Allergic Reaction to Pineapple

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by serranoboys, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Last weekend Braxton gummed at a couple of pineapple chunks that mysteriously ended up in his hands. Surely his mother wasn't dumb enough to give them to him so I'm really baffled by the fact that he managed to get them out of the fridge and into his mesh feeder :umm: He broke out in hives that day and we started him on Benadryl. I've been giving it to him since then and I feel like they should be gone by now. I called the doctor yesterday and he said that it's normal but everything I've read (why couldn't I read not to give it to him in the first place?!) says that if there are still hives after a week, to call the doctor. Tomorrow makes a week. He also has diarrhea and redness in his diaper area now! Does all this sound normal?
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Did you see any improvement with the Benadryl? If not, I'd bet you're seeing a virus rather than an allergy.
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Pineapple is a wierd thing, my aunt and MIL are allergic to fresh pineapple - canned is ok? but both have very bad reactions and with my aunt, the first one was hives, but she didn't think it was a reaction to the pineapple - the next time it was trouble breathing so be careful!

    I don't know about how long reactions last, I would make him an appt and take him on in.

    ETA: my girls are experts at somehow managing to get a hold of things like that too! they once put strawberries in their mesh feeders ?????, don't beat yourself up - you had no idea
  4. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I didn't know pineapple was's found it's way into our mesh feeders too! Whoops :)!

    I agree, Benadryl should help. Have you tried some OTC Benadryl cream on the hives? That always used to help me in my allergic reactions. I can't imagine he'd STILL have lingering hives from pineapple last weekend. And that poor hiney....keep lots of good goop on it & I'm sure it'll clear up soon!

    Poor Braxton :(!
  5. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I have one baby who reacts to everything!!! So don't feel bad I can't tell you how many times I have given them things that I never thought they would react to and next thing I know they have big red patches all over their face. Jack will get hives all over his chest and back and they seem to spread for a few days and then start to go away. It would seem strange that he would still have diareha from last weekend but use triple paste for his diaper rash that stuff works wonders(smear it on really thick). If it doesn't start to clear up by tomorrow I would just go ahead and call. :) Good luck I'm sure it will clear up soon.
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