Allergy question- a quickie

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kaysyd, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    What are the allergy specialists called and are there pediatric vs. adult?? I am going to go ahead and get Kaysie in to get her an Epi jr pen.

    IF yours had a pen - did your pedi prescribe it or did they send you to a specialist??

  2. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    What are the allergy specialists called and are there pediatric vs. adult?? I am going to go ahead and get Kaysie in to get her an Epi jr pen.

    IF yours had a pen - did your pedi prescribe it or did they send you to a specialist??

  3. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    We see a specialist. (The nurse I spoke to at the pedi's office was no help. She totally downplayed the allergy and said "Well, just don't give him peanuts" You know, that would be great if it were that simple!) I don't know of any pediatric allergists in my area. I took Sam to a regular allergist, but they see tons of kids. If you are shopping around for someone, I'd look for a doctor who is very knowledgable about food allergies, or preferably peanuts specifically. The doctor we see has a walnut allergy so he knows first hand what it's like to be constantly dealing with the threat of anaphlaxis.

    Something else I just thought of.. Our doctor recommended avoiding all nuts for several years. Tree nuts and peanuts are not related, but people who have a peanut allergy tend to be allergic to nuts also. So you may want to avoid all nuts, at least until you have her tested.

  4. mac

    mac Well-Known Member

    My pedi's ofc recommended an allergist to me after both boys had an allergic reaction to peanut butter. There are actually 2 drs in the ofc and one happens to specialize in pediatric allergies. He was wonderful with the boys- we had two separate apts for each of them on 2 different days, which seems like a pain but in the long run really worked out b/c we got to focus on them as individuals rather than as "the twins". We had blood work done on them and found out they both rated a 4 out of 6 for a peanut allergy which the dr said was on the high side. The allergist was the one who ordered the epipens and came up with a medical plan to follow in case of ingestion/exposure. We follow up in six months which will acutally be coming up soon.

    Sorry to ramble, to answer your question, I'm sure your pedi could prescribe an epipen but you may be referred to an allergist anyway for further testing. Either way, good luck!
  5. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    When I talked to my pedi- shee seemed to think that benadryl alone would be fine- I have a differing opinion because it happened so quick and her eyes swelled shut and neck was very puffy - it wasn't just a rash (even though there were also a very distinct dark red rash all over her body). This is why I am branching out further and seeking more medical help since we don't know what other things- related to the peanut butter she could be allergic to.
  6. mac

    mac Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised that the dr said benedryl would be okay and didn't prescribe an epipen as every exposure could possibly get worse. I would definately consult an allergy specialist. You will feel more comfortable getting more information and having possible further testing done. Good luck and stick to your instincts.
  7. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    We got in to a specialist for the first week of march! They put us on a cancel list- but can't get us in any sooner than a week from today as her body as to be free of anti-histamine for 7 days. So, I hope this makes me feel more comfortable about the situation.
  8. mac

    mac Well-Known Member

    That is great! You will feel much better with more knowledge about the whole thing. In the meantime, avoid all nuts and nut oils- read the labels on everything. (You did say peanut butter reaction right?)Good Luck!!!
  9. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Aughhhhhh!!!! Ok, feel much better! Didn't exactly need one more thing to worry about- especially from the food perspective. My girls have enough eating issues right now- haven't been gaining weight, etc.
  10. mac

    mac Well-Known Member

    Sorry I didn't mean to upset you. Was the allergic reaction to peanut butter? Did both have a reaction or just one? Both mine did and that is what the drs had me do until the test results came back and what we are doing now too. Are you having a hard time getting them to eat a variey to foods or just eating in general? I really didn't mean to make you more upset or to worry you. [​IMG]
  11. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    OH Mary Ann- you didn't upset me at all!!! I just can't believe that we are now dealing with this! We are already doing OT, PT, and speech- then top this off and Kaysie has a subarachnoid cyst so it's keeping me hopping!

    Also- the specialist called back today and they want Kaysie in tomorrow!!! With her history,etc., they don't want us waiting any longer.
  12. mac

    mac Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you are going tomorrow. I think you will feel better when you find out more about the allergy and how to handle it now. Hang in there and Good luck tomorrow. Let me know how you make out.
  13. blessedw2

    blessedw2 Well-Known Member

    I am sorry but I seriously would think about finding a different ped...I know you dont need another thing to think about but to me it sounds very strange. Allergies especially peanuts is not something to play with! If you daughter had that quick of a reaction then I would highly recommend an epi pen. I am sorry but it really does scare me how your peds office is treating this. I would think about it. Please let us know how the appt goes....oh btw we see a ped allergist to answer your original question [​IMG]
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