Airport Trip - suggestions needed

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinkler, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I have to go an pick up my 11 year old from the airport on Thursday, by myself! (Also my first trip with the girls by myself!)...

    I'm not sure how to manage the airport security with the double stroller (side by side) - I had a look online at the airports website and it says that infants have to be carried through by the parent and the stroller put through the scanner - ... how am I going to manage, I just don't know...

    I don't have anyone to go with me - any suggestions or advice if you've been through this yourself?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Slowly! Seriously, be organized, take out the diaper bag and but them up on the belt one at a time and then grab the babies out and I would bet that someone would help get the stroller up. Good luck!
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hmm....maybe a weird question...but you have to go through security to pick up someone? I've picked up family coming in from Italy in Boston and we've never had to deal with security, nor have we at Bradley Airport in Windsor Locks, CT.

    If you do, what about a Baby Bjorn(or any carrier) and a single stroller? If not, and you only have a double stroller, I am sure someone will help you. Good luck!
  4. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    If Aliah is flying as an unaccompanied minor you may have to go through security to pick her up as far as I remember.

    I agree about using a baby carrier or a wrap if possible for one baby. Otherwise I am sure someone will help with folding the stroller and putting it on the belt and unfolding it in the end.

    Where I live often airport staff will direct families with several children to a special lane where there is extra help and less of a rush. Maybe you can call the airport and ask if there is any kind of special security line for people who need assistance?

  5. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Hi Friederike - yes Aliah is flying as an UNMIN and at the domestic airport in Sydney, you have to go to the check in gate to pick her up.

    I will take the Baby Bjorn carrier just in case as well, although it says on their website that you can't take them in that through the security. And also that there is a special lane for assistance.

    I haven't called the airport yet as I'm not sure whether they will answer security questions over the telephone (I thought they might think I'm sussing out the joint or something lol!) - I will tomorrow though.

    Thanks for the suggestions!
  6. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    In the US, you cannnot take a baby through in a carrier of any kind - the baby must be in arms. I would suggest you get there early and take it slowly. If all else fails, give the pitiful mom face. I have found that strangers (especially grandmas) are super helpful in the airport. If you can, leave all liquids in the car since I have found airport staff vary widely in how kind/understanding/knowledgeable they are about the exceptions for infants and breastmilk/baby formula. I would see if they can let you go through the VIP or handicapped line - you might even be able to get the stroller wanded instead of run through the machine.

    Good luck!
  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    In the US there is a special lane for assistance. And I also noticed that in the US all the security gaurds are a lot nicer now that these security meassures are not new. The special line was for families with small children, people with phsycial handicaps or people with special bags needing special checking (I saw seniors with large amounts of medication and a professional photographer with a lot of equipment.) That line was much shorter and people were willing to help me get through with just my single stroller. I'm sure with a couple of adorable twinfants they will be fighting with each other to help you!
    Certainly leave yourself plenty of time to get there, but also think about not going to the gate too early so that you don't have to take as much baby stuff through security with you.
  8. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I just called the airport and they were really very helpful - why didn't I do it before !lol...

    They have given me the name of the supervisor who will be on duty tomorrow in case I get overwhelmed, have organised two baby mats to be there for me to place them on while I get myself organised and are generally ready for me to be there at midday (25 minutes before flight arrives). They've also said they will do a visual inspection of the double stroller as I think it will be too big for the x-ray machine.

    Thank you for all the helpful advice, I'm feeling a little bit less overwhelmed now. Will let you know how I go ...
  9. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Great! Leave the kids in thr stroller and put all your stuff on the belt, take your shoes off (if required) etc. At the very end, remove both babies from the stroller, hold them both at the same time "mashed" together in front of your, have security take your stroller for hand wanding while you go through the metal detector. On other side, place babies back into stroller, then gather your stuff and off you go.
  10. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Mission accomplished! Went really really smoothly. The supervisor was waiting for me when I got there - amidst all the oohs and aahs from nearby passengers and staff LOL!, he helped me pack the stuff into the trays, helped me lift the babies, got someone to whisk the stroller through and get it "wanded" at the other side, put the babies back in and then off I went.

    Aliah's flight arrived just as I got there, her bag was first off the carousel - it went really smoothly until I arrived at the pay station and realised that the parking ticket I had placed in my back pocket (for easy reach) had fallen out and so ended up costing me $52 (lost ticket fee) for one hour of parking.

    But it all went so smoothly - thank you all for your support and advice....
  11. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    I love reading that people were supportive of a new mom and helpful! And your airport sounds really well organized, although the lost ticket fee sucks. Congratulations on a good first trip alone with the babies.
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