Almost 34weeks...I don't know how much more I can take

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ca2pa2005, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. ca2pa2005

    ca2pa2005 Well-Known Member

    Let me apologize ahead of time, this is probably just me whining but I knew this group would understand....I will be 34 weeks this weekend and just don't know how much more I can take. Today I can hardly walk, more so than normal. Every time I stand I just get a tremendous amount of pain down between my legs. What is going on? I used to feel this way off and on prior to now my just attributed it to stretching and growing. Ist this any sign that they are getting ready? I just woke up miserable today. Even sleeping is becoming ever more uncomfortable. Every time I go to roll over and switch sides I get the same pain down between my legs. Are the babies getting in position? So far I have been have NST twice a week and have an appointment to see the OB this coming Monday. Now my feet seem to be swollen continuously but more so at night. I just don't know how I can make it a couple more weeks. Worst part is we have a holiday party to go to tomorrow night. I told dh I just wanted to stay home and he could go. He seemed okay with it until last night. He must have talked to one of his good friend's last night who made a comment about me not going. His wife went when she was pregnant (hello - she was like 3-4 months pregnant with one). So now my dh thinks it will look bad if I don't go. I could probably tough it out for like an hour or so, but knowing DH he will want to stay late. Ugh....I hope tomorrow is a better day.
  2. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    You have made it so far! I'm sorry things are getting so rough for you, I don't know what that means since I'm not there yet, but I posted a similar 'feeling miserable' post a week or so ago and everyone reassured me that it was normal and part of being a twin mom. It doesn't make it easier, but if you're hurting you really need to be taking it easy. I wouldn't even think of going to holiday party at this point, and definitely not at 34 weeks! Don't be hard on yourself, listen to your body, rest, rest, rest. Being pregnant with twins is hard!!! I hope you feel better, but just know that the end is in sight and you're doing the best you can for your babies!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you are that uncomfortable I would not go to the party, you wouldn't enjoy yourself feeling like that. I personally wouldn't care if it looked bad if I didn't go. You are 34 weeks pregnant with twins and that is a lot different than being pregnant with one child. So maybe if you don't go your DH can just tell everyone all the joys of pregnancy you are having right now. :D

    Hang in there! :hug99:
  4. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    hang in there! dont go to the party if your feeling bad; if u do go-plant yourself on a chair the whole time -people just dont understand its so different from one baby to more then 1!
  5. fishfood2

    fishfood2 Well-Known Member

    first of all, congratulations! 34 weeks and you are still upright. that's amazing. i'm sorry that you aren't feeling good. i agree that you should not go to the party. it's more important for you to take care of yourself and the babies than to go. i was in a similar situation last week for HD's office party and i skipped out. it's a small office so my absence was definitely noticed but you know what - i'm 11 weeks pregnant with twins, i'm beyond tired, not sleeping at night, caring for 2 young children during the day (and doing a bad job of it as of late) and i had to be out both the night before and the night after for things i could not get out of. plus, i look 6 months pregnant and not only is HD adamant that we not tell yet, he then wants to keep the twins part a secret. the point - it was noticed, HD made excuses and we moved on. my sister mentioned it today when i ran into her at school. i showed her my stomach and she stopped dead in her tracks and completely understood why i didn't go. btw - if you go and are miserable everyone is just going to talk about that so you might as well stay home and have them talk about you without you having to see it. feel good and rest as much as possible! good luck!

    MARYLANE Well-Known Member


    I hear you! I'm also almost 34 weeks and feel more and more miserable each day, especially at night. Laying down has become so painful! In my case it is the belly that hurts so much, as if my body just can't take the weight anymore. And it hurts in the pubic area as well when I try to lift myself up to switch side. Plus my legs feel achy and the hips are starting to hurt as well. I think it's normal, I don't know if it's a sign of the babies getting ready :unsure: . Any insight, more advanced mums?

    About the party, I wouldn't feel bad not to go. I did go to a party maybe 1 month ago, and was sitting all the time. It was fine, everybody was very nice, and very understanding, which was heart-warming. But like yours, DH always has a hard time saying good-bye, so when it was time to leave, he dragged it for another 30-40 min that felt to me like hours! So, if you do want to go, you have to make things clear with your DH that it's at the sole condition that you will leave as soon as you request it (or after an amount of time you decide in advance), and he won't not make you feel bad about it :)

    Hang in there, we're almost there!
  7. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. I would not go to the party. Don't worry if it looks bad, you need to take care of yourself and the babies.

