Almost two/sleep help!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lillysmom, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    My boys are almost 2, 21 months, and I hope it's ok to post here to see if sleep regression is common around this age range. For the past month or two, their ability to go to sleep without us patting them or standing by the crib has stopped! I am leaning more and more to CIO because bedtime is taking up to 2 hours sometimes. I am exhausted and so is DH. Here is our routine-
    6:30-7pm: bath, milk, stories
    ~7:30pm: we lay them down at the same time in their cribs with pacifier and blanket

    Immediately, they stand up, throw everything out and cry. We started, last week, with leaving the room for 10 minutes and then going back in to console. This then leads to a repeat of the above with protesting. I am starting to think we should leave and not go in at all. But I am very weak and I hate to hear them scream for too long. This also happens in the middle of the night too with them crying out and then not wanting us to leave the room.

    I know they are tired at 7:30 so I don't want to move bedtime later. I was thinking of moving it up earlier thinking maybe they are overtired??

    This happens only at bedtime, not naps. I need a solution as it is getting worst, not better.
  2. kgar

    kgar Well-Known Member

    Your kids could just be going through a separation anxiety phase that will soon pass, but it could be that they are manipulating you. They're old enough to do that now. Unfortunately, I think CIO (I hated it, too) is the only thing that works at that age. Just tell them, firmly, that it's time to go nite-nite and that you will not come back into their room until morning. The bedtime you are using seems fine. That's when my girls go to bed, and they sleep through the night until 6 or 6:30 a.m. and take a 1.5- to 2-hour nap between noon and 2 everyday.
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I agree with the PPer. They have learned that if they yell, mom comes running and they get more attention. I always used a 20 min rule before going in. I know it seems long, but in 20 min, they will have either calmed down and are sleeping, or at least winding down enough that if they do need something, it doesn't restart the entire process by you coming in. It is also long enough that they realize that you won't come just because they call, prolonging bedtime.
  4. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    CIO is the only way and they are old enough that they know exactly what it takes. I used to take my shower then (so I couldn't hear them) since I'm weak too! Or go for a walk or to the garage to helped. Watch the clock because 20 minutes will seem like an hour. Also go in and don't talk to them or look them in the eye. Just lay them down and walk out within 30 seconds. That way they aren't really getting a pay off by having you go in there. GL!
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