all of a sudden having huge problems with going to sleep

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LB, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    Up until recently the twins have been pretty easy to put to bed....bath, read books, give them their binkies, cover them up, sing them a song or two and they fall asleep....have not changed the routine but now each of them starts screaming for water, a binky b/c it fell on the floor, to be covered up again b/c they moved or for what seems to be no reason at all!!! I have tried letting them go but then they wake up their 7 mo old brother in the next room.What is going on???? I am hoping to have the Easter bunny come early (*this weekend) and take their binkies and leave them a basket full of presents (we've been talking about it) but I have a feeling this weekend is going to be MISERABLE...It just seems like they'll replace the binkies with something else to be crying over before falling asleep anyway since they are doing that now...I have NO idea what is going on????
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    That was around the age ours started the Eternal Bedtime Dawdling too. Sorry to say, it hasn't gotten much better and they're almost 3.5. At some point they learn that they can postpone bedtime, and prolong interaction with you, by asking for things and negotiating (and if necessary having a complete meltdown). They also develop this obsessive need for order and predictability, which means you can never deviate from the routine. And if you do something one time (like arranging their covers over them just so), it becomes part of the ritual and you must do it every time.

    My advice is to start thinking about exactly what you will do and what you won't, and explaining it to them before bedtime. Sometime during the day you can say "Last night I came in and gave you your binkie back three times, but tonight I will only do it once." Then remind them of this at bedtime. They'll still cry, and it will be a huge pain to come up with and enforce these rules for every conceivable situation, but the alternative is that you're at their beck and call for an hour after bedtime. (And sometimes that will still happen -- it doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong, just that they happen to be winning the battle that week!)

    Sorry to be discouraging -- this is one of my greatest frustrations about the preschool age! The one good thing is, you get used to it.
  3. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    ^I couldn't agree more with Alden. We had a similar thing happen around that age and to be honest we still have nights like that :D and mine are 4!!
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Yes, we are still having the bedtime dawdling here as well. I do notice, though, if I either skip their nap or wake them earlier, bedtime is easier. But, if they get too tired it's nothing but crying. Finding that perfect middle ground takes practice, but usually I can do it. But, yes, the routine, and ignoring the other "needs" is what usually will us through these moments.

    I hope you figure it out soon, it's such a total annoyance :hug: It's a darn good thing they are so precious when they are sleeping :wub: to make up for the irritating bedtimes!
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