All the Sudden Nightly Wakenings & Use to STTN!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nadana77, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I hope it's not too early to be posting this question here but, I really need some help!
    For the past week DS who use to sleep through the night with NO problems has started waking anywhere between 2-4 am and crying/screaming for a few seconds on and off for no reason! It can last up to 30-45 It's like he is sound asleep doing it. So, could it be a bad dream or just another phase that I pray will pass?

    Thanks for any help!
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    It looks like mine our about the same age as yours. We just went through it with DD. I thought at first it was bad dreams. She would wake up almost in a panic. Then we figured out that she was grinding her teeth. We never completely figured out which it was. I thought possibly 2 year molars, too. It lasted for about a week and now she is back on track. Good Luck! Hopefully yours gets back to sleeping soon!!
  3. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your reply!
    It went on again this morning started at 4 am and lasted until I went in there and put his blanket back in the bed. I'm hoping it's just a phase that will pass because he was such a good sleeper usually 7pm-7am!
  4. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    Same thing here Nadana! Logan starts at about 2 or 3am and just screams. Then I go in give him a hug and he gets settled down and back to sleep! Then keeps getting up 2-4 more times!! I really got use to STTN! :(
  5. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    UGH, we are right there with you! My DS2 has been doing this, denies any pain, wants some milk, has 2 sips and asks to go back to bed. Then 5-10 minutes repeat, for 2-3 hours. I am hoping it ends very very very soon!!!
  6. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    When our DD started doing this, I eventually took her to the doctors and described what was happening. Without even checking he immedidately prescribed her something against worms saying they're very very common. I was sure she didn't have them, but once we treated her and the family she did stop waking and crying out. So maybe it's something to check out.

    Stop reading here for the screamish.

    Evidently they emerge from the anus at night in order to lay their eggs on the surrounding skin. This is the bit that's really uncomfortable. You may be able to check in the night with a torch, but they're very hard to see (and to be honest I didn't look too hard!).
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would have never thought of that in a MILLION years. I suppose if you have a pet around or live near wildlife that could have it.

    I do think that dreams etc. start around this time and it's a phase that will go away and come back and go away.....Just when you get really good and used to sleeping all night, they'll start again. They also grow at night. Some kids will have growing pains as well and even night terrors! :hug:
  8. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    These ones aren't to do with animals at all, they're just endemic to humans and very very common. Most people don't know they have them. The kids can pick them up from bedding at daycare, or under the fingernails of other children:

    See the rest of that siteor just google pinworms or thread worms for more details.

    I was surprised as I didn't think she'd cry if she was just itchy or uncomfortable, but given that she was wearing nappies and a sleepsack, she probably couldn't show us she was itching any other way.
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Interesting Lisa! I had NO idea!
  10. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Oh wow, worms? Interesting.

    The night wakings happened around here too, and it was just a passing phase. My girls seem to go through sleep disturbances about every 3 months.
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