  8. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Being pregnant with one baby is a cake walk compared to being pregnant with twins-that is one thing that no one else understands...with the exception of this group of course!
    I am sorry you are so uncomfortable, I have had many breakdowns where I just cry and my husband just sits there and looks at me so helpless. For the longest time I tried real hard not to let this pregnancy effect my daily life...I went on with things as normal and recently I was put on bedrest for preterm labor-I was forced to slow down-which I knew I needed to. Please dont worry what others will think of you if you are not at the party-stay home, watch a movie and get some rest! You deserve it!!!!
  9. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    This too shall pass mama!! I used to get horrible, horrible pain in the same place as you- when I sat down/got out of the car and especially when I turned over in bed! I still have it a little bit but nothing near what it did feel like a month ago, so hopefully it will ease up!!!
  10. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    Here's my two cents :p ... For the pelvic pain, try very hard to move both legs together (i.e. keep your knees together when you roll over etc.). It's awkward, I know, but much less painful. A support belt tight around your hips can help as well. You might even try physical therapy.

    As for the party... you could go into labor at any minute. Stay home. Tell your husband his friend is a clod for being so insensitive to you :D .

    Good Luck,
  11. pink and blue mom

    pink and blue mom Well-Known Member

    First off Congratulations on 34 weeks! It is a huge milestone so way to go. As for the pain, you just decribed me a few days before I had my 2. I felt just like that. Just hang in there, you are almost there! As for the party, if you don't feel up to it...don't go. You know your body and if you want to stay home then that's what you should do!
  12. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    You sound like me. I had mine at 33 w 4 days. I was getting to the point at that time where it was hard just to get up off the couch and get something to eat or to get up and pee. It will all be over soon and you will look at your babies and realize that it is worth it. You should stay home and not go to a party. I could not of imagined doing that at 34 weeks pregnant with twins. I know it took all I had just to get out of the house at that point. Take it easy.
  13. Jayn

    Jayn Well-Known Member

    So sorry you are getting so uncomfortable . . . I'm 3 weeks behind you and while I really hope to make it a few more weeks, I'm already trying to picture the physics of how my body is able to do this for much longer! I've been on bedrest but can't imagine doing much more than I am right now!! Twin pregnancies are definitely QUITE different than carrying one :) I can't imagine anyone questioning why you don't feel like going out right now!! I wouldn't worry too much about the ones that don't get it, If it were me, I'd send hubby to the party if he wants to go, put a big nightgown on, put my feet up, and find a good Christmas movie on tv!! Take care!
  14. jfclaytor

    jfclaytor Member

    I just turned 34 weeks a few days ago. I am not experiencing all the pain that you are except for hip pain and contractions. I am on bedrest though since I am 3 cm dialated. If I wasn't on bedrest and was experiencing your pain, I would not go to the party. I went to a charity ball at 32 weeks and did fine, but I really didn't have a ton of fun. It was a sit down dinner with dancing after. SO the sitting and eating was fine but after dinner, I was ready to leave. there was not many places to sit and everyone was standing up talking. I couldn't take the standing but it is no fun sitting in a corner by yourself. Carrying twins is so much different, especially when you are about to be 34 weeks. I have 2 other kids and a twin pregnancy is so much different. If you don't want to go to the party, don't go. The only reason I went to that ball is because I wanted to and I still had to leave early. Also, you could tell your husbabnd that you will go but when you are ready to leave you both have to leave.
  15. ca2pa2005

    ca2pa2005 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the support. I knew you ladies would understand. I just called dh and told him to bring him home dinner, there is no way I am making dinner tonight. I have a little more work to get finished and then it is off to the couch for the rest of the day/evening. We will have to talk about the part tonight/tomorrow. If I feel like I do today, there is no way I am going.
  16. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I hope you are feeling better and don't do anything that you are not comfortable with, if you do not feel up to going to the party, do not go. Take care of yourself.

    As for the pains down the legs and in the pubic area, it could be sciatica for the legs and one of the babies could be sitting on your cervix. I was told that Sophia (my baby A) is so far low that she is in my groin area and her butt is on my cervix and I was like, "well that's why that hurts so much!!!"
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