty it into the dryer!

    So other than basic necessities....that's about it!

    How's everyone else doing??

    Oh yeah, I'll be 34 wks on thursday! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

    37 weeks today..I have absolutely NO energy also!! This all started at maybe 32-34 weeks or so..

    I can't sleep cause I have to pee like every hour!!! I have to constantly sit up from lying down to BURP! It's like I have bad indegestion or something. I have dinner at 6 and go to bed at about 930-10. And when I lay down I feel my food is going to come right up. Sorry TMI!! :p

    I have a 2.5 yr old too and she's always watching tv. I have no energy to play with her.

    My mom stays with us now and I'm so happy. She gets up when My DD gets up and makes her breakfast. I can sleep till 10 or 1030.

    Thank goodness I have her here. Or else nothing would be done. I just can't wait to get these girls out!!! I'm just waiting. No induction date. Dr. says no. But I have my appt on Thursday and I'm going to be a big baby during my appt.!!

    Hang in there ladies!
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :blush: is it bad I'm happy I'm not alone and a freak?! :laughing:

    I'm sorry others feel the same but boy am I glad I'm not the only slug! My kids are watching way too much tv, we eat off of paper plates as much as possible, and leftovers or take out are my best friends! :D
  7. boingerhead

    boingerhead Active Member

    I marked Thursday, 29 January 2009 as the last day I felt like a fully functional human being.

    I set little goals for myself. One task a day to get ready for babies. And sometimes I do them. And most of the time my dear Husband does.

  8. lilalyshia

    lilalyshia Well-Known Member

    Just today and yesterday i have started feeling like that, but i have a 3 year old im chasing after all day long too. Lately i have been feeling good then yesterday i just couldnt get enough sleep. Today i just woke up from a nap, i guess im lucky my son still takes them:) im only 26 weeks and 4 days!
  9. nicinthebu

    nicinthebu Well-Known Member

    Phew I feel so much better. I too dont sleep, have no motivation or energy. I have never been a "slacker" and it makes me feel terrible! I try to do one erind or chore a day- and really I have to b/c its just me at home . I feel bad b/c when my D/h gets home after being gone for 7 months the whole house is different / a mess. At least when he gets here - he can do what ever is left.

    I actually got on a step stool to change light bulbs yesterday. I know I should not have but darn it gets old living in the dark.

    Phew I feel so much better. I too dont sleep, have no motivation or energy. I have never been a "slacker" and it makes me feel terrible! I try to do one erind or chore a day- and really I have to b/c its just me at home . I feel bad b/c when my D/h gets home after being gone for 7 months the whole house is different / a mess. At least when he gets here - he can do what ever is left.

    I actually got on a step stool to change light bulbs yesterday. I know I should not have but darn it gets old living in the dark.
  10. dalidigger

    dalidigger Well-Known Member

    I am anticipating a slow down after 30 weeks, I am 24 right now so trying to pack in all my to dos and make SO more aware of how to use a spoon and stir what's in the crock pot.
  11. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I am 33 weeks today and most of the energy I had left me in my 31st week - even mentally. The nursery was just finished last weekend and I am trying to make a very simple set of curtains to cap it off. Anyway, a project that should take a couple of hours is taking over a week - I manage about 15 mins a day and then pass out. I sleep horrible at night because my hips and back and stomach aches, but I feel pretty good in those areas during the day. Of course, using the bathroom every 30 mins and practically living off easy things, like cereal and sandwiches.
  12. zanybebe

    zanybebe Well-Known Member

    I am actually feeling pretty good right now at 36 weeks. I usually get up in the morning and make breakfast, get my 7 y/o off on the bus with all his homework etc and then I try to take it easy again for an hour or so. I am still doing laundry (also 5'9" here and can reach pretty well, just hard to pull out of the dryer) and trying to keep the house picked up. My 3 y/o is amazingly good at entertaining himself. He is loving his smartcycle right now so at least I feel like he is getting some exercise and I don't feel so bad!!

    But, it seems like as soon as I lay down for the night I start cramping and cramping and cramping. Plus, my lower back on the right side hurts and my hips throb. I get up to pee and then sometimes I just can't fall back asleep for like an hour or so. That is frustrating. But, during the day I'm not doing too bad. I do have to take a nap with my 3 year old or else I am useless at night. My legs are swelling and I'm just feeling rundown mostly. My dh puts the kids to bed every night which is the best thing he could do for me! Plus, he does the nightly dishes almost every night after dinner.

    It won't be too much longer for most of us! I am scheduled for a c/s on Feb. 17th, so that's only two weeks away for me! Plus, my mom gets in to town on Saturday the 7th and I'm really excited to get some help. She will order me to take it easy like my dh tries to do (LOL) and I will probably do just that. I need to get some rest in before these babies make their appearance!
  13. Chanzie02

    Chanzie02 Member

    I am 32 weeks pregnant, and things have gotten progressivly tiring over the last couple weeks. I am finishing up my last week working, and when i get home i don't move from the couch or the bed. Standing up is an absolute chore. I am hoping this will change when i stop working and that i will have a little more energy to get things done and go on short outings. I really havn't had time to take care of alot of stuff i need because i have been working full time, so i am hoping i have enough energy to do it now.
    I can def see how i will prob fall in to the routine of laying in bed or on the couch for most of the day, that is where i feel great and i have the least amount of back pain.
  14. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    I am 28w today and happy that I am still mobile. I continue to work 4/12hr days a week. Thankfully, I am sitting with my feet up most of the day. I take one day out of my weekend to do nothing but sit in front of the TV. It sure helps that I do not have other children. I can still get in a walk on the treadmill 4 days a week, do laundry, dishes and keep the house going. I can still go shopping. Actually as I am writting this, I think there is nothing that I cannot do.

    Sleep all the way through the night is different story. I am combating the tiredness by keep moving. My hips feel good and my belly is getting bigger everyday.

    I am sure that it will hit me eventually....

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